مسرد بيئي W
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المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج إضافات وترجمة
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- W&T USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan.
- W/O Water-in-oil emulsion.
- WAC Weak-acid cation exchanger.
- WAC® Polyaluminum chloride .occulant by Water Treatment Solutions division of Elf Atochem North America, Inc.
- wadi A dry stream or river bed which carries .ash .ood water.
- Wagner Sand .lter underdrains by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
- Walhalla Process Sulfate and heavy metals precipitation and removal process by Graver Co.
- walking beam .occulator A mechanical .occulation device whose mixing paddles are attached to a horizontal beam that rocks back and forth to produce a reciprocating motion.
- Wallace & Tiernan Former name of USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan.
- walnut shell .lter A .ltration device that uses ground walnut shells as granular .lter media to remove hydrocarbons and other suspended solids from water.
- WAO See “wet air oxidation (WAO).”
- warp The vertical wire in woven wire mesh.
- WAS See “waste activated sludge (WAS).”
- Wash Press Screenings washer/press by Lakeside Equipment Corp.
- Washpactor Sewage screenings washing and compacting unit by Waste-Tech, Inc.
- wash-water trough The trough located above .lter media used to sluice away backwash water.
- waste-activated sludge (WAS) Excess activated sludge discharged from an activated sludge treatment process.
- waste characterization Identi.cation of chemical and microbiological constituents of a waste material.
- waste feed The continuous or intermittent .ow of wastes into an incinerator.
- waste heat evaporator An evaporator that uses the heat of a gas turbine, diesel engine jacket water, or exhaust gas.
- waste load allocation The maximum load of pollutants each waste discharger is allowed to release into a particular waterway.
- Waste Management, Inc. Former name of WMX Technologies, Inc.
- waste minimization Pollution control plan that includes both pollution source
- reduction and environmentally sound recycling.
- waste oil emulsion A thick, viscous waste that results from a water-in-oil emulsion.
- waste oils Lubricating oils that have completed their intended use cycle and must be treated and reused or receive proper disposal.
- waste reduction Using source reduction, recycling, or composting to prevent or reduce waste generation.
- waste stabilization pond A pond receiving raw or partially treated wastewater in which stabilization occurs.
- Wastebuster II™ Biological wastewater treatment plant by HRI-Biotek.
- Wastemaster™ Wastewater headworks treatment unit by WesTech Engineering
- Inc.
- Wastewarrior Ultra.ltration wastewater treatment system by Hyde Marine, Inc.
- wastewater Liquid or waterborne wastes polluted or fouled from household, commercial, or industrial operations, along with any surface water, stormwater, or groundwater in.ltration.
- water A colorless, transparent liquid essential for all life which freezes as ice at 0°C (32°F) and vaporizes forming steam at 100°C (212°F). Water occurs naturally on earth as rivers, lakes, and oceans, and falls from the clouds as rain. Water’s chemical formula is H2O and it is a nonsymmetrically formed molecule of two hydrogen atoms which form an angle of 104.5 degrees with the oxygen atom lying between them.
- water banking The process of storing excess water as groundwater during wet
- years for later extraction and use during dry cycles.
- Water Blaze Wastewater evaporator by Landa, Inc.
- Water Boy® Package water treatment plant by USFilter/Micro.oc.
- Water Buffalo™ Reverse osmosis unit by Mechanical Equipment Co., Inc.
- Water Champ Chemical induction unit by USFilter/Stranco.
- water closet (WC) A common term for “toilet.”
- water demand The water requirments for a particular purpose.
- water dilution volume (WDV) The volume of water required to dilute radioactive waste to a concentration that meets drinking water standards.
- Water Eater Wastewater evaporator by Equipment Manufacturing Corp.
- water effect ratio (WER) A test procedure that determines the capacity of site water to mitigate metal toxicity by comparing the toxic endpoint of site water to the toxic endpoint of laboratory water.
- Water Factory 21 An Orange County, California treatment plant designed to produce high quality water from municipal wastewater for injection into aquifers, creating a coastal barrier and preventing sea water intrusion of underground water supplies.
- water for injection (WFI) Water puri.ed to USP standards by distillation, ion exchange, or other suitable process, containing no additives, and intended for use as a solvent for preparation of parenteral solutions.
- Water Free™ Grit and screenings gate by Tetra Process Technologies.
- water hammer Condition that may cause damage or rupture to a piping system resulting from a rapid increase in pressure that occurs in a closed piping system when the liquid velocity is suddenly changed.
- water hyacinth See “hyacinth.”
- Water Maze® Wastewater clari.er by Landa, Inc.
- water meter A device installed in a pipe that measures and registers the quantity of water passing through it.
- water pollution The presence in water of enough harmful or objectionable material to damage the water’s quality.
- Water Pollution Control Corp. Former name of Sanitaire Corp.
- water purveyor An agency or person that supplies water.
- water reclamation The restoration of wastewater to a state that will allow its bene.cial reuse.
- water recycling Reclamation of ef.uent generated by a given user for on-site reuse by the same user.
- water reuse The bene.cial use of reclaimed water for purposes such as irrigation, cooling, or washing.
- water scarce The condition existing in a country with annual, internal renewable freshwater resources of less than 1000 cubic meters per capita per year.
- water splitting An electrically driven membrane process that separates ionic species in solution through the use of a bipolar membrane that dissociates water into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. Also referred to as “bipolar membrane electrodialysis.”
- water stress The condition existing in a country with total freshwater resources of 1000 to 1600 cubic meters per capita per year with major problems in drought years.
- water supplier One who owns or operates a public water system.
- water supply system The collection, treatment, storage, and distribution of potable water from source to consumer.
- water table The upper limit of the portion of the ground saturated with water.
- Water Tech Former equipment manufacturer acquired by Roberts Filter Group.
- Water Tiger™ Rotary and static .ne screens by Komline-Sanderson Engineering
- Corp. water vapor The gaseous form of water. water-based disease A disease caused by hosts that either live in water or require
- water for part of their lifecycle, and are passed to humans when they are
- ingested or come in contact with the skin. Waterbetter® Filter cartridges by Harmsco Filtration Products. waterborne Of, or related to, something that can be carried by water. waterborne disease A disease transmitted through a drinking water supply. waterbox The chamber at the inlet end of a condenser tubesheet. water.ood A method of secondary oil recovery in which water is injected into an
- oil reservoir to force additional oil out of the formation into a producing well. WaterKare Dissolved air .otation product line by Kemco Systems, Inc. Waterloo System Groundwater sampling and monitoring system by Solinst Canada
- Ltd. watermaker A common term for a packaged, vapor compression thermal desali
- nation unit. watershed The land areas that drain into a surface waterbody. watershed approach A coordinated framework for environmental management
- that addresses the highest priority problems within hydrologically de.ned
- geographic areas, taking into consideration both ground and surface water .ow. water-soluble The description of a material that dissolves in water. WaterSweet™ Granular media used for removal of hydrogen sul.de from drinking
- water by SultaTreat Co. watertube boiler Boiler in which the .ame and hot combustion gases .ow across the outside of the tubes and water is circulated within the tubes. water-washed disease A disease that results from inadequate sanitation or contact
- with contaminated water and can be prevented by washing with clean water. Waterweb® Mesh used in air scrubbers by Misonix, Inc. waterwheel A wheel driven by water .owing into buckets or falling on vanes on
- the periphery of the wheel. waterworks The system of reservoirs, treatment, and pumping by which a water
- supply is obtained and distributed to a community. Waukesha Pump Former name of Watson Marlow, Inc. Wave Oxidation® Fluctuating aerobic and anaerobic biological wastewater treat
- ment system by Parkson Corp. WaveOx® Wastewater treatment process for biological nutrient removal by Parkson
- Corp. WBA Weak-base anion exchanger. WC See “water closet (WC).” WDV See “water dilution volume (WDV).” weak acid A poorly ionized acid that dissociates very little and produces few
- hydrogen ions in aqueous solution. weak acid cation exchanger Cation exchange products with functional groups incapable of splitting neutral salts to form corresponding free acids.
- weak base anion exchanger Anion exchange products with functional groups incapable of splitting neutral salts to form corresponding free bases.
- Wedge-Flow™ Wedge wire .ltration products by LEEM Filtration Products, Inc.
- WedgePress Belt .lter press by the former Gray Engineering Co.
- Wedgewater Filter Bed™ Gravity sludge dewatering .lter bed by Gravity Flow Systems, Inc.
- Wedgewater Sieve Static bar screen by Gravity Flow Systems, Inc.
- wedgewire General term to describe trapezoidal or v-shaped wire.
- WEF Water Environment Federation.
- weft The horizontal wire in woven wire mesh, also called the “shute” wire.
- weighted composite sample A composite sample where the sample amounts are based on .ow rates at the time of collection, i.e., the higher the .ow, the larger the portion of sample taken at that time.
- weir A baf.e over which water .ows.
- weir loading The rate of .ow out of a basin stated in terms of the volume of liquid passing over a stated length of weir per unit of time.
- weir over.ow rate A measurement of the volume of water .owing over each unit length of weir per day.
- Weiss In-vessel composting system by USFilter/Davis Process.
- well A bored, drilled, or driven shaft or hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension.
- well monitoring Measurement by on-site instruments or laboratory methods of the quality of water in a well.
- well plug A watertight and gastight seal installed in a bore hole or well to prevent movement of .uids.
- well screen A slotted or perforated well casing that allows passage of water while preventing solids from entering the well.
- well water Water from a hole bored, drilled, or otherwise constructed in the ground to tap an aquifer.
- Well Wizard® Groundwater monitor and sampling device by QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
- Welles Products Equipment product line acquired by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- wellhead protection area A protected surface and subsurface zone surrounding a well or well.eld supplying a public water system to keep contaminants from reaching the well water.
- Wemco® Product line of Baker Hughes Process Systems.
- Wemco Pump Product line of Envirotech Pumpsystems.
- WER See “water effect ratio (WER).”
- WESP See “wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP).”
- Westates Carbon Carbon products and services by USFilter/Westates.
- Westchar™ Activated carbon by Osmonics, Inc.
- Westchlor® Polyaluminum coagulants by Westwood Chemical Corp.
- Western Filter Company Former manufacturer acquired by Osmonics, Inc.
- WestRO™ Reverse osmosis and membrane products by Osmonics, Inc.
- WET See “whole ef.uent toxicity (WET).”
- WET® Product line of Waterlink Inc.
- wet air oxidation (WAO) Process where sludge and compressed air are pumped into a pressurized reactor and heated to oxidize the volatile solids without vaporizing the liquid.
- wet bulb temperature The temperature reading taken from a thermometer with a wetted wick surrounding its bulb.
- wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) An electrostatic precipitator whose collecting electrodes are rinsed with water to remove particulates.
- wet scrubber An air pollution control device used to remove particulates and fumes from air by entraining the pollutants in a water spray.
- wet steam Steam containing water droplets.
- wet weather .ow The .ow in a combined sewer during snowmelt and rain events.
- wet well A chamber in which water or wastewater is collected and to which the suction of a pump is connected.
- Wetec™ Wet aeration installation system by Aeration Technologies, Inc.
- wetlands Surface areas including swamps, marshes, and bogs which are inundated or saturated by groundwater frequently enough to support a prevalence of vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
- wetlands treatment A wastewater treatment system using the aquatic root system of cattails, reeds, and similar plants to treat wastewater applied either above or below the soil surface.
- wetness index The precipitation for a given year expressed as a ratio of the mean annual precipitation.
- wetted perimeter The length of wetted contact area between a stream of .owing water and the channel that contains it.
- WFI See “water for injection (WFI).”
- Wheeler Sand .lter underdrain by Roberts Filter Group.
- Whirl-Flo® Solids handling vortex pump by ITT A-C Pump.
- Whirl-Wet-AG Airborne dust collector by Tri-Mer Corp.
- Whispair® Rotary blower and gas pump product line by Dresser Industries/Roots Division.
- white goods Large household appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, or washing machines which are discarded as wastes.
- white water Filtrate from a paper- or board-forming machine, usually recycled for density control.
- Whitewater Dissolved air .otation system by Water Resources Group, Inc.
- WhiteWater™ Low pro.le air strippers by QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
- WHM® Bulk chemical handling products by USFilter/Zimpro.
- WHO World Health Organization.
- whole ef.uent toxicity (WET) The aggregate toxic effect of an ef.uent measured directly by a toxicity test.
- WHPP Wellhead protection program.
- Wiese-Flo® Self-cleaning .lter screen by USFilter/Headworks Products.
- wildlife refuge An area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and .shing are either prohibited or strictly controlled.
- Willett Pump Electro/hydraulic ram pump by USFilter/Dewatering Systems.
- William Green Former screening equipment manufacturer acquired by Brackett Geiger.
- Willowtech® Sludge mixer/blender by Ashbrook Corp.
- windage emission Emission of vapors resulting from wind blowing through a free-vented tank and educting some of the saturated vapors.
- windbreak A row of trees planted on level land as protection against winds and erosion.
- Windjammer™ Brush aerator by United Industries, Inc.
- windrow composting A composting method where municipal wastewater solids are arranged in long triangular-shaped piles, called windrows, which are mechanically turned and remixed periodically.
- Windrow-Mate Compost odor control system by NuTech Environmental Corp.
- Winklepress® Belt .lter press by Ashbrook Corp. (U.S.), and Gebr. Bellmer GmbH (Europe).
- Winkler titration A standard iodometric titration method of determining the dissolved oxygen level of a water or wastewater.
- wire-to-wire ef.ciency The ef.ciency of a pump and motor together.
- witching See “dowsing.”
- WLM See “working level month (WLM).”
- work A force acting over a distance measured in joules or foot-pounds.
- work exchanger A mechanical energy recovery device where the energy of one .uid stream is transferred to another .uid.
- working level month (WLM) A unit of measure used to determine cumulative exposure to radon.
- working load An allowable recommended tensile load for chains used on conveyors, screens, or other applications of low relative speeds.
- worm A shank having at least one complete thread around the pitch surface.
- worm gear A gear with teeth cut on an angle to be driven by a worm; used to connect nonparallel, nonintersecting shafts.
- WPCF Water Pollution Control Federation. Former name of “Water Environment Federation (WEF).”
- WPCP Water pollution control plant.
- WQA Water Quality Act of 1987.
- WQS Water Quality Standard.
- WRDA Water Resources Development Act.
- WRI World Resources Institute.
- Wring-Dry Internally fed rotary .ne screen by Schlueter Co.
- WSA™ Former name of BG-WSA, Inc.
- WSF Water soluble fraction.
- WSRA Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
- WSTA Water Science and Technology Association.
- WSTB Water Sciences and Technology Board.
- WTP Water treatment plant.
- WTS Former name of product group integrated into USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems.
- WW Wastewater.
- WWEMA Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association.
- WWF World Wildlife Fund.
- WWTF Wastewater treatment facility.
- WWTP Wastewater treatment plant.
- Wyss® Fine bubble diffuser by Parkson Corp
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