انقر على الصورة لتطلع على بعض المساهمين في بناء الموسوعة

مسرد بيئي X

من موسوعة العلوم العربية
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج إلى ترجمة وإضافات

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • X-20™ Thin .lm composite reverse osmosis membrane by TriSep Corp.
  • XCELL™ Cell-less .lter by USFilter/Davco.
  • xenobiotic A description for any chemical compound that is foreign, and usually harmful, to the body of a living organism or biosystem.
  • Xentra Continuous emissions analyzer by Servomex Co.
  • xeric An organism that requires very little moisture to sustain life.
  • xeriscape A landscape design used in arid climates that utilizes native and drought-tolerant plants in conjunction with water conservation techniques.
  • X-Flo™ Cross.ow-type plastic trickling .lter media by the former American Surfpac Corp.
  • XLP™ Rotary positive blower by Dresser Industries/Roots Division.
  • XL-Plus® Solid bowl centrifuge by Baker Process.
  • XOtherm™ Spray cooling system by Environmental Dynamics Inc.
  • XP See “explosion proof (XP).”
  • X-Pruf™ Explosion proof portable submersible pump by Crane Pumps & Systems.
  • xQy A design stream .ow condition that describes the lowest .ow that will occur for (x) consecutive days not more than once every (y) years. See also “7Q10.”
  • XR-5® Containment geomembrane lining by Seaman Corp.
  • X-ray .uorescence A technique used in the analysis of water-formed deposits and heavy metals or corrosion products in water.
  • Xtractor™ Sludge removal process by USFilter/Davco.
  • xylene The common name for dimethylbenzene, a volatile organic compound used as a solvent and insecticide. Chemical formula is C6H4(CH3)2

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