مسرد بيئي F
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل ويحتاج لترجمة وإضافة بنود
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- F See “Fahrenheit (F).”
- F wastes A class of hazardous wastes categorized from nonspeci.c sources as established by the EPA and identi.ed in 40 CFR 261.31.
- F.E.M.S.® Relational database fugitive emissions management system by Enviro-Metrics.
- F/M See “food-to-microorganism ratio (F/M or F:M).”
- fabric .lter A cloth device that catches dust particles from industrial emissions.
- FAC See “free available chlorine (FAC).”
- face velocity The linear velocity of air through a .lter.
- facultative bacteria Microbes with the ability to survive with or without the presence of oxygen.
- facultative lagoon A lagoon or pond in which stabilization of wastewater occurs as a result of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria.
- facultative ponds See “facultative lagoon.”
- Fahrenheit (F) A temperature scale on which water’s freezing point is 32° and boiling point is 212°.
- Fair.eld In-vessel composting system by Fair.eld Service Co.
- falaj System of surface or subsurface channeling of water fed by wells or springs to provide a community water supply (Arabic).
- Falco Catalytic oxidizer by Falmouth Products.
- fall A sudden change in the water surface elevation.
- falling .lm evaporator An evaporator with vertical heat transfer surfaces where liquor falling down the surfaces is heated by steam condensing on the other side of the surface.
- fallout Radioactive debris that settles to earth after a nuclear explosion.
- Fallova™ Sewage shredder by ZMI/Portec Chemical Processing.
- false positive An erroneous test result indicating that something has a certain property when that property is not present.
- famine An acute food shortage in an area that leads to malnutrition and starvation.
- Fan/Separator® Fume scrubber by Tri-Mer Corp.
- FAO Food and Agriculture Organization.
- Faraday’s Law A law stating that the amount of chemical change in an electrolysis process is proportional to the electrical charge passed.
- Farm Gas Former equipment manufacturer now part of Rosewater Engineering Ltd.
- Fas.o Floating oil skimmer by Vikoma International Ltd.
- FAST® Fixed activated sludge wastewater treatment plant by Scienco/FAST Systems.
- Fast Flow® Rotary strainer by Alar Engineering Corp.
- Fastek™ Thin layer composite reverse osmosis membrane by Osmonics.
- fathom A marine unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.8 m).
- fats Triglyceride esters of fatty acids that are usually solid at room temperature.
- fatty acid Any of a class of lipids consisting of organic acids having the general formula R.COOH.
- fauna The animal life of an area or region.
- Favair® Dissolved air .otation product by USFilter/Warren.
- FB® Sodium percarbonate by Solvay America.
- FBC Fluidized bed combustion.
- FBR Fluid bed reactor.
- FBS Fine bar screen by Waste-Tech, Inc.
- FBX Fixed bed reactor.
- FC See “fecal coliform (FC).”
- FC/FS Ratio of fecal coliform to fecal streptococci that indicates if wastewater contamination results from animal or human wastes.
- FDA Food and Drug Administration.
- FE Fugitive emissions.
- Fe3® Liquid ferric sulfate by FE3, Inc.
- fecal Relating to feces.
- fecal coliform (FC) Coliforms present in the feces of warm-blooded animals, and considered indicators of fecal contamination of water.
- Fecascrew Screenings screw press by Hydropress Wallender & Co., AB.
- Fecawash Screenings washing and conveying unit by Hydropress Wallender & Co., AB.
- feces The excrement of humans and animals.
- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodentcide Act (FIFRA) 1972 federal law requiring toxicity testing and registration of pesticides.
- Federal Register U.S. government daily publication detailing federal business including proposed and .nal rules and laws.
- Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) The U.S. water control legislation of 1972 amended by the Clean Water Act of 1977.
- feedlot wastes Solid and liquid wastes from a facility where cattle or other animals are grown for market.
- Feedpac Coagulant feed system by Nalco Chemical Co.
- feedwater heater Heat exchangers in which boiler feedwater is preheated by steam extracted from a turbine.
- feedwell A circular, partitioned section within a clari.er or thickener that receives the feedwater and uniformly distributes it to the basin for sedimentation.
- FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- fen A wetland covered by shallow, stagnant, and usually alkaline water originating from groundwater sources.
- fence-line concentration Modeled or measured concentrations of air pollutants found at the boundaries of a property on which the pollution source is located.
- Fenton’s reagent A mixture of iron and hydrogen peroxide used in oxidation, coagulation, or metal complexation reactions.
- Feripac Iron and manganese removal treatment plant by Vulcan Industries, Inc.
- fermentation The conversion of organic matter to carbon dioxide, methane, and other low molecular weight compounds.
- Ferret™ Oil/water separating pump by QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
- ferric Relating to or containing iron in which the iron is trivalent or in a higher state of oxidation.
- ferric chloride An iron salt commonly used as a coagulant. The chemical formula is FeCl3.
- ferric sulfate An iron salt commonly used as a coagulant. The chemical formula is Fe2SO4.
- FerriClear® Ferric sulfate product by Eaglebrook, Inc.
- Ferri-Floc Ferric sulfate by Boliden Intertrade, Inc.
- Ferrosand® Granular .lter media used for removal of iron and manganese by Hungerford & Terry, Inc.
- ferrous Relating to or containing iron in which the iron is divalent or in a lower state of oxidation.
- ferrous sulfate An iron salt commonly used as a coagulant. The chemical formula is FeSO4.
- Ferrover Reagent chemicals primarily used for iron analysis by Hach Co.
- Ferrozine Spectrophotometric reagents for iron and iron compounds by Hach Co.
- Ferr-X Iron removal process by Aquatrol Ferr-X Corp.
- fertilizer Materials usually containing nitrogen and phosphorous that are added to soil to provide essential nutrients for plant growth.
- fetch The distance traveled by a wind-generated wave before it reaches the coastline.
- fetus An animal embryo in the later stages of development; in humans from the beginning of the third month until birth.
- FFFSG Fossil-fuel-.red steam generator.
- FGD See “.ue gas desulfurization (FGD).”
- FGH See “.ue gas humidi.cation (FGH).”
- Fibercone Press Cone-type dewatering press by Thermal Black Clawson.
- FiberFlo™ Cartridge .lters by Minntech Fibercor.
- Fibrotex® Backwashable depth .lter with steam pasteurization cycle by Smith & Loveless, Inc.
- FID Flame ionization detector.
- FIDIC Federation International des Ingenieurs-Conseils.
- FIFRA See “Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodentcide Act (FIFRA).”
- .lamentous growth Hair-like biological growth of some species of bacteria, algae, and fungi that results in poor sludge settling.
- .lamentous sludge Sludge characterized by excessive growth of .lamentous bacteria that results in poor settling.
- Filawound® Pressure vessel for reverse osmosis membranes by Spaulding Composites Co.
- .ll-and-draw Treatment process where a vessel is .lled, the reaction occurs, and the contents are withdrawn. Typical of “sequencing batch reactors.”
- FilmShear Coarse and .ne bubble diffusers by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Filmtec® Reverse osmosis membranes by Dow Chemical Co.
- Filox® Iron, hydrogen sul.de, and manganese removal media by Matt-Son, Inc.
- FiltaBand Continuous self-cleaning .ne screen by Longwood Engineering Co., Ltd.
- .lter A device utilizing a granular material, woven cloth, or other medium to remove suspended solids from water, wastewater, or air.
- Filter AG® Granular .lter media used to adsorb tastes and odors by Clack Corp.
- .lter aid A polymer or other material added to improve the effectiveness of the .ltration process.
- .lter area The effective area of a .lter through which liquid passes, usually expressed in square meters (square feet).
- .lter backwash rate The volume of water per unit of time per unit of area required to .ow backwards through a .lter for cleaning.
- .lter bottom See “underdrain.”
- .lter cake The layer of solids that is retained on the surface or upstream side of a .lter.
- Filter Cel® Diatomaceous earth .lter media by Celite Corp.
- .lter cloth Cloth used as the .lter media on a vacuum .lter.
- .lter cycle The .lter operating time between backwashes. Also called “.lter run.”
- .lter .y See “Psychoda .ies.”
- .lter gallery A passageway to provide access for installation and maintenance of underground .lter pipes and valves.
- .lter loading, hydraulic The volume of liquid applied per unit area of the .lter bed per unit of time.
- .lter loading, organic The pounds of BOD applied per unit area of the .lter bed per unit of time.
- .lter press A dewatering device where water is forced from the sludge under high pressure.
- .lter ripening The gradual improvement in .lter performance at the start of a .lter run as solids deposition begins and serves to enhance .ltration.
- .lter run See “.lter cycle.”
- .lter strip Strip or area of vegetation used for removing sediment, organic matter, and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater.
- Filterite® Cartridge .lter product line by USFilter/Filtration & Separation.
- Filtermate Filtration coagulant by BetzDearborn-Argo District.
- FilterNet™ Net fabric composite by SLT North America, Inc.
- Filterpak™ Plastic biological .lter media by USFilter/General Filter.
- Filter-Pak™ Gravity sand .lter by Graver Co.
- FilterSil® Filtration sands by Unimin Corp.
- .lter-to-waste An operational procedure in .ltration where the .ltrate is produced immediately after backwash is wasted.
- Filterworx™ Automated .lter control system by F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.
- Filtomat® Self-cleaning cooling water .lters by Orival, Inc.
- Filtra-Matic™ Pressure leaf .lter by USFilter/Whittier.
- FiltraPak Packaged waste treatment and liquid-solids separation unit by Diagenex, Inc.
- Filtrasorb® Granular-activated carbon adsorption manufactured by Calgon Carbon Corp.
- .ltrate Liquid remaining after removal of solids through .ltration.
- .ltration rate A measurement of the volume of water applied to a .lter per unit of surface area in a stated period of time.
- Filtroba® Helical pressure .lter element by Baker Process/Ketema.
- Filtros® Fine bubbles diffusers by Ferro Corp.
- FIM Friable insulation material.
- Fimat Electronic pulse control .sh repelling system by Brackett Geiger.
- .nal clari.er See “secondary clari.er.”
- .nal closure The closure of all hazardous waste management units at a facility in accordance with all applicable requirements.
- .nal cover Cover material that is applied upon closure of a land.ll and is permanently exposed to the surface.
- .nal ef.uent The ef.uent from the .nal unit treatment process at a wastewater treatment plant.
- .ne bubble aeration Method of diffused aeration using .ne bubbles to take
- advantage of their high surface areas to increase oxygen transfer rates.
- .ne sand Sand particles with diameters that usually range from 0.3 to 0.6 mm.
- .ne screen A screening device usually having openings less than 6 mm.
- FineAir Ceramic .ne bubble diffuser by Parkson Corp.
- .nes Particles at the lower end of a range of particle sizes.
- .nished water Water that has passed through a treatment plant in which all treatment processes are completed or “.nished” and the water is ready to be delivered to consumers.
- Fipro Electronic pulse control .sh repelling system by Brackett Geiger.
- .retube boiler Boiler in which the .ame and hot gases are con.ned within tubes arranged in a bundle within a water drum.
- .rst draw The water that comes out when a tap is .rst opened, likely to have the highest level of lead contamination from plumbing materials.
- .rst .ush Surface runoff at the beginning of a storm that often contains much of the pollution/solid matter washed from the streets and other surfaces.
- .rst order reaction A reaction in which the rate of change is directly proportional to the .rst power of the concentration of the reactant.
- .rst-stage BOD See “carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD).”
- .rth A river estuary or wide inlet to the sea (Scottish).
- Fischer & Porter Former name of Bailey-Fischer & Porter.
- .sh ladder A structure that permits .sh to bypass a dam using a series of baf.ed chambers installed at progressively lower elevations to provide a velocity against which .sh can more easily swim.
- .sh screen (1) A screen at the head of an intake channel to prevent .sh from entering. (2) A traveling water screen modi.ed to remove impinged .sh and return them to the water body.
- .sheyes A condition resulting from the improper mixing of dry polymer and water which results in the formation of lumps of undispersed polymer that resemble .sheyes.
- .ssion (1) The splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two or more nuclei with a concurrent release of energy. (2) A form of asexual reproduction where the parent organism splits into two independent organisms.
- Fitch Feedwell Clari.er feedwell with three horizontal chambers by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
- FIX™ Heavy metals treatment system by ATA Technologies Corp.
- .x, sample A sample is “.xed” in the .eld by adding chemicals that prevent water quality indicators of interest in the sample from changing before laboratory measurements are made.
- .xation The stabilization or solidi.cation of a waste material by involving it in the formation of a stable solid derivative.
- .xed cover Stationary anaerobic digester cover that allows a constant digester tank volume to be maintained.
- .xed .lm process Biological wastewater treatment process where the microbes responsible for conversion of the organic matter in wastewater are attached to an inert medium such as rock or plastic materials. Also called “attached growth process.”
- .xed matter See “.xed suspended solids.”
- .xed solids Inorganic content of suspended and dissolved solids in a water or wastewater sample, determined after heating the sample to 600°C.
- .xed suspended solids Inorganic content of suspended solids in a water or wastewater sample, determined after heating the sample to 600°C.
- .xed-bed porosity The ratio of void volume to total bed volume of a granular media .lter.
- fjord A narrow inlet of the sea bordered by cliffs or highlands. Also called a “.ord.”
- .agellates Microorganisms that move by the whipping action of a tail-like projection called a .agella.
- .ammable Easily set on .re.
- .ammable liquid Any liquid having a .ash point below 38°C (100°F).
- .ange A projecting rim or edge used for attachment with another object.
- .ap valve A valve that is hinged on one edge and opens in the direction of normal .ow and closes with .ow reversal.
- .are A control device that burns hazardous materials to prevent their release into the environment; may operate continuously or intermittently, usually on top of a stack.
- .ash The portion of a .uid converted to vapor when its pressure is reduced below the saturation pressure.
- .ash distillation See “multistage .ash evaporation (MSF).”
- .ash dryer Sludge drying process that involves pulverizing sludge in a cage mill or by an atomized suspension technique in the presence of hot gases.
- .ash evaporator A distillation device where saline water is vaporized in a vessel under vacuum through pressure reduction. See also “multistage .ash evaporation.”
- .ash mixing Motor-driven stirring devices designed to disperse coagulants or other chemicals instantly, prior to .occulation.
- .ash point The temperature at which a substance ignites.
- .ashing The process of vaporizing a .uid by pressure reduction rather than temperature elevation.
- Flashvap Flash evaporator by Licon, Inc.
- .ashy Characterization of rapidly changing conditions.
- .avor pro.le analysis An analysis pro.ling the matrix of odors in a water sample.
- Fletcher Filtration division of Edwards & Jones, Inc.
- FlexAir™ Fine pore membrane diffuser by Environmental Dynamics Inc.
- Flex-A-Tube® Fine bubble aeration diffuser by Parkson Corp.
- FlexDisc Fine bubble membrane diffuser by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
- FlexDome Fine bubble membrane diffuser by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
- Flexi Jet Air sparging power mixer by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Flexi-Fabric Filter press .lter fabric by Baker Process.
- Flexi.o High speed surface aerator by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Flexi-Jet Spray nozzles for sand .lter rotary surface skimmer by F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.
- Flex-i-liner® Sealless self-priming rotary pumps by Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp.
- Fleximix High speed surface aerator by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Flexipak® Submerged bio.lm sewage treatment system by Gyulavari Consulting Kft.
- Flexishaft™ Progressing cavity pump by MGI Pumps, Inc.
- FlexKlear® Inclined plate settler by Baker Process.
- FlexKleen™ Filter underdrain nozzles by Baker Process.
- FlexLine™ Nonbuoyant tubular diffuser by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
- Flexmate® Skid-mounted water puri.cation vessel by USFilter/Rockford.
- Flexofuser® Fine bubble diffuser with tube body and .ne sheath by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
- Flexoplate™ Membrane type medium bubble diffuser by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
- Flex-O-Star® Batch wastewater treatment and .ltration system by Alar Engineering Corp.
- FlexRO® Skid-mounted reverse osmosis system by USFilter/Rockford.
- FlexRO Mobile® Mobile, skid-mounted reverse osmosis systems by USFilter/Rockford.
- Flexscour® Stainless steel .lter underdrain for air-water backwash by Baker Process and Anthratech Western, Inc.
- .ight (1) The horizontal scraper on a rectangular sludge collector. (2) The helical blade on a screw pump.
- Flight Guide Nonmetallic wear shoes for sludge collector .ights by Trusty Cook, Inc.
- Flint Rim Cast sprocket with hardened chill rim by USFilter/Envirex.
- FLM Federal land manager.
- .oat The concentrated solids at the surface of a dissolved air .otation unit.
- .oat switch An electrical or pneumatic switch operated by a .oat in response to changing liquid levels.
- .oatables See “.otables.”
- FloatAll Dissolved air .otation system by Walker Process Equipment.
- .oating cover Anaerobic digester tank cover free to move up or down to change the total internal capacity of the tank in response to sludge additions or withdrawals.
- .oating gas holder Anaerobic digester tank cover that .oats on a cushion of gas and moves up or down to change the total internal capacity of the tank in response to changes in gas volume.
- Floating Plate® Ozone generation technology by Paci.c Ozone Technology, Inc.
- Float-Treat® Dissolved air .otation system by USFilter/Envirex.
- Flo-Buster™ Organic solids agitator/separator by Enviro-Care Co.
- .oc Small, gelatinous masses formed in water by adding a coagulant or in wastewater through biological activity.
- Floc Barrier® Inclined settling tubes for clari.ers by Graver Co.
- Floc Tunnel® Deep bed .lter by Hazleton Environmental, Inc.
- .occulant An organic polyelectrolyte used alone or with metal salts to enhance .oc formation and increase the strength of the .oc structure.
- .occulant settling Phenomenon referring to sedimentation of particles in a dilute suspension as they coalesce or .occulate during sedimentation. Also called “type II settling.”
- .occulated suspended solids (FSS) The suspended solids remaining in a sample’s supernatant after 30 minutes of settling with .occulation.
- .occulation Gentle stirring or agitation to accelerate the agglomeration of particles to enhance sedimentation or .otation.
- .occulator A device used to enhance the formation of .oc through gentle stirring or mixing.
- Flocide® Sanitizer additive by BioLab Inc.
- Floclean Membrane cleaning product by BioLab Inc.
- Floclear Solids contact clari.er by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Flocon® Reverse osmosis feedwater additive by BioLab Inc.
- Flo-Conveyor™ Screenings conveyor by Enviro-Care Co.
- Flocor Cross.ow random .ll media by the USFilter/Smogless.
- Floc-Pac™ Compact .occulant packages by American Cyanamid Co.
- Flocpress Belt .lter press formerly offered by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
- Flocsettler Combination .occulator/clari.er by Amwell, Inc.
- Flocsillator Horizontal oscillating .occulator by Baker Process.
- FlocTreator Coagulation and .occulation unit by the former PWT Americas.
- Floctrol Multiple stage, horizontal shaft, paddle .occulators by USFilter/Envirex.
- Flo-Dar™ Noncontact area/velocity .owmeter by Marsh-McBirney, Inc.
- Flodry® Closed loop sludge drying process by USFilter/Smogless.
- Flo.lter™ Water treatment system combining .otation and .ltration by Waterlink
- Separations, Inc. FloGard™ Stormwater catch basin screen by KriStar Enterprises. Flo-Lift™ Vertical screenings lift device by Enviro-Care Co. Flo-Line Fine mesh screening machine by Derrick Corp. FloMag® Magnesium-based granular, powder, and slurry water treatment products
- by Martin Marietta Specialties, Inc. FloMaker™ Submersible mixer by ITT Flygt Corp. Flo-Mate Portable .ow meter by Marsh-McBirney, Inc. .ood plain The lowland area adjoining inland and coastal waters subject to a 1%
- or greater chance of .ooding in a given year. .oor sweep Capture of heavier-than-air gases that collect at .oor level. Flo-Poke Portable .ow rate instrument by Isco, Inc. .ora Plants and plant life of a particular region or period. Flo-Screen™ Reciprocating rake bar screen by Enviro-Care Co. .otables The .oating material in a water or wastewater which must be removed
- prior to treatment or discharge.
- .otation A treatment process where gas bubbles are introduced to a water and attach to solid particles creating bubble-solid agglomerates that .oat to the surface where they are removed.
- .otation thickening Sludge thickening by means of dissolved air .otation.
- Flotator™ Dissolved air .otation system by Baker Process.
- Flotherm® Sludge incineration process by USFilter/Smogless.
- Flo-Tote Computerized open-channel .ow meter by Marsh-McBirney, Inc.
- .otsam Floating debris resulting from human activity.
- Flottweg Centrifuge product line by Krauss Maffei Corp.
- .ow control valve A device that controls the rate of .uid .ow.
- .ow equalization Transient storage of wastewater for release to a sewer system
- or treatment process at a controlled rate to provide a reasonably uniform .ow. Flow Logger Flow measuring device by Isco, Inc. .ow rate The volume or mass of a gas, liquid, or solid material that passes some
- point in a stated period of time.
- .ow splitter A chamber that divides incoming .ow into two or more streams.
- Flo-Ware Data logging .ow meter software by Marsh-McBirney, Inc.
- FlowMAX™ Reverse osmosis system by USFilter.
- Flowminutor™ Horizontal shaft comminutor by Enviro-Care Co.
- FlowSorb™ Granular-activated carbon canisters by Calgon Carbon Corp.
- Flowtrex Pleated cartridge .lter by Osmonics, Inc.
- FLP Flash point.
- FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
- .ue Any passage designed to carry combustion gases and entrained particulates.
- .ue gas The gases and smoke released from an incinerator’s chimney.
- .ue gas desulfurization (FGD) The process of removing sulfur dioxide from exhaust gas, usually by means of a wet scrubbing process.
- .ue gas humidi.cation (FGH) A process to control SO2 emissions by spraying a water/air mixture into .ue gas.
- FluePac™ Powdered activated carbon by Calgon Carbon Corp.
- .uid Any material or substance which .ows or moves whether in a semisolid, liquid, sludge, or gaseous form or state.
- Fluid Dynamics® Engineered .lter system by USFilter/Filtration & Separation.
- Fluid Systems Membrane products group of Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.
- Fluidactor Fluid bed sludge incinerator formerly offered by Walker Process Equipment.
- .uidization The upward .ow of a gas or .uid through a granular bed at suf.cient velocity to suspend the grains.
- .uidized bed combustion A method of burning particulate fuel, such as powdered coal, where the fuel is burned after injection into a rapidly moving gas stream.
- .uidized bed furnace An incinerator or furnace used to incinerate sludge by passing heated air upward through a .uidized sand bed.
- Fluidizer-Minor Flash dryer by Niro, Inc.
- .ume A channel used to carry water.
- Flump Floating lagoon pump units by SRS Crisafulli, Inc.
- Fluoretrack Liquid water tracing dye by Formulabs, Inc.
- .uoridation The addition of .uoride to drinking water to aid in the prevention of tooth decay.
- .uorimeter An instrument used to measure the amount of .uorescent materials, dyes, or aromatic hydrocarbons in water.
- .uorocarbons (FCs) Any of a number of organic compounds analogous to hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by .uorine. FCs containing chlorine are called chloro.uorocarbons (CFCs).
- .uorosis A demineralization of tooth enamel caused by excessive ingestion of .uoride by children during the years of tooth calci.cation which is characterized by brown staining or mottling of the teeth.
- .uorspar Common source of commercially available .uoride compounds which may be used as a direct source of .uoride for water .uoridation.
- Fluosolids Fluid bed reactor for sludge disposal by GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
- .ush tank A tank in which water is stored for rapid release.
- .ush valve A valve used to expel water and sediment from a pipeline.
- Flush-Kleen® Nonclogging sewage ejector pump by Yeomans Chicago Corp.
- .uvial Produced by or found in a river or stream.
- .uvial deposit Sediment deposited by the actions of a river or stream.
- .ux (1) Flowrate per unit area. (2) Heat transfer rate per unit area.
- .y ash The noncombustible particles in .ue gas.
- Flygt Pump and mixer products by ITT Flygt Corp.
- Flying Pig Screenings compacting, dewatering, and conveying unit by Meurer Industries, Inc.
- Flymitec® Submersible mixing concept by ITT Flygt Corp.
- FMA Free mineral acidity. See “mineral acidity.”
- FMC Process Additives Former name of BioLab Inc.
- FMC-MHS Equipment product line acquired by USFilter/Envirex.
- FmHA Farmers Home Administration.
- FML Flexible membrane liner.
- Foam Ban™ Foam control additive by Ultra Additives, Inc.
- Foam-Abator Foam abatement product by USFilter/Jet Tech.
- Foamtex™ Foam control additive by Ultra Additives, Inc.
- Foamtrol™ Foam control additive by Ultra Additives, Inc.
- fodder crop A crop grown principally for animal food.
- FOG Fats, oils, and grease.
- fogging The application of a pesticide by rapidly heating the liquid chemical so that it forms very .ne droplets that resemble smoke or fog.
- Folded Flow™ Enhanced .ow scheme used in high rate water/wastewater treatment processes by USFilter/Envirex.
- fomite Objects that have been contaminated by pathogens from a diseased person and may serve in their transmission.
- FONSI Finding of no signi.cant impact.
- Font’n Aire® Floating decorative aerator/fountain by Air-O-Lator Corp.
- food chain A feeding hierarchy where food energy is passed from primary producers (plants) to primary consumers (herbivores) to secondary consumers (carnivores).
- food chain crops Crops grown for human consumption and for feed for animals whose products are used for human consumption.
- food crop Crops grown primarily for human consumption.
- food poisoning A gastrointestinal disorder caused by bacteria or their toxic products, occurring after consumption of contaminated food.
- food waste Organic residues generated by the handling, storage, preparation, cooking, and serving of food.
- food web The complex interconnected network of food chains in a community.
- food-to-microorganism ratio (F/M or F:M) The ratio of the in.uent BOD or COD to the volatile-suspended solids concentration in a wastewater treatment aeration tank.
- foot-pound Unit of measure of work performed by a force of 1 pound acting through a distance of 1 foot.
- forage crop Crops that can be used as feed by domestic animals by being grazed or cut for hay.
- Forager™ Sponge containing a bonded polymer used to selectively remove heavy metals from water by Dynaphore, Inc.
- force main The pipeline through which .ow is transported from a point of higher pressure to a point of lower pressure.
- forced circulation evaporator An evaporator in which circulation is maintained by pumping liquid through the heating element with relatively low evaporation per pass.
- forced draft deaerator Device to remove dissolved gases from solution by blowing an air stream through a packed column countercurrent to down.owing water.
- forebay A reservoir at the end of a pipeline or channel.
- formaldehyde A colorless, pungent, and irritating gas, CH2O, used chie.y as a disinfectant and preservative and in synthesizing other compounds like resins.
- formalin A clear, aqueous solution of 37% formaldehyde and a small amount of methanol used as a sanitant.
- FormAsorb™ Activated carbon product by Waterlink/Barnebey Sutcliffe.
- formazin turbidity unit (FTU) Unit of measure used in turbidity measurement based on a known chemical reaction that produces insoluble particulates of uniform size.
- Fossil Filter™ Stormwater runoff .lter by KriStar Enterprises.
- fossil fuel Natural gas, petroleum, coal, and any form of solid liquid or gaseous fuel derived from such materials for the purpose of creating useful heat.
- fossil water See “connate water.”
- Fotovap Evaporator to treat photo processing lab wastewater by Licon, Inc.
- fouling Condition caused when bacterial growth, colloidal material, or scale forms a deposit on a .lter, membrane, or heat transfer surface.
- fouling factor A design criteria used to allow for some variation of equipment performance due to fouling.
- 4-Beam™ Turbidity and suspended-solids measuring instrument by BTG, Inc.
- 4-log removal The removal of 99.99% of a constituent.
- four 9s DRE Common term for an incinerator destruction and removal ef.ciency of 99.99%.
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR) Continuous emissions monitoring system used to identify organic and inorganic compounds in liquids, solids, and gases.
- Fox-Pac Sanitation system for marine applications by Red Fox Environmental, Inc.
- FP Fine particulate.
- FPA (1) Federal Pesticide Act (FPA). (2) See “.avor pro.le analysis.”
- FPEIS Fine Particulate Emissions Information System.
- fpm Feet per minute.
- FPPA Federal Pollution Prevention Act.
- fps Feet per second.
- FQPA Food Quality Protection Act.
- FR Federal Register.
- fractionation A distillation method used to separate a mixture of several volatile components of different boiling points in successive stages with each stage removing some proportion of one component.
- Framco International Product group of ABS Pumps, Inc.
- frazil ice Granular or spike-shaped ice crystals that form in supercooled water which is too turbulent to permit coagulation into sheet ice.
- free available chlorine (FAC) The amount of chlorine available as dissolved gas, hypochlorous acid, and hypochlorite ion that is not combined with ammonia or other compounds in the water.
- free available chlorine residual The concentration of residual chlorine remaining at the end of a speci.c contact time which is available as dissolved gas, hypochlorous acid, or hypochlorite ion, not combined with ammonia or in another less readily available form.
- free carbon dioxide The concentration of gaseous carbon dioxide present in water that is not combined in carbonates or bicarbonates.
- free chlorine See “free available chlorine residual.”
- free chlorine residual See “free available chlorine residual.”
- free liquids Liquids which readily separate from the solid portion of a waste under ambient temperature and conditions.
- free mineral acidity (FMA) See “mineral acidity.”
- free oil Nonemulsi.ed oil that separates from water, usually in 5 minutes or less.
- free product A regulated substance present as liquid not dissolved in water.
- free radical A chemical having an unpaired electron that makes it very reactive.
- free settling The settling of discrete, non.occulant particles in a dilute suspension.
- free water knockout (FWKO) Gravity separation vessel used in an oil .eld to separate produced water from oil.
- freeboard The vertical distance between the normal maximum liquid level in a basin and the top of the basin that is provided so that waves and other liquid movements will not over.ow the basin.
- Free-Flow™ Ceramic diffuser plates for .ne bubble aeration by USFilter/Davco.
- Free-Slide Wire mesh basket con.guration for traveling water screens by USFil-ter/Rex & Link-Belt Products.
- freeze concentration A process involving the removal of heat from an aqueous mixture until one or more of the components crystallize.
- freeze distillation Production of distillate by freezing a saline solution and washing salts from the pure water crystals prior to melting.
- Fre-Flo Extruded cement underdrain for gravity .lter by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
- Freon® Refrigerant compound by E.I. Dupont De Nemours Inc.
- fresh water Water that usually contains less than 1000 mg/L of dissolved solids.
- freshet A stream or current of fresh water that .ows into the sea.
- freshwater lens An occurrence of fresh water found above salt water, usually found in coastal areas.
- Freundlich isotherm Graphical representation of data related to the removal of colloidal matter from water as a result of adsorption.
- FREX Freon extractable oil and grease.
- friable Material that may be easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.
- friction factor A measure of the resistance to liquid .ow that results from the wall roughness of a pipe or channel.
- FrictionFlex® Containment liner texturing process by SLT North America, Inc.
- Fridgevap® Package distillation/concentration system by Licon, Inc.
- Frontloader Reciprocating rake bar screen by Schreiber Corp.
- Frontrunner Reciprocating rake bar screen by Waste-Tech, Inc.
- froth A mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid.
- frothing The formation of a thick layer of froth on an aeration basin.
- FRP Fiberglass reinforced plastic.
- FRS Formal reporting system.
- fry Juvenile .sh.
- FS Feasibility study.
- FSA Food Security Act.
- FSI® Filter Specialists, Inc.
- FSS See “.occulated suspended solids (FSS).”
- FTIR See “Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR).”
- FTO Flameless thermal oxidation.
- FTU See “formazin turbidity unit (FTU).”
- Fuchs ATAD Autothermal aerobic digestion system by USFilter/Krüger.
- fuel economy standard See “corporate average fuel economy standard (CAFE).”
- fuel ef.ciency The proportion of the energy released on combustion of a fuel that is converted into useful energy.
- fugitive emission Air pollutants emitted to the atmosphere other than those from chimneys, stacks, or vents.
- fugitive source Any source of emissions not controlled by an air pollution control device.
- fuller’s earth A .ne, clay-like substance also called “diatomaceous earth.”
- Full-Fit™ Membrane separator by Osmonics, Inc.
- fulvic acid Byproduct of decomposing organic matter that colors water and is a precursor of disinfection byproducts.
- fume Finely divided solids trapped in vapor in a gas stream.
- fumigant A pesticide vaporized to kill pests, commonly used in buildings and greenhouses.
- fungi Small, multicellular nonphotosynthetic organisms that feed on organic matter.
- fungicide A substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi or molds.
- furans A family of toxic, chlorinated organic compounds present in minute amounts in the air emissions from hazardous waste incinerators.
- FURS Federal underground injection control reporting system.
- fusion An energy-producing nuclear reaction that results from combining nuclei of small atoms to form larger atoms.
- Futura-Thane® Potable water tank linings by Futura Coatings Inc.
- future liability Refers to potentially responsible parties’ obligations to pay for additional response activities beyond those speci.ed in the Record of Decision or Consent Decree.
- Fuzzy Filter® Up.ow .lter system by Schreiber Corp.
- fuzzy logic A process control system intended to replace a skilled human operator by using multi-level logic to adjust process operation based on a set of approximate, rather than exact, rules.
- FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act.
- FWER Final water effect ratio. The test procedure where a Water Effect Ratio test is repeated three times under different stream .ow conditions. See also “water effect ratio (WER).”
- FWKO See “free water knockout (FWKO).”
- FWPCA See “Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA).”
- FXB Fixed bed reactor.
- FY Fiscal year
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