انقر على الصورة لتطلع على بعض المساهمين في بناء الموسوعة

مسرد بيئي E

من موسوعة العلوم العربية
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج لترجمة وإضافة بنود

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • E. coli See “Escherichia coli (E. coli).”
  • E.A. Aerotor Packaged wastewater treatment plant by Lakeside Equipment Corp.
  • E/ONE Sewer™ Pressurized sewer system by Environment One Corp.
  • EA Endangerment assessment; enforcement agreement; environmental action;
  • environmental assessment; environmental audit.
  • EAD Electro-acoustical dewatering.
  • EAF Electric arc furnace.
  • EAFD See “electric arc furnace dust (EAFD).”
  • EAG Exposure assessment group.
  • EAP Environmental action plan.
  • earthen dam A dam made primarily of soil, sand, silt, and clay.
  • earthen reservoir A reservoir constructed in earth using excavated materials to form embankments.
  • Earthtec® Liquid copper water treatment product used as algicide/bactericide by Earth Science Laboratories, Inc.
  • easement A legal right to the use of land owned by others.
  • EaseOut Pivoting air header and drop pipe arrangement by Walker Process Equip­ment.
  • Eastern Econoline Mixer product line by EMI, Inc.
  • EasyLogger Stormwater data logger by Wescor, Inc.
  • EB Emissions balancing.
  • ebb (1) The .owing back of water brought in by the tide. (2) To recede from a .ooded state.
  • ebb tide Tide occurring at the ebb period of tidal .ow.
  • EBCT See “empty bed contact time (EBCT).”
  • e-beam See “electron beam irradiation.”
  • EBOD See “effective BOD (EBOD).”
  • EC Environment Canada; effective concentration.
  • E-Cell™ Modular electrodeionization process by E-Cell Corp.
  • ecesis The successful establishment of a plant or animal in a new locality.
  • ECF Elemental chlorine free.
  • Echo-Lock Automatic compensating device for .ow/level meters by Marsh-McBirney, Inc.
  • EchomaX® Ultrasonic measurement transducer by Milltronics, Inc.
  • ECI Environmental Conditioners, Inc., a former manufacturer of packaged waste­water treatment plants.
  • ECL Electrochemiluminescence. A technology used for analyzing molecular and genetic material.
  • ECL Environmental chemical laboratory.
  • Eclipse® Dispersion polymers by Calgon Corp.
  • EcoCare™ Odor eliminator by Nature Plus, Inc.
  • Ecochoice Catalytic oxidation system for dissolved organics by Eco Puri.cation Systems USA, Inc.
  • Ecodenit Biological nitrate removal process using ion exchange technology by USFilter/Krüger.
  • EcoDry Sludge drying system by Andritz-Ruthner, Inc.
  • Ecodyne Former name of Transunion product group now known as Graver Co.
  • ecoef.ciency Economically ef.cient use of resources by businesses.
  • Ecolo-Chief Packaged wastewater treatment plants by Chief Industries, Inc.
  • Eco-Logic™ Combination aeration and ultraviolet/ozonation system by Atlantic Ultraviolet Corp.
  • ecological indicator A characteristic of the environment that, when measured, quanti.es magnitude of stress, habitat characteristics, degree of exposure to stress, or ecological response to exposure.
  • ecology The relationship of living things to one another and their environment.
  • Ecomachine Belt .lter press by WesTech Engineering, Inc.
  • Econ-Abator® Catalytic oxidation system by Huntington Environmental Systems,
  • Inc. Econex Counter.ow regeneration ion exchange by Ionics, Inc. Econ-NOx™ Selective catalytic reduction system by Huntington Environmental
  • Systems, Inc. Econo Silo™ Enclosed composting system by USFilter/Davis Process. EconoBAY™ Composting system by USFilter/Davis Process. Economixer Solid bowl decanter centrifuge by Centrisys Corp. economizer A heat exchanger in a furnace stack that transfers heat from the stack
  • gas to the boiler feedwater. economy In thermal desalination, the ratio of kilograms of distilled water produced per 2326 kJ of energy input. economy-of-scale The reduction of unit capital cost as the size of the unit
  • increases. Econopure Reverse osmosis system by Osmonics, Inc. EconoSep Oil/water separator by Hydro-Flo Technologies, Inc. Econ-O-Star® Batch wastewater treatment system by Alar Engineering Corp. Econotreat Package wastewater treatment plant by USFilter/Industrial Wastewater
  • Systems. Econ-O-Vap Wastewater evaporation system by Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc. Ecopure VOC and particulate emission control product line by Dürr Environmen­
  • tal, Inc. ecorock A hard, dense rock produced from the ash of incinerated sludge and
  • municipal solid waste suitable for use as a road aggregate. Ecosorb® Odor control neutralizer by Odor Management, Inc. ecosystem The total community of living organisms together with their physical
  • and chemical environment. EcoVap™ VOC control system by AMCEC, Inc. ECRA (1) Economic Cleanup Responsibility Act. (2) Environmental Cleanup
  • Responsibilities Act.
  • ectotherm An organism that cannot regulate its internal body temperature, and whose body temperature re.ects the temperature of the environment. Fish and reptiles are ectotherms.
  • ED (1) See “electrodialysis (ED).” (2) Effective dose.
  • EDAT Environmental data acquisition telemetry.
  • EDB See “ethylene dibromide (EDB).”
  • EDC Endocrine-disruptive chemical.

  • eddy A vortex-like motion of a .uid running contrary to a main current.
  • Eddy.ow High rate up.ow clari.er by Gravity Flow Systems, Inc.
  • EDF Environmental Defense Fund.
  • EDGE II™ Graded-cell catalyst by Alzeta Corp.
  • EDGE Plus™ VOC concentrator by Alzeta Corp.
  • EDGE QR™ Flameless VOC oxidizer by Alzeta Corp.
  • EDGE SB™ Thermal oxidizer by Alzeta Corp.
  • Edge Track Drum .lter cloth alignment mechanism by Baker Process.
  • EDI Environmental Dynamics, Inc.
  • EDI See “electrodeionization (EDI).”
  • EDL Estimated detection limit.
  • EDR See “electrodialysis reversal (EDR).”
  • EDS European Desalination Society.
  • EDSTAC Endocrine Distruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee.
  • EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. A chelating agent.
  • Eductogrit Aerated grit chamber by USFilter/Aerator Products.
  • Edur Centrifugal pump for dissolved air .otation by Stanley Pump & Equipment Inc.
  • Edward & Jones Filter press products marketed by USFilter/Asdor.
  • EDZ Emission density zoning.
  • EEA Energy and environmental analysis.
  • EECs Estimated environmental concentrations.
  • EER Excess emission report.
  • EERU Environmental emergency response unit.
  • EESI Environment and Energy Study Institute.
  • EESL Environmental ecological and support laboratory.
  • EF Emission factor.
  • effect One of several units of an evaporator, each of which operates at successively lower pressures.
  • effective BOD (EBOD) A measurement of wastewater strength which has been adjusted for elevated temperatures by increasing the standard BOD by 7% for each degree C rise above a temperature of 20°C.
  • effective rainfall A rainfall that produces surface runoff.
  • effective size (ES) A method of characterizing .lter sand where the effective size is equal to the sieve size, in millimeters, which will pass 10%, by weight of the sand.
  • effective stack height The sum of the plume rise and physical stack height at which particulates in a stack emission begin to settle to the ground after discharge.
  • Ef.zon® Ozone production technology by PCI-Wedeco Environmental Technolo­gies, Inc.
  • ef.uent Partially or completely treated water or wastewater .owing out of a basin or treatment plant.
  • ef.uvium Byproducts of food and chemical processes, usually in the form of wastes.
  • EFTC European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee.
  • EG&G Bio.ltration Former name of AMETEK Rotron Bio.ltration.
  • egestion The act of discharging undigested or indigestible waste material from the body.
  • egg-shaped digester Anaerobic digester characterized by an oval or egg shape which has been reported to promote ef.cient mixing.
  • EGL See “energy grade line (EGL).”
  • EH An expression of redox potential.
  • EHAP Extremely hazardous air pollutant.
  • EHS (1) Extremely hazardous substance. (2) Environmental health and safety.
  • EI Emissions inventory.
  • EIA Environmental impact assessment.
  • EIC European International Contractors.
  • EIL Environmental impairment liability.
  • Eimco® Water and wastewater treatment product line by Baker Process.
  • EimcoBelt® Continuous belt vacuum .lter by Baker Process.
  • EimcoMet Molded polypropylene components by Baker Process.
  • EIMIX® Digester mixer by Baker Process.
  • EIR Environmental impact report.
  • EIS Environmental impact statement.
  • EIS/AS Emissions inventory system/area source.
  • EIS/PS Emissions inventory system/point source.
  • EJ See “environmental justice (EJ).”
  • ejector A device that uses steam, air, or water under pressure to move another .uid by developing suction through the use of a venturi. Sometimes referred to as an “eductor” or “jet pump.”
  • EKA See “electrokinetic analysis (EKA).”
  • Ekman water bottle A tubular device used to sample water at selected depths.
  • EL Exposure level.
  • El Ni.o A climatic cycle resulting in warm, stormy weather in the Paci.c caused by the warming of surface waters in the eastern Paci.c Ocean.
  • El Ni.o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) The complete term for the “El Ni.o” cli­matic cycle which is thought to result from a “Southern Oscillation” circulation pattern in the atmosphere.
  • El Tor A biotype of the Vibrio cholerae bacterium which takes its name from the El Tor quarantine camp in Sinai, Egypt where it was .rst isolated in 1906.
  • Elados® Electronically controlled, electric motor-driven diaphragm pumps by PennProcess Technologies, Inc.
  • Elasti-Liner® Containment liner material by KCC Corrosion Control Co.
  • elastomer Synthetic material which is elastic or resilient and similar in structure, texture, and appearance to natural rubber.
  • Elastox® Membrane air diffuser by Baker Process.
  • Elbac Wastewater bioaugmentation product by Exceltec International Corp.
  • Elbow Rake Hydraulically operated trash rake by the former Acme Engineering Co., Inc.
  • Elcat Disinfection system product line by USFilter/Electrocatalytic.
  • Electra.ote Sludge thickener using electrolysis-generated bubbles formerly offered by Ashbrook Corp.
  • electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) A byproduct of the production of steel using electric arc furnaces, usually containing heavy metals.
  • Electrocatalytic, Inc. Former name of USFilter/Electrocatalytic. electrochemical corrosion Corrosion brought about by electrode reactions. electrocoagulation A wastewater treatment process where a direct current is used
  • to precipitate heavy metals with ferrous hydroxides as metal hydroxides.
  • electrodeionization (EDI) A water treatment process combining an electrodialy­sis membrane process with an ion exchange resin process to produce high purity, demineralized water.
  • electrodialysis (ED) The separation of a solution’s ionic components through the use of semipermeable, ion-selective membranes operating in a DC electric .eld.
  • electrodialysis reversal (EDR) A variation of the electrodialysis process using electrode polarity reversal to automatically clean membrane surfaces. electrokinetic analysis (EKA) Method of measuring zeta potential at surface-
  • liquid interfaces.
  • electrolysis The passage of electric current through an electrolyte resulting in chemical changes caused by migration of positive ions toward the cathode and negative ions toward the anode.
  • electrolyte A substance that dissociates into two or more ions when it dissolves
  • in water. Electromat Electrodialysis equipment by Ionics, Inc. Electromedia® Processed mineral .lter media by Filtronics, Inc. electrometric titration An acid or base titration where a pH meter is used for
  • measuring end points.
  • electron beam irradiation An oxidation process where compounds present in an aqueous solution are irradiated with high energy electrons produced by an electron accelerator to form water, carbon dioxide, and inorganic salts as end products. Also called an “e-beam.”
  • electron microscope A microscope that utilizes electromagnets as lenses and elec­trons instead of light rays to achieve a very high magni.cation.
  • electronic-grade water Water used in the production of microelectronic devices which meets ASTM D-19 standards for resistivity, silica concentration, particle count, and other criteria.
  • electrophoresis The movement of charged particles in a solution or suspension when an electric .eld is applied to them.
  • electrostatic precipitator (ESP) Air cleaning system that imparts an electrical charge to airborne particles so that they can be removed by attraction to elements of opposite polarity.
  • electrotechnologies Electrically-driven technologies used in waste source reduc­
  • tion, resource recovery, and end-of-pipe waste management and treatment. elevated storage tank A water storage reservoir supported by a column or tower. Elf Atochem Former name of Atochem North America, Inc. Elf/Anvar Oil/condensate coalescer-type oil/water separator by Graver Co. ELI Environmental Law Institute. EloxMonitor™ On-line COD monitor by Anatel Corp. Eltech Former name of Exceltec International Corp. eluant A liquid used to extract one material from another.
  • elutriation The process of washing sludge with water to remove organic and inorganic components to reduce chemical dosages required for additional treatment.
  • elutriator An extension in an evaporator vapor body to thicken the solids slurry to minimize the loss of liquor.
  • EM See “Enhanced Monitoring (EM).”
  • EMAS Enforcement management and accountability system. Ecomanagement and auditing scheme.
  • EMC Emission reduction credits.
  • emery See “alumina.”
  • Emery-Trailigaz Ozone equipment supplier acquired by Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co.
  • Emerzone® Ozone-generating systems by Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co.
  • EMI Electromagnetic interference.
  • emission Gas-borne particles or pollutants released into the atmosphere.
  • emission cap A limit designed to prevent projected growth in emissions from existing and future stationary sources from eroding any mandated reduction.
  • emissions trading U.S. EPA policy allowing a company to decrease pollution emissions from a facility while increasing levels at another as long as the total results are equal to, or less than the previous limits.
  • EMP Electromagnetic pulse.
  • emphysema A chronic, irreversible disorder of the lungs characterized by destruc­tion of the alveoli and resulting in shortness of breath.
  • empty bed contact time (EBCT) A measure of time that a water is in contact with the treatment medium calculated by dividing the empty volume in a contactor by the .ow rate.
  • EMR Environmental management report.
  • EMR™ Electrolytic metal recovery system by Kinetico Engineered Systems, Inc.
  • EMS Environmental management system.
  • Emscher fountain Another term for the “Imhoff tank,” re.ecting the part of Ger­many where this sewage treatment device was developed.
  • EMSL Environmental monitoring support laboratory.
  • EMTS (1) Environmental monitoring testing site. (2) Exposure monitoring test site.
  • emulsifying agent An agent that aids in creating and maintaining an emulsion by altering the surface charge of droplets to prevent their coalescence.
  • emulsion A heterogeneous mixture of two or more mutually insoluble liquids that would normally stratify according to their speci.c gravities.
  • emulsion breaker A demulsi.ng agent that breaks an emulsion by neutralizing the surface charge of the emulsi.ed droplets to allow their coalescence.
  • emulsion breaking The use of heat, acids, oxidizing agents, or other chemicals to break an oil/water emulsion.
  • emulsion polymer Dispersions of polymer particles in a hydrocarbon oil or light mineral oil used for conditioning sludge.
  • encapsulation The complete enclosure of a waste in another material to isolate it from the external effects of air and water.
  • Encore® Mechanical diaphragm metering pump by USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan. encrustation A covering, crust, or crust-like material on the surface of an object. end point The .nal state after a chemical or biological reaction is complete. endangered species Animals, birds, .sh, plants, or other living organisms threat­
  • ened with extinction by manmade or natural changes in their environment. endemic Restricted to a particular area or locality. endocrine Describing any gland that secretes hormones directly into the blood­
  • stream rather than through a duct or directly into an organ.
  • endocrine disruptor An external chemical substance or mixture that alters the structure or function of the endocrine system and causes adverse effects. endogenous respiration Bacterial growth phase where microbes metabolize their
  • own protoplasm without replacement due to low concentrations of available food. endospore A bacterial spore formed within a cell and extremely resistant to heat and other harmful agents. endotherm An organism with the ability to maintain a constant body temperature.
  • Mammals are endotherms. endothermic A process or reaction that takes place with absorption of heat. endotoxin A toxin, or poisonous substance, present in bacteria that is released
  • during cell lysis. endrin a pesticide toxic to freshwater and marine aquatic life that produces adverse
  • health effects in domestic water supplies. Endura™ Wastewater treatment products by Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc. Endurance™ Conductivity and resistivity sensor by Rosemount Analytical, Inc. Endurex Coarse bubble diffuser by Parkson Corp. Enelco Former Environmental Elements Co. water treatment product line acquired
  • by In.lco Degremont, Inc. energy grade line (EGL) The line joining the elevations of the energy heads. Energy Mix Rapid mix unit by Walker Process Equipment. energy recovery The retrieval of waste energy for some bene.cial use. energy recovery turbine (ERT) A device used to recover pressure energy from
  • reverse osmosis brine streams. Engler A scale for indicating viscosity. enhanced coagulation A modi.ed coagulation process relying on the addition of
  • excess coagulants to achieve increased removals of natural organic matter. Enhanced Monitoring (EM) Clean Air Act Amendment requirement for facilities to monitor emissions to certify compliance with permitted levels.
  • Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (ESWTR) An EPA drinking water regulation under development to include Cryptosporidium within the scope of the Surface Water Treatment Rule.
  • Enning ESD Egg-shaped anaerobic digesters by CBI Walker, Inc. (U.S. licensee), Enning (German licensor).
  • enrichment The addition of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, or carbon compounds from sewage ef.uent or agricultural runoff to surface water, which greatly increases the growth potential for algae and other aquatic plants.
  • ENRO™ Membrane elements by by Osmosis Technology, Inc. ENSO See “El Ni.o/Southern Oscillation.”
  • EnSys Immunoassay product line by Strategic Diagnostics, Inc.
  • enteric Intestinal, or of intestinal, origin.
  • enteric bacteria Bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded
  • animals. Enterolert™ Reagent for enterococci detection by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. enterotoxin A toxin or microbe that causes dysfunction in the human gastrointes­
  • tinal tract. enterovirus A group of viruses including polio and hepatitis A viruses that repli­
  • cates initially in the cells of the enteric tract. Enterprise Floating aspirating aerator by Air-O-Lator Corp. Enterprise™ Regenerative thermal oxidizer by Megtec Systems, Inc. enthalpy The total heat content of a liquid, vapor, or body. entrainment (1) The incorporation of small organisms, including the eggs and
  • larvae of .sh and shell.sh, into an intake system. (2) The carryover of droplets
  • of water with vapor produced during evaporation. entrainment separator See “mist eliminator.” entropy A measure of unavailable energy of an isolated thermodynamic system. EnVessel Pasteurization™ Lime stabilization and pasteurization sludge treatment
  • process to further reduce pathogens by RDP Technologies, Inc. Enviro-Blend® Specialty chemicals for heavy metal waste treatment by American
  • Minerals, Inc. EnviroDisc Rotating biological contactor by Walker Process Equipment. Envirofab Former manufacturer of wastewater treatment equipment. ENVIROFirst™ Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate granules by Solvay America. EnviroGard™ Chemical screening test kit by Strategic Diagnostics, Inc. Enviromat Wastewater treatment systems by Ionics, Inc. environment Water, air, and land and the interrelationship that exists among and
  • between water, air, and land and all living things.
  • environmental audit An independent assessment of the current status of a party’s compliance with applicable environmental requirements or a party’s environ­mental compliance policies, practices, and controls.
  • Environmental Elements Equipment manufacturer whose Water Treatment Divi­sion product line was acquired by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • environmental impact assessment (EIA) A method of analysis that attempts to predict probable repercussions of a proposed development on the social and physical environment of the surrounding area.
  • environmental impact statement A detailed written report which identi.es and analyzes the environmental impact of a proposed action.
  • environmental indicator A measurement, statistic, or value that provides a prox­imate gauge or evidence of the effects of environmental management programs or the state or condition of the environment.
  • environmental justice (EJ) The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) A U.S. agency with primary respon­sibility for enforcing federal environmental laws.
  • environmental racism A belief that racism, whether intentional or unintentional, underlies variation in the distribution of environmental pollution.
  • Enviropac Rotating biological contactor by Walker Process Equipment.
  • Enviropax Tube settlers by Enviropax, Inc.
  • EnviroQuip International Former name of USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
  • Enviro-Seal™ Valve packing system to prevent fugitive air emissions by Fisher Controls International, Inc.
  • Envirovalve Telescopic valve by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
  • enzyme Organic catalysts that convert a substrate or nutrient to a form which can be transported into a cell.
  • EOP End-of-pipe.
  • EOS Predecessor company of USFilter/Operating Services.
  • EP (1) Environmental pro.le. (2) European Pharmacopoeia.
  • EPA See “Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”
  • EPA200 The EPA 200 series of methods for chemical analysis (inorganic) of water and wastes.
  • EPA500 The EPA 500 series of methods for organic compounds in drinking water.
  • EPA600 The EPA 600 series of methods for analysis of pollutants under the Clean Water Act.
  • EPAA Environmental Programs Assistance Act.
  • EPC Engineer, procure, and construct.
  • EPCO™ Rotating biological contactors by USFilter Corp.
  • EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act.
  • ephemeral Short-lived.
  • ephemeral streams Streams in which no .ow is common that only .ow in response to precipitation.
  • EPI Environmental Policy Institute.
  • EPIC™ Enhanced polymer control system by Norchem Industries.
  • epidemic An outbreak of disease affecting many people at one time.
  • epidemiology The study of the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population.
  • epilimnion The upper layer in a strati.ed lake that results from varying water densities.
  • epm See “equivalents per million (epm).”
  • EPNL Effective perceived noise level.
  • EPRI Electric Power Research Institute.
  • EPS Eco Puri.cation Systems USA, Inc.
  • Epsom salt Hydrated magnesium sulfate having cathartic properties; also used in leather tanning and textile dyeing. Chemical formula is MgSO4•7H2O.
  • EPTC Extraction procedure toxicity characteristic.
  • EQ See “equalization (EQ).”
  • EQL See “estimated quantitation limit (EQL).”
  • equalization (EQ) The process of dampening hydraulic or organic .ow variations so that nearly constant conditions can be achieved.
  • equalization basin A basin or tank used for .ow equalization.
  • Equalizer® Blower by Tuthill Pneumatics Group.
  • equator An imaginary circle around the earth that divides the earth’s surface into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and is equally distant at all points from the North and South Poles.
  • equivalent weight The weight of a compound that contains 1 gram atom of avail­able hydrogen or its chemical equivalent, determined by dividing the molecular weight of a solute by the number of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in the undis­solved compound.
  • equivalents per million (epm) Ionic concentration determined by dividing an ion’s concentration in ppm by its equivalent weight.
  • ER Energy recovery.
  • ERAMS Environmental radiation ambient monitoring system.
  • ERC (1) Emissions reduction credit. (2) Environmental Research Center.
  • ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration.
  • erg A unit of work or energy where 1 erg is equal to 10,000,000 joule.
  • ERL Environmental research laboratory.
  • Erlenmeyer .ask A bell-shaped container used in laboratories to heat and mix chemicals.
  • ERNS Emergency response noti.cation system.
  • erosion Wearing away of land by running water, waves, wind, or glacial activity.
  • erosion corrosion An attack on a material consisting of simultaneous erosion and corrosion through the effect of a rapidly .owing .uid.
  • ERT See “energy recovery turbine (ERT).”
  • ES See “effective size (ES).”
  • ES™ Electric straight-through thermal oxidizer by Thermatrix, Inc.
  • ESA Endangered Species Act.
  • escarpment A line of steep slopes or cliffs caused by erosion or faulting.
  • Escherichia coli (E. coli) Coliform bacteria of fecal origin used as an indicator organism in the determination of wastewater pollution.
  • ESD™ Egg-shaped anaerobic digesters by CBI Walker, Inc. (U.S. licensee), Enning (German licensor).
  • ESH Environmental safety and health.
  • ESP See “electrostatic precipitator (ESP).”
  • ESP® Sludge drying and pelletization system by Wheelabrator Water Technolo­gies, Inc.
  • ESPA™ Low pressure polyamide membrane products by Hydranautics.
  • ESSD™ Engineered stainless steel design .lter washtroughs by USFilter/General Filter.
  • ESSI EnviroSystems Supply.
  • esters Organic compounds produced by the reaction of an acid with an alcohol. Esters are often used in synthetic fragrances, industrial solvents, and the synthesis of plastics. Animal fats and vegetable oils are also esters.
  • estimated quantitation limit (EQL) The lowest concentration that can be reli­ably achieved within speci.ed limits of precision and accuracy during routine laboratory operating conditions.
  • estuary A semi-enclosed coastal water body at the mouth of a river in which the river’s current meets the ocean’s tide, mixing fresh and salt water.
  • ESWTR See “Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (ESWTR).”
  • ESZ Electrical sensing zone technology used in some particle counter sensors.
  • ET (1) See “evapotranspiration (ET).” (2) Emissions trading.
  • ethanoic acid See “acetic acid.”
  • ethanol An in.ammable organic compound formed during the fermentation of sugars. Chemical formula is C2H5OH.
  • ethene See “ethylene.”
  • ethylene A colorless, .ammable, gas used in the manufacture of organic chemicals and plastics, and as a plant hormone to hasten the ripening of fruits. Chemical formula is H2C:CH2.
  • ethylene dibromide (EDB) A toxic, carcinogenic chemical used as an agricultural fumigant and in certain industrial processes.
  • ethylene glycol A colorless liquid used as an antifreeze and solvent. Chemical formula is HOCH2CH2OH.
  • etiologic agent A viable microorganism, or its toxin, that causes, or may cause, human disease.
  • ETS Environmental tobacco smoke.
  • E-Tube® Wet electrostatic precipitator by Geoenergy International Corp.
  • ETV Program Environmental Technology Veri.cation Program by the U.S. EPA to identify promising, commercially ready pollution prevention technologies.
  • EU Endotoxin units.
  • EUP End-use product.
  • euphotic zone The upper layer of water in a natural waterbody through which sunlight can penetrate.
  • Euroform Mist eliminators by Munters.
  • eutectic Easily melted.
  • eutrophic lake A lake with an abundant supply of nutrients, excessive growth of .oating algae, and an anaerobic hypolimnion.
  • eutrophication Nutrient enrichment of water, causing excessive growth of aquatic plants and eventual deoxygenation of the water body.
  • Ev*ne/Scent™ Waterless vapor odor control system by Hinsilblon Laboratories.
  • Eva Back-raked bar screen by Brackett Geiger.
  • Evap-O-Dry Wastewater evaporation system by Fen-Tech Environmental, Inc.
  • evaporation The process in which water is converted to a vapor that can be condensed.
  • evaporation pond A natural or arti.cial pond used to convert solar energy to heat to accomplish evaporation.
  • evaporation rate The mass quantity of water evaporated from a speci.ed water surface per unit of time.
  • evaporator A device used to heat water to create a phase change from the liquid to the vapor phase.
  • evaporimeter A meteorological instrument used to measure natural rates of evap­oration.
  • evaporite A mineral produced as a result of evaporation.
  • evapotranspiration (ET) Water withdrawn from the soil by evaporation and plant transpiration.
  • evapotranspiration treatment system A wastewater treatment system utilizing surface evaporation and plant transpiration.
  • Evita® Dissolved oxygen meter by Danfoss/Instrumark.
  • EVT Belt .lter press by Baker Process.
  • Eweson® Compartmentalized rotary digester by Bedminster Bioconversion Corp.
  • EWPCA European Water Pollution Control Association.
  • ex situ Treatment or disposal methods that require movement of contaminated material.
  • Excel® Cartridge .ltration product line by Eden Equipment Co.
  • Excel® High charge cationic .occulant by Cytec Industries, Inc.
  • excess lime-soda softening The process of feeding excess lime and soda ash in addition to that required for lime-soda softening to further reduce hardness. Also called “railway softening.”
  • exchange capacity An ion exchanger unit’s limited capacity for storage of ions.
  • excrement Waste material from the bowels; feces.
  • excreta Waste material excreted from the body.
  • excrete To separate waste material from tissue or blood and eliminate it from the body.
  • excretion The act or process of expelling waste material from the body in urine, feces, perspiration, or expired air.
  • excyst To emerge from a cyst.
  • ExEx Expected exceedance.
  • ex.ltration The wastewater leaking from breaks and cracks in a sewer line or manhole.
  • exhaustion The condition that results when activated carbon, ion exchange resin, or other absorbents have depleted their capacity by using all available sites.
  • exothermic A process or reaction which is accompanied by the evolution of heat.
  • Exotox® Multi-gas detector by Neotronics of North America.
  • expanded metal An open metal network produced by stamping or perforating sheet metal.
  • expansion joint A joint installed in a structure to allow for thermal expansion or contraction.
  • explosion proof (XP) Designation for a motor or electrical enclosure designed to withstand a gas or vapor explosion within the unit, and to prevent ignition of gas or vapor surrounding the unit by sparks, .ashes, or explosions within the unit.
  • explosive limits The amounts of vapor in the air that form explosive mixtures; limits are expressed as lower and upper and give the range of vapor concen­trations in the air that will explode if an ignition source is present.
  • exposure The amount of radiation or pollutant present in a given environment that represents a potential health threat to living organisms.
  • exposure assessment Identifying the pathways by which toxicants may reach individuals, estimating how much of a chemical an individual is likely to be exposed to and the number likely to be exposed.
  • exposure indicator A characteristic of the environment measured to provide evi­dence of the occurrence or magnitude of a response indicator’s exposure to a chemical or biological stress.
  • ExpressClean™ Reverse osmosis cleaning service by Coster Engineering.
  • Expressor Belt .lter press by Baker Process.
  • extended aeration process A variation of the activated sludge process with an increased detention time to allow endogenous respiration to occur.
  • Extendor Detention tank for polymer mixing systems by Semblex, Inc.
  • extraction steam Steam removed from a turbine at a pressure higher than the lowest pressure achieved in the turbine.
  • Extractor® Horizontal belt press by Baker Process.
  • Extractoveyor Composted sludge conveyor system by Fair.eld Service Co.
  • Extreme Duty™ Mechanical digester sludge mixer by WesTech Engineering Inc.
  • extremely hazardous substances Any of 406 chemicals identi.ed by the EPA as toxic, and listed under SARA Title III. The list is subject to periodic revision.
  • Exx.ow™ Cross.ow micro.ltration system by WesTech Engineering Inc.
  • E-Z™ Batch type centrifuge by Western States Machine Co.
  • E-Z Tray® Air stripper by QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
  • EZ-BOD™ Sludge stability indicator by Bioscience, Inc

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