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المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج ترجمة وإضافة بنود
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- g See “gram (g).”
- G value See “velocity gradient (G value).”
- G.T.M.™ Gas transfer membrane separation technology by Ecolochem, Inc.
- GAAP Generally accepted accounting principles.
- gabion A wire mesh container .lled with rocks used to prevent soil erosion.
- GAC Granular-activated carbon.
- GAC10 Granular-activated carbon with an empty bed contact time of 10 minutes and a carbon reactivation frequency of no more than 6 months.
- GACT Granular-activated carbon treatment.
- gain output ratio (GOR) A measure of evaporator performance which represents the ratio of mass .ow of distillate to steam input.
- gallon (U.S.) A unit of volume for liquid substances equal to 231 cubic inches and approximately equivalent to 3.785 liters.
- gallon, Imperial A unit of volume for liquid substances approximately equal to
- 1.2 gallons (U.S.) or 4.546 liters. gallons per .ush The number of gallons used to .ush a toilet. galvanic corrosion Corrosion that occurs when two dissimilar metals are con
- nected electrically and immersed in a conductive liquid.
- galvanic series The ranking of the relative nobility of different conducting materials in a certain environment.
- galvanize An electrolytic or hot dipping process to coat steel products with zinc to increase corrosion resistance.
- gamma ray A short wavelength, high energy form of electromagnetic radiation.
- garbage Solid wastes generated by the handling, storage, preparation, cooking, and serving of food.
- GARD Gravity-activated rotary trickling .lter distributor by USFilter/General Filter.
- Gardiner Equipment Chemical induction system product line by USFilter/Stranco.
- Gar-Dur Ultra high molecular weight plastic products for chain and .ight sludge collectors by Garland Manufacturing Co.
- garnet A dense mineral often used as media in a granular media .lter.
- Garra Membrane bioreactor by USFilter/Memcor.
- gas One of the three states of matter having no .xed shape or volume and capable
- of expanding inde.nitely.
- gas blanket The use of an inert gas in an enclosed tank’s vapor space to minimize vapor formation or keep out unwanted air and moisture.
- gas chlorination The application of chlorine gas to water.
- gas chromatography (GC) An analytical technique used to determine the molecular composition and concentrations of various chemicals in water and soil samples.
- gas tight Operating with no detectable emissions.
- gaseous emission Volatile or uncondensed compounds discharged into the atmosphere.
- gasi.cation See “coal gasi.cation.”
- GasLifter Anaerobic digester circulation and mixing system by Walker Process Equipment.
- gasohol A motor vehicle fuel containing 80-90% unleaded gasoline and 10-20% ethanol.
- gasoline oxygenate Combustible liquids containing oxygen that are added to gasoline to reduce atmospheric pollutants.
- gastroenteritis An in.ammation of the stomach and intestinal tract that is usually accompanied by symptoms that include diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.
- gastrointestinal Related to the stomach or intestines.
- gate valve A valve with a disk-shaped closing element that slides over the opening through which water .ows.
- GBT See “gravity belt thickener (GBT).”
- GC See “gas chromatography (GC).”
- GC/MS Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
- GCL See “geosynthetic clay liner.”
- GDT Gas dissolution technology.
- GDT Process™ Gas-degas treatment process for VOC removal by GDT Corp.
- gear pump A positive displacement pump where cavities created between the gear teeth of two meshing gears move from the suction to discharge side of the pump.
- GEHO® Piston-type pump for heavy sludges by Envirotech Pumpsystems.
- Geiger counter An instrument used to detect radiation.
- gel polymer High molecular weight monomers produced with gamma radiation.
- gel zeolite A synthetic sodium alumiosilicate ion exchanger.
- Gelex Standards used to standardize turbidimeters by Hach Co.
- GelGester™ Bacterial additive for grease and odor applications by NuTech Environmental Corp.
- Gemco Spent liquor .lter by Gauld Equipment Sales Co.
- Gemini Self-cleaning basket strainer by S.P. Kinney Engineers, Inc.
- Gemini™ Granular-activated carbon contactors by Roberts Filter Group.
- Gemini Polymaster Emulsion and solution polymer blending equipment by Neptune Chemical Pump Co.
- GEMS Global environmental monitoring system.
- Gen2® Chemical feed system formerly offered by USFilter/Stranco.
- General Filter Former name of USFilter/General Filter.
- generator (1) Any person, group, or organization whose activities produce hazardous waste. (2) A rotating device used to produce electrical power.
- Generon® On-site gaseous nitrogen generator by MG Generon.
- Generox® On-site gaseous chlorine dioxide generator by MG Generon.
- Genesis Package gravity .lter system by Roberts Filter Group.
- Genesis Sewage shredder by ZMI/Portec Chemical Processing.
- genome All the genetic material in an organism.
- genotoxic The ability of a chemical to cause adverse effects in the genetic material of a living organism.
- Gen-Ozi Ozone generator by Matheson Gas Products.
- GeoCarb 6 Engineered granular carbon media by Geoenergy International Corp.
- GeoCat™ Recuperative catalytic oxidizer by Geoenergy International Corp.
- geodetic head The total head without deducting velocity head or other losses.
- geographic information system (GIS) A computer system designed for storing, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying data in a geographic context.
- Geoguard® Groundwater sampling product by American Sigma, Inc.
- geosmin A trace organic chemical produced by certain algae which may impart an earthy/musty odor in surface waters. Chemical formula is C12H22O.
- geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) A land.ll liner manufactured of bentonite clay supported by geotexiles.
- Geothane® Wastewater containment lining by Futura Coatings, Inc.
- GeoTherm™ Regenerative thermal oxidizer by Geoenergy International Corp.
- geothermal Energy produced by the transfer of heat from the earth’s interior and conducted to the surface by hot water or steam.
- GEP Good engineering practice.
- germ A disease-producing microbe.
- germ cell A reproductive cell; in humans, sperm or eggs.
- germicide Any compound that kills disease-causing microorganisms.
- Gewe Inclined plate settler by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
- GFC USFilter/General Filter.
- GFF Glass .ber .lter.
- GFS Gravity Flow Systems, Inc.
- ghanat See “falaj.”
- GHG See “greenhouse gases (GHG).”
- Giardia lamblia A protozoan parasite responsible for giardiasis.
- giardiasis A gastrointestinal disease caused by the ingestion of waterborne Giardia lamblia, often resulting from the activity of beavers, muskrats, or other warmblooded animals in surface water used as a potable water source.
- gill net A vertical net used to capture .sh of a certain size by allowing their heads to pass through the openings while catching their gills in the mesh.
- Girasieve® Externally fed rotating drum screen by Andritz Sprout-Bauer S.A.
- GIS See “geographic information system (GIS).”
- glacial water Bottled water originating from a glacier.
- glacier A large mass of accumulating ice and compacted snow that slowly moves down mountain valleys.
- Gladiator Groundwater remediation pump by Ejector Systems, Inc.
- GLASdek Synthetic media for evaporative cooling systems by Munters.
- Glauber’s salt Sodium sulfate with ten waters of hydration.
- GLC Gas liquid chromatography.
- GLERL Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.
- GLI See “Great Lakes Initiative (GLI).”
- global warming A theory that predicts the warming of the atmosphere as a result of an accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
- globe valve A valve where closure is accomplished by a spherical plug lowered onto a matching seat in the center of the valve.
- GLP Good laboratory practices.
- GLWQA Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
- Glydaseal Sluice gate by Rodney Hunt Co.
- GM foods Genetically modi.ed foods made from plants that have been genetically altered.
- GMCC Global monitoring for climatic change.
- Golfwater® Aeration system for golf course ponds by Aeration Industries, Inc.
- Gooch crucible A heat resistant container .tted with a .lter mat used for determination of suspended and total solids.
- Good.l Rotary drum thickener by Gootech ASA.
- GOP General operating procedures.
- GOR See “gain output ratio (GOR).”
- Gore-Tex® Microporous membrane material by W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
- Gould clari.er A rectangular, secondary clari.er with dual chain and .ight sludge collector mechanisms traveling toward a single sludge hopper at or near the middle of the tank.
- GOX Gaseous oxygen.
- gpd Gallons per day.
- gpf Gallons per .ush.
- gpg See “grains per gallon (gpg).”
- gpg imp Grains per imperial gallon.
- gpm Gallons per minute.
- GPS Groundwater protection strategy.
- gr See “grain (gr).”
- GR™ Gas recuperative thermal oxidizer by Thermatrix, Inc.
- grab sample A single water or wastewater sample taken at a time and place representative of total discharge.
- Grabber Tramp metal and heavy object catcher by Franklin Miller, Inc.
- Grabber® Reciprocating rake bar screen by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
- Grace TEC Former name of Megtec Systems, Inc.
- grade (1) The .nished surface of a civil structure. (2) The inclination or slope of a surface or structure. (3) To rate according to a standard or size.
- gradient The rate of change of an elevation, velocity, pressure, temperature, or other parameter.
- graduated cylinder A glass cylinder with .ne gradations used in a laboratory to measure liquid contents.
- GrahamTek™ Filtration and desalination water treatment systems by MWD Technologies Ltd.
- grain (gr) A unit of mass equal to 0.0648 gram.
- grains per gallon (gpg) A unit of measure where 1 gpg (U.S.) = 17.1 mg/L and 1 gpg (Imp) = 14.3 mg/L, frequently used in water hardness calculations.
- gram (g) A unit of mass equal to the weight of 1 cubic centimeter (1 milliliter) of water or 0.03527 ounces.
- Gram stain A staining procedure used to differentiate and categorize bacteria as either Gram negative or Gram positive.
- granular activated carbon (GAC) A granular form of activated carbon used in .lter beds or contactor vessels to absorb organic compounds.
- granular media Grains of sand or other granular material used for .ltering water or wastewater.
- granular media .ltration A tank or vessel .lled with sand or other granular media to remove suspended solids and colloids from a water or wastewater that .ows through it.
- GRAS Generally regarded as safe.
- Gravabelt Gravity belt thickener by Komline-Sanderson Engineering Corp.
- gravel Rock fragments measuring 2 mm to 70 mm, often used as support material in granular media .lters.
- Gravex Zeolite softener by Graver Co.
- Gravilectric Sludge wasting system using load cells to determine excess sludge accumulations by Patterson Candy International, Ltd.
- Gravi-Merik™ Gravimetric belt feeder by Merrick Industries Inc.
- gravimetric Pertaining to the measurement of the weight of samples or materials.
- gravimetric feeder Dry chemical feeder that supplies a constant weight of chemical over a preset time period.
- Gravipak Cross.ow inclined plate clari.er by USFilter/Aerator Products.
- Gravi-Pak Oil/water separator by the former Bowser-Briggs Filtration Co.
- Gravisand™ Traveling bridge .lter components by USFilter/Davco.
- gravitational acceleration The acceleration of a free-falling body caused by the force of the earth’s gravity, equal to 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second.
- Gravitator™ Clari.er/thickener by DAS International, Inc.
- gravity belt thickener (GBT) A sludge dewatering device utilizing a porous .lter belt to promote gravity drainage of water.
- gravity .lter Granular media .lter that operates at atmospheric pressure.
- gravity spring See “seepage spring.”
- gravity system A hydraulic system that relies on gravity .ow and does not require pumping.
- gravity thickening A sedimentation basin designed to operate at high solids loading rates, usually with vertical pickets mounted to the revolving sludge scrapers to assist in releasing entrained water.
- gray (Gy) An international standard dose unit of radiation equal to an absorption of 1 joule per kilogram; 1 Gy = 100 rads.
- Gray Engineering Former equipment manufacturer.
- gray water All nontoilet household water including the water from sinks, baths, and showers.
- GRCDA Government Refuse Collection and Disposal Association.
- grease Common term used to include fats, oils, waxes, and related constituents found in wastewater.
- Grease Grabber Grease and oil skimmer by Abanaki Corp.
- grease trap A receptacle used to collect grease and separate it from a wastewater .ow.
- GreaseBurn Grease and skimmings incinerator by Walker Process Equipment.
- Great Lakes Environmental® Equipment product line by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
- Great Lakes Initiative (GLI) Proposed guidelines to develop uniform water quality requirements for the U.S. Great Lake’s basin.
- Great Lakes Instruments Former name of GLI International.
- green belt An undeveloped area immediately surrounding a town or development for the purpose of restricting indiscriminate outward expansion.
- green liquor The liquor resulting from dissolving molten smelt from the kraft recovery furnace in water.
- greenhouse effect The effect of CO2 and other gases on the earth’s atmosphere that is analogous to greenhouse glass as it restricts the out.ow of radiative energy which results in the warming of the lower atmosphere.
- greenhouse gases (GHG) Gases including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs which have been recognized to contribute to the greenhouse effect.
- Greenleaf Filter Control Multiple cell rapid sand gravity .lter using a central control and backwashing system by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
- greensand A .lter sand containing glauconite with ion exchange properties, often used to remove iron or manganese from water.
- GRGL Groundwater residue guidance level.
- Griductor® Comminutor by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
- Grif.n Generator Ozone generator by Ozonia North America.
- Grifter® Packaged pumping/grinding station by Ingersoll-Dresser Pump (U.S.) and H2O Waste-Tec (U.K.).
- Grind Hog™ Mechanical shredding products by G.E.T. Industries, Inc.
- grit Sand, gravel, cinders, and other heavy solid matter that have settling velocities substantially higher than those of organic putrescible solids in wastewater.
- grit chamber A settling chamber used to remove grit from organic solids through sedimentation or an air-induced spiral agitation.
- grit classi.er Mechanical device utilizing an inclined screw or reciprocating rake to wash putrescible organics from grit.
- Grit King™ Grit removal unit by H.I.L. Technology, Inc.
- grit removal A preliminary wastewater treatment process to remove grit from organic solids.
- Grit Snail™ Fine grit removal system by Eutek Systems, Inc.
- grit washer A device used to wash organic matter from grit.
- GritLift Air lift pump for grit removal by Walker Process Equipment.
- Gritmeister™ Grit separator/screw conveyor by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
- Gritreat Aerated grit chamber by USFilter/Headworks Products.
- Gritreator™ Grit treatment unit by Baker Process.
- Gritt Mitt™ Grit removal and conveyor unit by WesTech Engineering Inc.
- grizzly A coarse screen used to prevent debris from entering a water intake.
- Grizzly™ Grinder pump by F.E. Myers Co.
- ground cover Plants grown to keep soil from eroding.
- groundwater Subsurface water found in porous rock strata and soil.
- groundwater in.ltration (GWI) The seepage of groundwater into shafts and tunnels.
- groundwater recharge The replenishment of a groundwater source, often by injection of tertiary treated wastewater.
- grout Fluid, or semi-.uid, cement slurry for pouring into joints of brickwork or masonry.
- GRP Glass.ber reinforced plastic.
- grubbing The process of removing tree stumps or roots.
- GTO Gas turbine oxidizer.
- Guardian™ Strainer product line by Tate Andale, Inc.
- guide vane A device used to direct or guide the .ow of a liquid or vapor.
- guinea worm disease See “dracunculiasis.”
- gunbarrel A vertical settling tank used to separate free oil from water in the production of crude oil.
- Gundline® Containment liner by Gundle Lining Systems, Inc.
- Gundnet Drainage net by Gundle Lining Systems, Inc.
- Gundseal Geocomposite liner by Gundle Lining Systems, Inc.
- Gutling Former name of USFilter/Gutling.
- GW Groundwater.
- GWDR Ground Water Disinfection Rule.
- GWI Groundwater in.ltration.
- GWM Groundwater monitoring.
- GWUI Groundwater under the direct in.uence of surface water.
- gypsum The mineral consisting primarily of fully hydrated calcium sulfate. Chemical formula is CaSO4-2H20.
- Gyrazur™ Softening clari.er by In.lco Degremont, Inc
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z