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مسرد بيئي V

من موسوعة العلوم العربية
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

المعجم البيئي مشروع قيد العمل يحتاج ترجمة وإضافات

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • V*Sep® Membrane .ltration process using vibration to prevent fouling by New Logic International.
  • V. cholerae See “Vibrio cholerae.”
  • Vac.ush® Aeration cleaning system by USFilter/Jet Tech.
  • Vacpac™ Specialized waste container by PacTec, Inc.
  • Vacuator Vacuum-operated system for removal of .oating solids and scum by
  • GL&V/Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
  • VacuLift™ Vacuum sludge removal system by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
  • Vacu-Treat Rotary vacuum .lter by USFilter/Envirex.
  • vacuum A space from which air and gas have been removed and the pressure is less than normal atmospheric pressure.
  • vacuum breaker A back.ow prevention device that automatically vents a water line to the atmosphere when subjected to partial vacuum.
  • vacuum deaerator Device operating under vacuum to remove dissolved gases from a liquid.
  • vacuum .lter A dewatering device utilizing a cloth-covered cylindrical drum slowly rotating in a tank of sludge while subject to an internal vacuum. Sludge is drawn to the .lter cloth while water passes through the sludge cake.
  • vacuum truck A tank truck used to remove wastewater or other liquid wastes in which the air inside the tank is pumped out and the liquid to be removed rushes in to .ll the empty space.
  • vadose zone Designation of the layer of the ground below the surface but above the water table.
  • value engineering The process of subjecting an engineering design to a peer review by a group of experts who challenge the design concepts in an attempt to optimize the initial design and project cost.
  • ValueMAX™ Reverse osmosis system by USFilter.
  • valve A device used to regulate .ow of .uids through a piping system.
  • Valve PAC™ Valve positioning controller by F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.
  • van der Waals’ Force An attractive force apparent in colloidal particles.
  • Vanguard® Air stripper by Delta Cooling Towers, Inc.
  • Vanguard® Self-cleaning bar screen by Nuove Energie s.r.l.
  • VAPCCIs See “Vatavuk Air Pollution Control Indexes (VAPCCI).”
  • vapor The gaseous phase of a material in the solid or liquid state at standard temperature and pressure.
  • Vapor Combustor™ Vapor extraction unit by QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
  • vapor compression evaporation (VC) Evaporative system where vapor boiled off in the evaporator is mechanically compressed and reused as the heating medium.
  • Vapor Guard™ Fabric membrane odor control tank cover by ILC Dover, Inc.
  • Vapor Pacs Replaceable carbon canister systems for VOC emission control by Calgon Carbon Corp.
  • vapor plumes Flue gases visible because they contain water droplets.
  • vapor pressure The pressure at which equilibrium is established between the liquid and gas phases of a substance.
  • vapor recovery system A system to gather all vapors and gases discharged from a storage tank and process them to prevent their emission to the atmosphere.
  • vapor trail See “contrail.”
  • vaporization The process where a substance changes from a liquid or solid to the gaseous state.
  • VaporMate™ Volatile organic carbon treatment system by North East Environ­mental Products, Inc.
  • VaPure® Vapor compression still by Paul Mueller Co.
  • VAR Vector attraction reduction.
  • variable declining-rate .ltration Filter operation where the rate of .ow through the .lter declines and the level of liquid above the .lter rises throughout the .lter run.
  • Variair Diffuser by USFilter/Diffused Air Products Group.
  • variance Government permission for a delay or exception in the application of a given law, ordinance, or regulation.
  • Vari-Ator Variable energy controller for .oating aerator by USFilter/Aerator Products.
  • Vari-Cant™ Jet aeration system by USFilter/Jet Tech.
  • Vari.o® Wastewater distributor nozzle for high rate trickling .lter by USFil­ter/Micro.oc.
  • Vari-Pond® Centrifuge pond control system by Wesfalia Separator, Inc.
  • VariPort™ Anaerobic digester gas mixing system by USFilter/Envirex.
  • VariSieve™ Solids classi.er by Krebs Engineers.
  • VariTank™ Bolted steel tank by ModuTank, Inc.
  • Varivoid™ High rate granular media .lter by Graver Co.
  • Vatavuk Air Pollution Control Indexes (VAPCCI) Set of U.S. EPA indexes used to escalate air pollution equipment control costs.
  • VATIP Voluntary Advanced Technology Incentives Program. An EPA program intended to encourage environmental performance beyond what is required by the Cluster Rule.
  • vault An above- or below-ground-reinforced concrete structure for storing radio­active or other hazardous waste materials.
  • vault privy A holding tank with a seat or seats to provide for excretion of human wastes directly into the tank.
  • V-Auto™ In-line strainer by Andritz-Ruthner, Inc. (Western Hemisphere) and Andritz Sprout-Bauer S.A. (Eastern Hemisphere).
  • VC See “vapor compression evaporation (VC).”
  • VCE Vapor compression evaporation.
  • VCM Vinyl chloride monomer.
  • V-Cone® Differential pressure .ow design .ow meter by McCrometer, Inc.
  • VDB Vacuum drying bed by U.S. Environmental Products, Inc.
  • VDS Vertical drum screen by Waste-Tech, Inc.
  • VE Visual emissions.
  • vector An insect or other carrier capable of transmitting a pathogen from one organism to another.
  • vector-borne transmission The transmission of an infectious agent from an insect or other vector to a human.
  • Vee-wire® Wedge-shaped wire by USFilter/Johnson Screens.
  • vegetative controls Nonpoint source pollution control practices that involve veg­
  • etative cover to reduce erosion and minimize loss of pollutants.
  • vehicle miles travelled (VMT) A measure of the extent of motor vehicle opera­tion; the total number of vehicle miles travelled within a speci.c geographic area over a given period of time.
  • Vekton Nylon sludge collector sprockets by Norton Performance Plastics.
  • Vektor™ Mixer by Lightnin.
  • veliger A free-swimming, larval mollusk.
  • VeliGON® Molluscicide used to kill zebra mussels by Calgon Corp.
  • velocity cap The horizontal cap on a vertical, offshore water intake which results in a horizontal in.ow, thus reducing .sh entrainment.
  • velocity gradient (G value) A measurement of the degree of mixing imparted to
  • water or wastewater during .occulation.
  • velocity head The kinetic energy in a hydraulic system.
  • velometer A device used to measure air velocity.
  • ventilation The act of admitting fresh air into a space in order to replace stale or
  • contaminated air; achieved by blowing air into the space.
  • VentOXAL® Oxygenator system by Air Liquide America.
  • Vent-Scrub™ Powder-activated carbon adsorption unit by USFilter/Westates.
  • VentSorb Disposable granular activated carbon .lters by Calgon Carbon Corp.
  • Ventura™ VOC oxidizer by Megtec Systems, Inc.
  • venturi effect An increase in the velocity of a .uid as it passes through a con­
  • striction in a pipe or channel.
  • venturi meter A meter used to measure .ows in closed conduits by registering the difference in velocity heads between the entrance and outlet of a contracted throat.
  • venturi scrubber A wet scrubber used to remove particulates from gaseous
  • emissions. VEO Visible emission observation. VerderFlex Hosepump by Verder, Inc. vermiculture A stabilization and conversion process using earthworms to con­
  • sume organic matter in sludge. Versipad Oil absorption device for light to medium oils by Mother Environmental
  • Systems, Inc. VerTech™ Wet oxidation process by Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. VertiCel™ Biological wastewater treatment process by USFilter/Envirex. Verti-Flo Vertical .ow, rectangular tank clari.er by USFilter/Envirex. Verti-Jet™ Vertical pressure leaf .lter by USFilter Corp. Vertimatic Up.ow sand .lter by USFilter Corp. Vertimill™ Lime slaker by Svedala Industries, Inc. Verti-Press High pressure .lter press by Filtra-Systems Hydromation. Verti-Press Inclined screw-type solids/screenings press by Dontech, Inc. Vertiscreen Vertical stationary screen by Thermal Black Clawson. very low sodium water Bottled water containing 35 mg or less of sodium per
  • serving. Vestrip™ Vacuum extraction system by Ejector Systems, Inc. VFD Variable frequency drive. Vibra-Matic™ Vibrating pressure leaf .lter cleaning system by USFilter Corp. Vibra-Screen Vibrating .ne screen by Triton Technologies. Vibrasieve® Vibrating .ne screen by Andritz-Ruthner, Inc. vibrating screen A mechanical screening device whose screening surface is
  • shaken or vibrated to enhance solid/liquid separation. A variation of this screen is used as a solids classi.er. Vibrio cholerae The bacterium responsible for causing cholera. Also called
  • “V. cholerae.” Viggers Valve Automatic sludge blow-off valve by Walker Process Equipment. VIGR™ Electostatic precipitator by Wheelabrator Air Pollution Control, Inc. Vincent Press Horizontal dewatering screw press by Vincent Corp. Vinyl Core PVC biological .lter media formerly offered by B.F. Goodrich Co. viral Pertaining to or caused by a virus. VIRALT A mathematical model used to calculate the concentration of viruses at
  • the water table and well after water has been transported through a subsurface
  • media. Virchem® Corrosion control product by Carus Chemical Co., Inc. virtual water Water embedded in water-intensive commodities such as cereals. virulent Extremely infectious or damaging to organisms. virus Smallest biological structure capable of reproduction which infect their host,
  • producing disease. viscera The internal organs of an animal.
  • Viscomatic Lime slaker by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • viscosity The property of a .uid that offers resistance to .ow due to the existence of internal friction.
  • Vistex Grit removal system by Vulcan Industries, Inc.
  • Vitec™ Antiscalants and dispersants by Avista Technologies.
  • Vitox® Oxygen injection system for wastewater treatment plants by BOC Gases.
  • vitri.ed clay A kiln-.red clay product used to make pipe and brick.
  • VLA Very large array. See “array.”
  • VMT See “vehicle miles travelled (VMT).”
  • V-notch weir A weir with a triangular, v-shaped notch.
  • VO Nozzle Variable ori.ce spray nozzle by USFilter/Rex & Link-Belt Products.
  • VOC See “volatile organic compounds (VOC).”
  • VOC Wagon™ Self-contained thermal oxidizer by NAO Inc.
  • VOCarb Activated carbon by USFilter/Westates.
  • void volume The volume of the spaces between granular material such as .lter media or ion exchange resin, expressed as a percentage of the total volume occupied by the material.
  • volatile A substance that evaporates or vaporizes at a relatively low temperature.
  • volatile liquids Liquids which easily vaporize or evaporate at room temperature.
  • volatile organic compounds (VOC) Highly evaporative organic compounds often found in paints, solvents, and similar products.
  • volatile suspended solids (VSS) Organic content of suspended solids in a water or wastewater. Determined after heating a sample to 600°C.
  • Volcano™ Continuous down.ow sand.lter by Lighthouse Separation Systems, Inc.
  • Volclay® Sodium bentonite soil sealant liner systems by Colloid Environmental Technologies Co.
  • Vollmar Stormwater holding tank tipping bucket by Waterlink Separations, Inc.
  • Voluette Ampules of standard reagents solutions for analytical laboratory use by Hach Co.
  • volume reduction Processing waste materials to decrease the amount of space they occupy, usually by compacting or shredding, incineration, or composting.
  • Volumeter™ Flow monitoring instrument by Marsh-McBirney, Inc.
  • volumetric feeder Dry chemical feeder that supplies a constant preset or propor­tional chemical delivery by volume and will not recognize a change in material density.
  • volumetric tank test A test to determine the physical integrity of a storage tank where the volume of .uid in the tank is measured directly or calculated from product-level changes, and a marked drop in volume indicates a leak.
  • Vortair® Low speed surface aerator by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • Vortechs™ Stormwater treatment system by Vortechnics, Inc.
  • vortex A .ow with a whirling, rotary motion forming a cavity in the center toward which particles are drawn.
  • Vortex™ Circular tank grit removal system with a turbine type rotor by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • vortex .ow regulator A funnel-shaped .ow control device used to generate a uniform .ow rate from a storage basin, tank, or cistern.
  • vortex grit removal Grit removal system relying on a mechanically induced vor­tex to capture grit solids in the center hopper of a circular tank.
  • Vorti-Mix® Submerged turbine aerator by In.lco Degremont, Inc.
  • Vostrip™ Air stripping tower by EnviroSystems Supply.
  • Voyager™ Portable GC by PerkinElmer Instruments.
  • VPS™ Vapor phase odor control system by NuTech Environmental Corp.
  • VRTO Valveless regenerative thermal oxidizer. See “regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO).”
  • VSD Virtually safe dose.
  • VSR Volatile solids reduction.
  • VSS See “volatile suspended solids (VSS).”
  • VTC™ Vertical tube coalescing oil/water separator by AFL Industries, Inc.
  • VTE Vertical tube evaporator.
  • VTSH® Vertical turbine solids handling pump by Fairbanks Morse Pump Corp.
  • VTX Vertical vortex pump by Yeomans Chicago Corp.
  • vulnerability analysis Assessment of elements in the community susceptible to damage should a release of hazardous materials occur.
  • vulnerable zone An area over which the airborne concentration of a chemical accidentally released could reach the level of concern.
  • VVC Vacuum vapor compression

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