مسرد P
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- p invariance
- p na
- p type conductivity
- p type semiconductor
- p-deficiency
- p-n junction
- paar turbidimeter
- pacemaker
- pachymeter
- pacing catheter
- pacing electrode
- pack
- pack rolling
- pack-hardening
- package
- package power reactor
- packaging
- packed
- packed column
- packet
- packing
- packing density
- packing effect
- packing fraction curve
- packing fraction;
- packing gland
- packing index
- packing loss mass correction
- packing radius
- packing routine
- pad
- paddy ric
- paint
- painting
- pair
- pair (frenkel defect)
- pair annihilation
- pair annihilation
- pair conversion
- pair creation
- pair emission
- pair formation
- pair production
- paired
- paired lattice
- pairing
- pairing energy
- pairing energy
- pairing interaction
- pairing interaction
- palaeozoic
- palatable
- palate
- palau
- pale
- palea
- paleo-indians
- paleobotany
- paleocene
- paleoclimatology
- paleoecology
- paleogene
- paleogeography
- paleogeology
- paleoics
- paleolithic
- paleomagnetics
- paleomagnetism
- paleontologphysical
- paleontology
- paleozoic
- paleozoology
- paling
- palisade layer
- palladium (pd)
- palliatioe
- pallium
- palm
- palm oil
- palmitate
- palmitic acid
- palmitin
- palmyrides
- palp=palpus
- palpable
- palpation
- palpitation
- paludal
- paludism
- palynology
- pampas
- pan
- pan
- panadenocarcinoma
- panarteritis
- panarthritis
- panchromatic
- pancreas
- pancreatic fibrosis
- pancreatin
- panda
- pandemic
- panel
- panel board
- pangea
- pangenesis
- panic
- panicle
- panification
- panmixia
- panoramic
- panphytotic disease
- pantograph
- pantometer
- panzootic disease
- papain
- papaya
- paper
- paper pulp
- paper wax
- paper; filter
- paper; litmus
- papilla
- papillate
- papilloma
- para-
- para- toluenesulphonic acid
- para-ortho conversion
- parabiosis
- parabola
- parabolic reflector
- parachor
- paraconformity
- paradox
- paraelectric resonance
- paraffin
- paraffinicity
- parafinic
- paraganglioma
- paragonite
- parahelium
- parallactic displacement
- parallan correction
- parallan error
- parallax
- parallel
- parallel beam of incident particles
- parallel circuit
- parallel computers
- parallel connection
- parallel flow
- parallel of altitude
- parallel of declination
- parallel of latitude
- parallel plate
- parallel plate counter
- parallel processing
- parallel resonance circuit
- parallel running
- parallel-plate capacitor
- parallel-plate laser
- parallel-plate wave guide
- paralysis
- paramagnetic
- paramagnetic absorption
- paramagnetic material
- paramagnetic scattering
- paramagnetic spectra
- paramagnetism
- parameter
- parameter space
- parameterization
- parametric
- parametric amplifier
- parametric converter
- parametric down-converter
- parametric equation
- parametric oscillator
- parametric up – converter
- paramorph
- paramorplism
- parasite
- parasitic
- parasitic capture (of neutrons)
- parasitic cross-section
- parasitic disease
- parasitic induction
- parasitic neutron capture
- parasiticide
- parasitism
- parasitology
- parathyroid gland
- paraventricular nucleus
- parenchyma
- parent
- parent (parent isotpe)
- parent compound
- parent element
- parent material
- parent name
- parent nucleus
- parent nuclide
- parent plant
- parent solution
- parental age
- parental care
- parietal
- paripinnate leaf
- paris black (lamp black)
- parition coefficient
- parity
- parity effect
- parity nonconservation
- parity violation
- parotid gland
- parotitis
- parsec
- parsley
- parsonsite
- part
- parthenogenesis
- partial
- partial defect test
- partial differential equation
- partial eclipse
- partial pressure
- partial resistance
- partial test ban treaty
- partial wave
- partial wave analysis
- particle
- particle accelerator
- particle coulomb interaction
- particle density
- particle diffusion
- particle discrimination
- particle drift
- particle energy
- particle ics
- particle identification
- particle mass
- particle mobility
- particle pressure
- particle rest energy
- particle theory
- particle trajectory
- particle velocity
- particle-size analyser
- particulate
- particulate matter
- particulate size distribution
- parting
- partition
- partition coefficient
- partition function
- partition noise
- partition of energy
- partitioned dataset
- partly cloudy
- partner
- partnership
- parton
- parturient
- parturition
- party line
- parviflorus
- parvifoliate
- paryon
- pascal
- pascal’s law
- paschen series
- paschen-back effect
- passage of neutron through matter
- passband filter
- passband width
- passivate; to
- passivation
- passivator
- passive
- passive monitoring
- passive safety
- passivity
- paste
- pasteurization
- pastille
- pasture
- pasture
- pasture crop
- patch
- patch-clamp
- patchy
- patent
- patent
- paternal
- path
- path integrals
- path length
- path plotting
- pathogen
- pathogenic
- pathologist
- pathologphysical
- pathology
- pathway
- pathway to man
- paticipation
- patina
- pattern
- pattern recognition
- pauli blocking of collisions
- pauli exclusion principle
- pauli matrices
- pauli spin operators
- pay ore
- pcculation
- pdc ( parametric down conversion )
- peach
- peacock
- peak
- peak attenuation
- peak current
- peak load
- peak value
- peak-load plant
- peaker strip
- pealing
- peanut
- peanut oil
- pear
- pearl
- peas
- peat
- peat
- peat soil
- pebble
- pebble bed reactor
- pebble reactor
- pebbly sand
- pectin
- pedal
- pedalfers
- pediatrics
- pedicelled floret
- pedocals
- pedogenesis
- pedology
- peduncle
- pedunculate
- peel
- peeling
- peening
- pegmatite
- pelade
- pelagic
- pellet
- pelletizing
- pelletron
- pellicle
- pellogra
- peltier effect
- pelvis
- pendant
- pendulum
- peneplain
- penetrance
- penetrate; to
- penetrating component
- penetrating power
- penetrating radiation
- penetrating shower
- penetration depth
- penetration depth
- penetrometer
- penetrometer (=penetrameter)
- penicillin
- peninsula
- penning gage
- penning ion source
- penrose tile
- penrose tiling
- penta
- pentafining
- pentagon
- pentagonal prism
- pentamer
- pentaploidy
- pentarerythritol
- pentathionic acid
- pentatron
- pentavalency
- pentavalent
- pentene (=pentyne)
- pentlandite
- pentode
- pentolite
- pentose
- pentosuria
- pentoxide
- pentyne
- penumbra
- peppermint oil
- peppermint oil
- pepsin
- peptidase
- peptide
- peptide modulator
- peptization
- peptone
- per ( paramagnetic electron resonance)
- per-
- per-unit dose
- per-unit-energy cost
- peracetic acid
- peracid
- percentage
- percentage depth dose
- percentage loss
- percept
- perception
- perceptual speed
- perchlorate
- percolate
- percolation
- percolation leaching
- percursor
- perfect
- perfect combustion
- perfect conductivity
- perfect conductor
- perfect diamagnetism
- perfect flower
- perfect gas;
- perforated
- perforation
- performance
- performance characteristic(s)
- performance indicator
- performed precipitate
- perfume
- perfume oil
- pergelation
- peri -
- perianth
- pericarbium
- pericardium
- pericarp
- pericycle
- peridot
- perigee
- perigynous flower
- perihelion
- perimeter
- perinatal
- period
- period (of a radioactive element)
- period meter
- period of collective oscillation
- period of decay
- period range
- periodate
- periodic
- periodic classification
- periodic law
- periodic oscillation
- periodic table
- periodicity
- periosteum
- peripher
- peripheral region
- periphery
- periscope
- perisere
- peristalsis
- peristasis
- peritectic
- peritectic point
- peritoneum
- permalloy
- permanency
- permanent
- permanent dipoles
- permanent disposal (of wastes)
- permanent emulsion
- permanent magnet
- permanent storage
- permanganate
- permatron
- permeability
- permeable
- permeation
- permissible
- permissible dose
- permissible exposure
- permissible weekly dose
- permittivity
- permolars
- permutation
- permutation group
- pernicious anaemia (anemia)
- pernnial
- perosis
- perovskite
- peroxidase
- peroxide
- peroxy radphysical
- perpendicular
- persistence
- persistent
- personal dose
- personal dose equivalent hp(d)
- personal monitoring
- personnel dose control
- personnel dosimetry
- perspective
- perspex = plexiglass
- perspiration
- persulfate
- perturbation
- perturbation (plasma)
- perturbation theory
- perturbative correction
- perturbutive renormalization
- perviousness
- pest
- pesticide
- pestle
- pet (positron emission tomography)
- pet (positron emission tomography)
- petal
- petalous
- petiolate leaf
- petiole
- petit
- petrifaction
- petrify; to
- petrochemistry
- petrofacies
- petrogenesis
- petrography
- petroical
- petroleum
- petroleum fractions
- petroliferous
- petrology
- petrophysicals
- petzite
- peyer's patche
- ph (or px value)
- ph meter
- phaeochromacytoma
- phagocyte
- phanotron
- phantom
- phantom limb
- phantom material
- pharmaceutphysical
- pharmacognosy
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacology
- pharmacy
- pharyngology
- pharynx
- phase
- phase bunching
- phase change materials
- phase coherence
- phase contrast
- phase contrast microscopy
- phase converter
- phase diagrams
- phase difference
- phase feeding
- phase grating
- phase hologram
- phase integral
- phase inversion
- phase inverter
- phase lag
- phase level
- phase meter
- phase modulation
- phase modulation
- phase modulator
- phase portrait
- phase relaxation
- phase rule
- phase shift
- phase shifting unit
- phase space
- phase space
- phase transformation
- phase transition
- phase velocity
- phase-contrast microscope
- phase-locked transfer oscillator
- phase-only diffractive optical element (doe)
- phased array radar
- phaseolus
- phaser
- phasing; see:timing
- pheasant
- phenology
- phenology
- phenomenal
- phenomenologphysical
- phenomenology
- phenomenon (-ena)
- phenotype
- phenoxide ion
- phenyl
- phenylene
- phenylhydrazine
- phenylhydrazone
- phil
- phloem
- phloem fiber
- phlogopite
- phon
- phoneme
- phonograph
- phonon
- phonon damping
- phonon emission
- phonon-selectron interaction
- phosgene; carbonyl chloride
- phosphatase
- phosphate
- phosphate media
- phosphate mine
- phosphate tailings
- phosphatide
- phosphatize; to
- phosphide
- phosphine
- phosphinic acid
- phosphite
- phosphoglucomutase
- phosphoglucose isomerase
- phosphogy
- phospholipids
- phosphonium
- phosphoproteins
- phosphor
- phosphorated
- phosphorescence
- phosphorescent
- phosphoric acid
- phosphoric acid conditioning
- phosphoric media
- phosphorites
- phosphorous acid
- phosphorous allotropy
- phosphorous red
- phosphorus (p)
- phosphorylase
- phosphorylate
- phosphorylation
- phosphuranylite
- phot
- photino
- photo -
- photo raemolysis
- photo thermo electric effect
- photo-catalysis
- photo-deuteron
- photo-hall effect
- photo-induced transient spectroscopy
- photo-mask
- photo-peak
- photo-resist
- photoacoustic
- photoacoustic spectroscopy
- photoacoustics
- photoalignment technique
- photoassociation
- photobleaching
- photocathode
- photocell
- photochemistry
- photochromic compound
- photochromism
- photoconduction
- photoconductive cell
- photoconductivity
- photoconductor
- photodetector
- photodiode
- photodisintegration
- photodissociation
- photodissociation ; see: nuclear photoelectric effect
- photodissociation threshold
- photodynamic
- photodynamic mechanism
- photodynamic therapy
- photoelastic effect
- photoelasticity
- photoelectric
- photoelectric absorption
- photoelectric effect
- photoelectric efficiency
- photoelectric threshold
- photoelectricity
- photoelectrochemical cell
- photoelectrolysis
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoelectron
- photoelectron spectroscopy
- photoelectron spectroscopy
- photoelectron spectrum
- photoemission
- photoemitter
- photoemulsion
- photofission
- photofission threshold
- photoflash
- photographic amplification
- photographic density
- photographic emulsion
- photographic image
- photographic surveillance system
- photographic trace
- photography
- photography
- photoinduced discharge
- photoionization
- photoisomerism
- photolithography
- photolityotraphio
- photoluminescence
- photolysis
- photomagnetic effect
- photomasking
- photomeson
- photometer
- photometry
- photomicroscope
- photomultiplier
- photomultiplier counter
- photomultiplier tube
- photon
- photon absorption
- photon activation analysis
- photon difference method
- photon echoes
- photon emission
- photon energy
- photon migration
- photon spin
- photoneutron
- photoneutron
- photonic
- photonic band gap (pbg)
- photonic crystal fiber(pcf)
- photonuclear effect
- photonuclear reaction
- photonuclear reaction
- photoogy
- photoorganatropic
- photootherapy
- photophoresis
- photophysical
- photophysical transformation
- photopolymer
- photopolymerization
- photoproduction
- photoproton
- photoproton
- photoreactivition
- photoreception
- photoreceptor
- photoresistor
- photoreversion
- photoroltaic cell
- photosensitization
- photosphere
- photosphere
- photosynthesis
- photosynthetic cycle
- photosynthetic pigments
- photothermal absorption spectroscopy
- photothermal radiometry
- phototoxicity
- phototransistor
- phototransistor
- phototropism
- phototube
- photovoltaic cell
- photovoltaic effect
- photovoltaic sensor
- photovoltaics
- phtalein
- phthalic acid
- phthisis
- phthorimaea operculella
- phyiocyanin
- phyioerythren
- phylloclade
- phylogeny
- phylum
- physical
- physical absorption
- physical assay
- physical chemistry
- physical constant
- physical dimension
- physical dosimetry
- physical geography
- physical geology
- physical law
- physical mass unit
- physical measurement
- physical optics
- physical property
- physical protection
- physical retardation
- physical tracer
- physical unit
- physico chemical analysis
- physics
- physics of the living state
- physiochemistry
- physiological effect
- physiological effects of neutrons
- physiology
- phytohormone damage
- phytol
- phytopathology
- phytophysiology
- phytoplankton
- phytosociology
- phytotomy
- phytotoxic
- pica
- pick up
- pick-up reaction
- picking
- pickles
- pickling
- pickup loop (pickup coil)
- picnometer
- pico -
- picric acid; trinitrophenol
- pictorial
- picture
- picture carrier
- picture element
- piece
- piedmont
- piercing
- pieze
- piezochemistry
- piezoelectric
- piezoelectricity
- piezoelectronic system
- pig
- pig iron
- pigeon
- piglet
- pigment
- pilbarite
- pile
- pile operation
- pile oscillator
- pile period
- pile poisoning
- pile up factor
- piles
- pileus
- piliferous
- pill
- pillar
- pilot
- pilot cell
- pilot lamp
- pilot model
- pilot plant
- pilot production
- pilot project
- pilot wave
- pimelic acid
- pinch
- pinch confinement (of a plasma)
- pinch current
- pinch discharge
- pinch instability
- pinch magnetic field
- pinch-off
- pinched gas
- pinched gas discharge
- pine
- pine oil
- pineal gland
- pineapple
- pinhole
- pink
- pinning
- pinning force
- pinocytosis
- pion
- pion & kaon scattering
- pion condensation
- pion dosimetry
- pion nucleon scattering
- pioneer site
- pionic atom
- pionium
- pip
- pipe
- piperidine
- pipette
- pipette filler
- pipette graduated
- pirani gage
- piro -
- pistachio
- pistil
- piston
- pit
- pitch
- pitch
- pitch circle
- pitchblende
- pitchstone
- pitchy
- pits (photo-induced transient spectroscopy)
- pitting
- pitting
- pitting
- pitting corrosim
- pitting corrosion
- pitting corrosion
- pittinite
- pituitary
- pituitary gland
- pivot
- pivot joint
- pivoting point
- pixe ( proton-induced x-ray emission)
- pixel
- pixilation
- placenta
- plague
- planar
- planar device
- planar diode
- planar transistor
- planchet
- planck's scale
- plane
- plane (vector) field
- plane earth
- plane geometry
- plane mirror
- plane of polarization
- plane of symmetry
- plane source (of neutrons)
- plane wave
- plane- polarized wave
- planer
- planet
- planet
- planetarium
- planetary aberration
- planetary electron; see: orbital electron
- planetary nebula
- planetary orbit
- planetesimal hypothesis
- plankton
- planned grazing
- planning
- plant
- plant analysis
- plant association
- plant availability
- plant ecology
- plant genetic systems
- plant pathology
- plant succession
- plant vigor
- plant-specific safety indicator
- planting
- plants
- plaque
- plaser
- plasma
- plasma column (plasma filament)
- plasma confinement
- plasma current
- plasma cylinder
- plasma density (density of particles in a plasma)
- plasma diagnostics
- plasma diodes
- plasma display
- plasma display
- plasma disruption
- plasma disruption
- plasma drift
- plasma dynamics
- plasma electron
- plasma filament
- plasma filter
- plasma focus
- plasma focus devices
- plasma frequency
- plasma heating
- plasma ics
- plasma layer
- plasma lens
- plasma neutron radiation
- plasma oscillations
- plasma potential
- plasma pressure (kinetic pressure of plasma)
- plasma production
- plasma radiation
- plasma sheath
- plasma sheet
- plasma state
- plasma-ion beam technique
- plasmagene
- plasmasphere
- plasmatron
- plasmid
- plasmin
- plasminogen
- plasmodium
- plasmogany
- plasmoid
- plasmolysis
- plasmolysis
- plasmon
- plasmon energy (amount needed for excitation of plasmon)
- plaster
- plastic
- plastic limit
- plastic plate
- plasticity
- plasticization
- plasticized
- plasticizer
- plastics
- plastid
- plastometer
- plate
- plate column
- plate efficiency factor
- plate spacing
- plate tectonics
- plate tower
- plateau
- plateau (in curve of counter)
- plateau characteristic
- plateau regime
- platelet
- platelet count
- platelets
- plates tectonic
- platform
- platinating
- plating
- platinic
- platinize; to
- platinized asbestos
- platinous
- platinum (pt)
- platinum black
- platinum plack
- playa or sebkhah
- pleistocene
- plenum chamber
- pleochroic halo
- pleochroism
- plexiglas
- pliocene
- ploidy
- plot
- plotter
- plotter
- plough, plow
- plug
- plum
- plumbite
- plumboniobite
- plumbous
- plumose
- plural scattering
- plutonic
- plutonium (pu)
- plutonium producing reactor
- plutonium reactor
- plutonium recycling
- pluvial
- pment
- pment paper
- pneumatic
- pneumatic atomizer
- pneumatic control valve
- pneumatic hammer
- pneumatic motors
- pneumatic transport
- pneumatics
- pneumonia
- pneumonitis
- pocket ionization chamber
- pocket meter
- pocket monitor
- pod
- podzols
- point
- point contact diode
- point counter tube
- point defect
- point detector
- point lattice
- point mutation
- point of inflection
- point of intersection
- point particle
- point scatterer
- point singularity
- point slug
- point source
- point spectrum
- point target
- pointer
- poise
- poison
- poison gas
- poison ivy
- poison; to
- poisoning
- poisoning cycle
- poisoning method
- poisoning of reactor see: pile poisoning
- poisonous
- poisonous effect
- poisson distribution
- polar
- polar axis
- polar bond
- polar climate
- polar compound
- polar coordinates
- polar covalent bond
- polar eircle
- polar group
- polar molecule
- polar night
- polar nucleus
- polar solvant
- polar vector
- polar vortex
- polarimeter
- polarimetric analysis
- polarimetry
- polarimetry
- polarisable
- polarisation field
- polariscope
- polariton
- polariton
- polariton condensate
- polariton emitters
- polarity
- polarity change
- polarizability
- polarization
- polarization qubit
- polarize; to
- polarized
- polarized light
- polarizer
- polarizing
- polarizing filter
- polarizing microscope
- polarogram
- polarograph
- polarography
- polaroid
- polaron
- pole
- pole gap
- poleyene
- poliomyelite
- poliomyelitis
- polish; to
- polishable
- polished
- polisher
- polishing
- polled
- pollen
- pollination
- pollucite
- pollutant
- pollutant gaseous
- polluted
- polluted water
- polluter
- pollution
- poloidale
- polonium (po)
- polpitation
- poly -
- poly water
- poly-silicon
- polyacids
- polyadelphous
- polyamide
- polyandry
- polyatomic
- polyazo
- polybasic
- polyblend
- polybutadienne
- polycarpellary
- polycarpous
- polycentric
- polychromatic
- polyclonal
- polycotyledonous
- polycrase (polycrasite)
- polycrystal
- polycyclic
- polycythemia
- polydiacetylene
- polyembryony
- polyene(s)
- polyenergetic
- polyenergetic neutron radiation
- polyester
- polyethene
- polyethylene
- polygénique
- polygon
- polyhedral
- polyhedron
- polyhydric
- polyhydric alcohol
- polyhydroxyl
- polykaryocyte
- polymer
- polymer detector
- polymerase
- polymerase (rna )
- polymerase chain reaction
- polymeric
- polymeric matrix
- polymerising
- polymerism
- polymerizability
- polymerization
- polymerize; to
- polymerzied
- polymorphic, polymorphous
- polymorphism
- polymorphonuclear leucocyte
- polymorphous; polymorphic
- polyneuritis
- polynomial
- polyp
- polypeptide
- polypetalous
- polyphagous
- polyphase
- polyphenol oxidase
- polyploidy
- polypody
- polyporous
- polypropylene
- polypropylene
- polysaccharide
- polysepalous
- polytechnphysical
- polytrichous
- polyuria
- polyvalency
- polyvalent
- polyvalent vaccine
- polyvinyl acetate
- pomade
- pome
- pomegranate
- pomology
- pond
- ponderomotive force
- pool
- pool liner
- pool reactor
- poole-frenkel mechanism
- poor
- poplar
- poppy-seed oil
- population
- population code
- population inversion
- porcelain
- porcelain dish
- pore
- pore diffusion
- pore space
- pork
- porosity
- porosity
- porous
- porous barrier
- porous reactor
- porous rock matrix
- porous silicon
- porous silicon
- porphyrin
- port-wine stains
- portulaca
- position
- position indicator
- position isomerism
- position vector
- positional
- positive
- positive charge
- positive feedback
- positive field gradient
- positive ion beam
- positive rays
- positive-ion oscillation(s)
- positively charged nucleus
- positivism
- positivity
- positron
- positron annihilation
- positron decay
- positron disintegration
- positron emission
- positron emission tomography (pet)
- positron emitter
- positronium
- post -
- post glacial
- post tension
- poster paper
- posterior
- posterior capsulotomy
- postnatal
- postsynaptic
- postsynaptic cell membrane
- postulate
- posture
- pot
- potable
- potash
- potash alum
- potassium (k)
- potassium bideuterium phosphate
- potassium carbonate
- potassium dihydrogen phosphate
- potassium nitrate
- potassium perchlorate
- potassium permanganate
- potassium titanyl phosphate
- potato
- potency
- potential
- potential
- potential barrier
- potential box
- potential curve
- potential difference
- potential energy
- potential energy surface
- potential exposure
- potential field
- potential pulse
- potential radiation exposure
- potential risk
- potential scattering
- potential well
- potentiality
- potentiation
- potentiometer
- potentiometry
- potometer
- pottery
- poultry
- poultry diet
- poults
- pound
- pound apothecary
- pour point
- pour; to
- pouring
- powder
- powder ore
- powder pattern
- powder; to
- powdered
- powdery mildew
- powdery scab
- power
- power balance
- power breeder
- power breeder reactor
- power capacity
- power chain reaction
- power circuit
- power coefficient
- power coefficient of negative reactivity
- power conditioning
- power control rod
- power density
- power drift
- power duster
- power excursion
- power level
- power line monitor
- power of resolution
- power operation
- power output
- power pile
- power plant
- power range
- power rating
- power reactor
- power reactor information system
- power recovery
- power requirements
- power source
- power spectrum
- power spraver
- power station
- power supplly train
- power supply
- power supply train
- power thresher
- power transfer
- power-level channel
- pozzolan
- practice
- practphysical unit
- prairie
- prairie
- praseodymium (pr)
- praxis system
- pre -
- pre post
- pre-modulatory
- pre-project assistance
- pre-project mission
- preamplifier
- precambrian
- precambrian period
- precaution
- precession
- precious metal
- precious stone
- precipitable
- precipitant
- precipitate; to
- precipitating
- precipitation
- precipitation with a carrier
- precise
- precision
- precision measurement
- precooler
- precursor (of delayed neutron)
- precursor gas
- precursor gas
- predator
- predatory crustaceans
- predetonation (of a-bomb)
- predictibility
- prediction
- prediction map
- predictive maintenance
- predisposition
- predissociation
- preferential
- preferential flow
- preferred
- preferred orientation
- prefilter
- prefix
- prefrontal
- prefrontal cortex
- prefrontal lobe
- preglacial
- pregnancy
- pregnant solution
- preirradiation
- preliminary test
- preloading
- premature
- premolar
- prenatal
- prenatal
- preoviposition
- preparation
- preparatory
- prepare; to
- preprint
- preprint
- prescribed dose
- prescription
- presence
- preservation
- preservative
- press; to
- pressed oxide
- pressing
- pressure
- pressure difference
- pressure equalizer
- pressure equilibrium
- pressure gap
- pressure gradient
- pressure head
- pressure pulse
- pressure regulator
- pressure relief
- pressure relief system
- pressure still
- pressure vessel
- pressure vessel
- pressure wave
- pressurized casing (about reactor)
- pressurized heavy water reactor(phwr)
- pressurized water
- pressurized water reactor (pwr)
- pressurizer relief tank
- prestressed concrete
- prestriate cortex
- presynaptic
- presynaptic facilitation
- pretension
- pretrigger
- prevalence
- prevent
- prevention
- preventive sanitation
- primary
- primary barrier
- primary beam
- primary cosmic rays
- primary fission yield
- primary heat exchanger
- primary heat transport system
- primary ion
- primary ionization
- primary marker
- primary material
- primary material
- primary pile (primary reactor)
- primary proton
- primary radiation
- primary specific ionization
- primary standard
- primary standard sequence
- primates
- prime
- primer
- priming
- primitive cell
- primordial
- primordial fluctuations
- principal
- principal branch
- principal quantum number
- principal sulcus
- principle
- principle of equivalence
- principle of equivalence between forces of inertia & gravitation
- principle value
- printing
- prionite
- priority
- prism
- prismatic
- private
- pro -
- probabilistic method for assessing safeguards effectiveness (pase)
- probabilistic risk assessment
- probabilistic safety analysis (psa)
- probability
- probability current
- probability density
- probability of disintegration
- probability of reaction
- probable value
- probe
- probe beam
- probe for measure-ments
- probe laser
- probing
- problem
- problem definition
- proboscis
- procaryotic
- procedure
- process
- process control
- process development
- process furnace
- process gas
- process heat reactor
- processing
- processus of transport
- producer
- producing
- product
- product nucleus
- product particle
- production
- production of neutrons
- production pile
- production plant
- production reactor
- productivity
- proeutectic
- profile
- profiles
- progeny
- progeny
- progeria
- progesterone
- prognosis
- prograde, to
- program abstracts information service (pais)
- programing
- programme area
- progressive
- progressive wave (travelling wave)
- progressivism
- proinsulin
- project
- project
- project ; to
- project agreement
- project counterparts
- project monitoring system
- project-oriented nature
- projected inspection effort (pie)
- projectile
- projectile ogive
- projection
- projection & conservation method
- projection operator
- projection operator technique
- projector
- prolactin
- prolamine
- prolate deformed
- prolate distortion
- proliferation
- prolific
- proline
- promethium (pm)
- promise
- promoter
- promotional model
- prompt (fission) neutron multiplication rate
- prompt critphysical
- prompt gamma rays
- prompt generation time
- prompt neutron
- prompt poison
- prompt reactivity
- promulagation
- proof
- propagation
- propagation loss
- propagation velocity
- propagator
- propane
- propanol (=propyl alcohol)
- propanone (=acetone)
- propellant
- propeller
- propeller fan
- propeller windmill
- propenal (=acrolein)
- propene
- proper
- proper energy
- property
- prophase
- propolis
- proportion
- proportional
- proportional amplifier
- proportional band
- proportional counter
- proportional counter tube
- proportional ionization chamber
- proportional region
- proportioning
- proposition
- proproot
- propulsion
- propulsion reactor
- proscribed activity
- prospecting
- prospective
- prospector
- prospectus
- prosperous
- prostaglandins
- prostrate, trailing
- protactinium (pa)
- protamine
- protandrous
- protandry
- protease
- protection
- protection against radiation
- protection survey
- protective action guide (pag)
- protective agent
- protective coating (protective covering)
- protective screen
- protector
- protein
- protein inheritance
- protein kinase
- protein nutrition
- protein supplement
- protein synthesis
- proteo lysis
- proteolysis
- proterogynous
- proterogyny
- proterozoic
- prothallus
- prothrombin
- protist
- protium
- proto -
- protohominids
- protohuman
- protolunar disk
- proton
- proton -synchrotron
- proton drip-line
- proton-induced x-ray emission analysis
- proton-neutrino field
- proton-neutron force
- proton-proton chain
- proton-proton force
- protonated
- protonation
- protonic
- protonium
- protonization
- protophile
- protophobe
- protoplanetary disk
- protoplanets
- protoplasm
- protostars
- prototropy
- prototype
- prototype
- prototype fast reactor (pfr)
- prototype reactor
- prototype test
- protoxide
- protozoa
- protozoa
- protracted irradiation
- protruding
- proventriculus
- provide
- proximal promoter
- proximate analysis
- proximity effect
- prozac
- prune
- pruning
- pruning
- pruning saw
- pruning shear
- prussian blue
- prussian green
- pseudo -
- pseudo branch
- pseudo bulbe
- pseudo cambium
- pseudo parenchyma
- pseudo plus motions
- pseudo poda
- pseudocarp
- pseudogravitational force
- pseudoparticles
- pseudopotential well
- pseudoscalar coupling
- pseudoscalar field
- pseudoscalar meson
- pseudoscalars
- pseudotensor
- pseudovector (axial vector)
- pseudovector mesons
- psophometer
- psorosis
- psortland cement
- psuedogap
- psychiatric genetics
- psychoanalysis
- psychologist
- psychology
- psychopathology
- psychophysical
- psychosis
- psychro philic
- pteridology
- ptyalin
- puberty
- pubescent
- pubis
- public exposure
- public key systems
- publish
- publisher
- puckered
- puddling furnace
- puff
- pull
- pull-tube
- pullets
- pullorum disease
- pulmonary
- pulmonary micosis
- pulp
- pulpy kidney, enterotoxaemia
- pulsar
- pulsating magnetic field
- pulsating mode
- pulsating star
- pulsation (pulse)
- pulsation period
- pulse
- pulse amplifier
- pulse chopper
- pulse circuit
- pulse coincidence
- pulse compressing
- pulse counter
- pulse counting channel
- pulse counting system
- pulse duration (pulse length)
- pulse height analysis
- pulse height discriminator
- pulse height selector
- pulse integration
- pulse ionization chamber
- pulse lengthener
- pulse mode
- pulse modulation
- pulse of current
- pulse of ionization
- pulse processor
- pulse radar
- pulse selection technique
- pulse shaper
- pulse stretcher
- pulse stretching
- pulse time analysis
- pulse-height spectrum
- pulsed discharge
- pulsed discharge
- pulsed irradiation
- pulsed laser deposition
- pulsed operation
- pulsed reactor
- pulsed source
- pulsed zero energy system
- pulser
- pulses
- pulveration of nucleus
- pulverisation
- pulvinar
- pumice
- pump
- pump laser
- pumping
- pumping radiation
- pumping station
- pumpkins
- punch
- punch card
- punch tape
- punch through
- punching
- punctuate
- puncture
- puncture voltage
- pungent odour
- pupa
- pupil
- purcell effect
- pure
- pure alcohol
- pure and applied mathematics
- purgative
- purification
- purified diets
- purifier
- purify
- purine
- purity
- purkinje fibers
- purple
- purpura
- push
- push pull amplifier
- push pull oscillator
- push push amplifier
- push rod
- pustule
- putrefaction
- putrescine
- pycnidium
- pycnometer
- pycnonuclear fusion
- pyramidal
- pyrex glass
- pyridine
- pyridoxamine
- pyridoxine
- pyrimidine
- pyrite
- pyro-
- pyroceramic
- pyrochlore
- pyroclastic
- pyroelectric crystal
- pyroelectric effect
- pyroelectricity
- pyrogallol
- pyrogen
- pyrogenic
- pyrolyse; to
- pyrolyser
- pyrolysis
- pyrolytic cracking
- pyrometallurgy
- pyrometamorphism
- pyrometer
- pyrophosphate
- pyrotechnic
- pyrotron (mirror machine)
- pyroxene
- pyroxylin (gun cotton)
- pyrrole
- pyrrolidine
- pyruvate
- pyruvic acid
- python
- pyxi dium
- pyxidium
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z