مسرد D
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- d.displacement لاتوجد ترجمة عربية ، أما ويكيبيديا الإنكليزية فقد وضعت صفحة توضيح لاستخدام كلمة Displacement في متخلف التخصصات
- dalton’s atomic theory نظرية دالتون الذرية
- dam سد
- damage أذى؛ ضرر؛ عطب
- damascus steel فولاذ دمشقي
- daming off رقاد البادرات
- damp رطب
- damp;to يرطب. يُخْمد
- damper مُخمّد
- damping تخميد
- damping coefficient معامل التخميد
- damping medium وسط التخميد
- dams سدود
- danger coefficient معامل الخطر
- dangerous خطر
- dangerous pile (unsafe pile) مفاعل خطر
- dangerous radiation إشعاع خطر
- dangling bond رابطة متدلية
- daniel cell
- dark cherry heat
- dark current
- dark energy
- dark interstellar cloud
- dark matter
- dark reaction
- dark red heat
- data bank
- data processing
- data reduction
- data storage
- data validation
- date
- date palm
- dating
- datum (data)
- daughter activity
- daughter cell
- daughter element
- daughter nucleus
- daughter product
- davidite
- de-airing
- de-asphalted oil
- de-asphalting
- de-bromination
- de-excitation
- de-hass-van alphen effect
- deacidizing
- deactivate
- deactivation
- deactivator
- deacylase
- dead load
- dead time
- deaerator
- deagglomeration
- dealkylate
- dealkylation
- deamination
- deashing
- debloom; to
- deblooming
- debris
- debris
- debutanization
- debutanizer
- debye length; see: screening length
- debye sceeening
- debye shielding distance
- debye temperature
- debye unit
- deca
- decade counter
- decade scaler
- decagon
- decalcification
- decane
- decant; to
- decantation
- decanter
- decapage
- decarbonate (=decarbonize)
- decarbonizing
- decay
- decay chain
- decay channel
- decay constant
- decay curve
- decay heat
- decay parameters
- decay product
- decay rate
- decay region
- decay series
- decay strength
- decay time
- deceleration
- deci-
- decibel
- deciduous
- decimal
- decimal number
- decimal system
- decinormal
- decipher
- decipher
- decis
- decision gate
- declension(magnetic)
- declinate
- declination
- declorize;to
- decode
- decoder
- decoding
- decoherence
- decoking
- decolorising carbon
- decommissioning
- decomposable
- decompose
- decomposition
- decompress;to
- decontamination
- decontamination bay
- decontamination factor
- decontamination index
- decontamination of plutonium
- decontamination plant
- decortication
- decoupling
- decoy
- decrease
- decreasing
- decrement
- decrepitation
- dedifferentiate
- deduce
- deduction
- dee (cyclotron)
- deep
- deep freeze
- deep freezer
- deep storage
- deep well
- deethanization (=deetanation)
- defacto exposure
- defacto situation
- default
- defect
- defect test
- defective
- defective gene
- defectoscope
- defense
- defensive
- defibrillator
- defibrinated blood
- deficiency
- define; to
- definition
- definitive
- deflagrate; to
- deflagration
- deflation
- deflecting effect
- deflection
- deflection distribution curve
- deflection time
- deflector
- deflocculate
- defoamer; defoaming agent
- defoaming
- defoliation
- deforestation
- deformation
- deformation at saddle point
- deformation band
- deformation space
- deformed nucleus
- deformed quantum cascade laser
- defrosting
- degaser cyclone
- degassing system
- degeneracy
- degenerate
- degenerate electron gas
- degenerate level
- degenerated
- degeneration
- deglaciation
- degradation
- degradation of energy
- degraded input signal
- degrease; to
- degreaser
- degree
- degree of freedom
- degree of ionization (of gas; plasma)
- degree of penetrance
- dehalogenate; to
- dehalogenation
- dehiscent
- dehumidification
- dehumidifier
- dehumidify
- dehydrate; to
- dehydrated
- dehydration
- dehydrochloriation
- dehydrogenase
- dehydrogenate; to
- dehydrogenation
- deicing
- deionization
- deka; deca
- delay
- delay distribution function
- delay line clipper
- delayed
- delayed alpha particles
- delayed coincidence
- delayed fission neutron
- delayed neutron
- delayed neutron analysis
- delayed neutron emitter
- delayed particle
- delayed-critical (reactor)
- delayed-response
- deletion
- deliquesce; to
- deliquescence
- deliquescent
- delivery tube
- delocalization
- delocalized
- delocalized electron
- delorenzite
- delta
- delta iron
- delta meson
- delta methrin
- delta rays
- deluvium
- demagnetization
- demagnetize; to
- demand
- dematerialization
- dementia
- demetallization
- demethanation (=demethanization)
- demethylation
- demi
- demineralization
- demisting
- demodulate
- demography
- demolition
- demonstration
- demonstration fast reactor
- demulsification
- demulsifier
- demultiplexing
- denaturant
- denaturation
- denaturation of nuclear fuel
- denatured
- denatured alcohol
- denatured fuel
- denatured nuclear fuel
- denaturing (of fessile nuclide)
- dendrite
- dendritic arbors
- dendrochronology
- dendrology
- dengue
- dengue fever
- denitrification
- denitrification
- dense
- dense bone
- denshering
- densification
- densimeter
- densitometer
- densitometry
- density
- density gradient
- density of levels
- density of states
- density profile
- density temperature coefficient
- dental
- dental amalgams
- dental anthropology
- dental formula
- dental pulpe
- dentate
- denudation
- deodorant
- deodorization
- deodorizer
- deoiling
- deoxidate; to
- deoxidation
- deoxidation; deoxidization
- deoxidizer
- deoxy
- deoxy-
- deoxygenation
- deoxyribo
- deoxyribonucleic acid (dna)
- deoxyribose
- deparaffin
- departure
- dependence of coincidence
- dependence of scattering
- dephasing rate
- dephlegmation
- dephosphoration (=dephosphorization)
- depilation
- deplacement
- depleted
- depleted material
- depleted uranium
- depletion
- depletion layer
- depolarization
- depolarization current
- depolarized
- depolarizer
- depolymerization
- deposit
- deposited
- deposition
- depositional age
- depreciation
- depression
- depressor
- depropanization (=depropanation)
- depth
- depth dose
- depth-of-focus
- depths
- derepresseur
- derepressor
- derepretion
- derivate; to
- derivation
- derivative
- derived air concentration (dac)
- derived limit for surface contamination (dl)
- dermatitis
- dermatology
- dermatophyte
- dermatosis
- dermis
- desalter
- desalting
- description
- descriptive anatomy
- descriptive botany
- desensitisation
- desert
- desert wind
- desertification
- deshielded
- deshielding
- desiccant; desiccator
- desiccate; to
- desiccation
- design
- design input
- design power
- design trend
- designed capacity
- desilication
- desktop computer
- desorption
- destain; to
- destruction
- destructive
- destructive assay
- destructive distillation
- destructive testing
- desulfuration (=desulphuration)
- desulfurisation
- detachment
- detailed balance principle
- detect; to
- detectable level of radiation
- detection
- detection coefficient (of an instrument)
- detection limit
- detection of neutrons
- detection of nuclear particle
- detection of radiation
- detection of radioactivity
- detector
- detention
- detergent
- detergents
- deterioration
- deterioration of genetic fitness
- determinant
- determination
- determine; to
- determinism
- deterministic effect
- deterministic safety analysis
- detin; to
- detonant
- detonating
- detonating gas
- detonation
- detonation
- detonation waves
- detonator
- detrital
- detrital particle
- detuning
- deuterated target
- deuteride
- deuterium
- deuterium fuel
- deuterium gas
- deuterium oxide
- deuterium oxide
- deuterium plasma
- deuterium pressure
- deuteron
- deuteron beam
- deuteron density (deuteron particle density)
- deuteron stripping
- developer
- developing
- development
- development reactor
- deviation
- device
- devise; to
- devitrification
- dew point
- dewar flask
- dewatering
- dewindtite
- dexter
- dextro
- dextrogural
- dextrogyrated
- dextrogyration
- dextrorotation
- dextrorotatory
- dextrose
- dezincification
- di-
- diabetes
- diabetic retinopathy
- diacid
- diaclasse
- diadduct
- diagenesis
- diagnosis
- diagonal
- diagonal crest
- diagram
- dialdehyde
- dialkyl
- dialypetalous
- dialyser
- dialysis
- diamagnetic
- diamagnetism
- diameter
- diametral
- diamine
- diamond
- diamond anvil cells
- diamond structure
- diapause
- diaphanous
- diaphragm
- diarrhea
- diaspore
- diastereoisomers
- diastole
- diastolic
- diatom
- diatomaceous
- diatomaceous earth
- diatomic
- diatomite
- diazotization
- dibasic
- diborane
- diborate (sodium) (=borax)
- dicalcium phosphate
- dicalcium phosphate
- dichloride
- dichloro-diphenyl trichloro ethane (d.d.t)
- dichotomy
- dichroic mirror
- dichroism
- dichromate
- dicolorizing agent
- dicotyledon
- dicotyledonous
- dicyclic
- dielectric
- dielectric constant
- dielectric function
- dielectric loss
- dielectric tensor
- diencephalon
- dies=mould
- diesel
- diesel engines
- diesel oil
- diet
- dietary allowances
- difference
- difference equation
- difference frequency generation (dfg)
- difference number
- differential
- differential absorption rate
- differential calculus
- differential cross section
- differential cross sections
- differential dependence
- differential geometry
- differential input
- differential ionization chamber
- differential recovery rate
- differential scanning calorimetry
- differential thermal analysis
- differential topology
- differential white (blood) count
- differentiating circuit
- differentiation
- diffraction
- diffraction grating
- diffraction instrument
- diffraction pattern
- diffraction peak (diffraction maximum)
- diffraction scattering
- diffractive optical element (doe)
- diffractometer
- diffuse
- diffuse boundary
- diffuse scattering
- diffuse;to
- diffuser
- diffusiometer
- diffusion
- diffusion barrier
- diffusion code
- diffusion coefficient
- diffusion current
- diffusion equation
- diffusion kernel
- diffusion length
- diffusion loss rate
- diffusion of heat
- diffusion of neutrons
- diffusion pump
- diffusion rate
- diffusion regime
- diffusion theory
- diffusion time
- diffusion velocity
- diffusivity
- digallic acid
- digestion
- digestive
- digit
- digital
- digital computer
- digital control
- digital data
- digital display
- digital imaging
- digital isodose plotter
- digital multiplicator
- digital radiography
- digital videodisk (dvd)
- digitized
- digitizer
- digmicroelectronics
- dikaryon
- dike
- dilatable
- dilatancy
- dilatation
- dilatometer
- dilatometry
- diluent
- diluent
- dilute solution
- diluted reactor
- dilution
- dilution isotopic
- dimension
- dimensionality
- dimensionless fissionability parameter
- dimensionless variable
- dimer
- dimeric
- dimerization
- diminshed pressure
- dimmer
- dimorphism
- dineutrons
- dinitrogen
- diode
- diode amplifier
- diode gate
- diode laser
- diode transistors
- dioecious
- diopter
- dioptometer
- dioptric
- dioptrics
- diorite
- dioxide
- dip
- dip angle
- dip oil
- dipeptide
- diphenyl
- diphtheria
- diploid
- dipolar
- dipole
- dipole coupling
- dipole energy
- dipole field
- dipole force
- dipole moment
- dipole moment
- dipping
- diprotonic
- dirac delta function
- dirac equation
- dirac fields
- dirac monopoles
- dirac theory
- direct
- direct conversion
- direct current amplifier
- direct elctrical conversion (of fusion energy)
- direct energy loss
- direct flow cooling
- direct ion-beam deposition
- direct radiation
- direct surface monitoring
- direct-cycle reactor system
- direct-use material
- directed
- direction
- directional
- directional correlation
- directional derivative
- directional distribution
- directional dose equivalent h’(d)
- directional flux
- directions
- directive
- directly ionizing
- director
- dirigible
- disability
- disabled
- disabling
- disaccharides
- disadvantage
- disadvantage factor
- disaggregation
- disarmement
- disarticulate
- disassemble
- disassociate
- disaster
- disc
- disc mill
- disc source of neutrons
- discharge
- discharge
- discharge axis
- discharge current
- discharge gap
- discharge pulse
- discharge tube
- discharged bundle counter
- discipline
- disciplined approach
- discomposition effect (wigner effect)
- disconformity
- disconnect
- disconnecting switch
- discontinous
- discontinuty
- discordance
- discordant
- discount
- discovery
- discovery
- discrepancy
- discrete
- discrete excitation
- discrete molecule
- discrete spectrum
- discretize
- discriminant
- discriminator
- disease
- dish
- dish (parabolic reflector)
- disinfectant
- disintegrate; to
- disintegration
- disintegration chain
- disintegration constant
- disintegration electron
- disintegration energy
- disintegration family
- disintegration of nucleus
- disintegration particle
- disintegration rate
- disintegration with emission of alpha-particles
- disintegration with emission of beta-particle
- disintegration with emission of positrons
- disintegrator
- disjunctive symbiosis
- disk drive
- dislocation
- dislocation pinning
- dismantle; to
- dismantlement
- disorder
- disordered alloy
- disordered motion
- dispensary
- dispenser
- dispersant
- disperse; to
- dispersed
- dispersibility
- dispersing
- dispersion
- dispersion nuclear fuel
- dispersion relations
- dispersity
- dispersive
- dispersoid
- displaced charge
- displacement
- displacement gage
- displacement law
- display
- display
- display device
- display panel
- display system
- displays
- disposable
- disposable equipment
- disposal
- disposal (of waste)
- disposal of waste
- disposition
- disproportion
- disruption
- disruption (of molecule)
- disruptive
- disruptive discharge
- disruptive force
- dissect
- dissection
- dissector tube
- disseminate
- dissipate
- dissipating action
- dissipation
- dissipation of energy
- dissipation rate (of heat;etc)
- dissipative mechanics
- dissociate; to
- dissociation
- dissociation energy
- dissociator
- dissolubility
- dissoluble
- dissolution
- dissolve; to
- dissolved
- dissolved inorganic carbon
- dissolving (dissolution)
- dissonance
- dissymmetric (al)
- dissymmetry
- distance
- distance between two points
- distance of closest approach
- distant collision
- distex (=extractive distillation)
- distichous
- distill
- distillate
- distillation
- distillation column
- distillation flask
- distillation tower
- distilled
- distillery
- distinct
- distinctive property
- distinguishability
- distinguishable particles
- distomatosis
- distorted
- distorted pile
- distortion
- distribute(to)
- distributed bragg reflectors (dbrs)
- distributed feed-back (dfb) laser
- distributed source (of neutrons)
- distribution
- distribution coefficient
- distribution function
- distribution of activity
- distribution ratio
- distributive
- distributor
- distributor rotor
- disttiller
- disturbance
- disubstituted
- disulfide
- diuretic
- diurnal motion
- divalent
- divergence
- divergence (of a reactor)
- divergence of field
- divergence theory
- divergent
- divergent reactor
- divergent series
- diversion
- diversity
- diverter
- divertor
- divide
- division
- division
- djalmaite
- dna
- dna fingerprint
- dna markers
- dna sequences
- dna synthesis
- do
- document
- dodder
- dodecahedral
- dodecahedrane
- dodecane
- dodecanoic
- dodecene
- doline
- dollar (unit of reactivity)
- dolomite
- dolomite-mudstone
- dolonitization
- domain
- domain theory
- dome
- domestication
- dominance
- dominant
- dominant character
- dominant lethal mutation
- dominant mutation
- donator
- doner-acceptor
- donor
- donor atom
- donor-acceptor complex
- dopant
- dopant istry
- dopants
- doped
- doping
- doping procedure
- doppler broadening
- doppler cooling
- doppler displacement
- doppler displacemint
- doppler effect
- doppler effect
- doppler shift
- doppler width
- dormancy
- dormant bud
- dorsal
- dorsalte
- dosage
- dose
- dose assurance
- dose calibrator
- dose coefficient
- dose commitment
- dose constraint
- dose distribution
- dose enhancement factor (def)
- dose equivalent
- dose equivalent commitment
- dose fraction
- dose fractionation
- dose guidance level
- dose limit
- dose limitation
- dose per unit intake
- dose per unit intake factors
- dose rate
- dose rate
- dose rate constant
- dose rate meter
- dose-effect curve
- dose-response
- dosimeter
- dosimetric parameters
- dosimetric quantity
- dosimetry
- dot
- dotted
- double
- double barrier diodes
- double beta-decay
- double blind
- double bond
- double chelating agent
- double electrons
- double focusing
- double helical structure
- double helix
- double heterojunction laser
- double heterostructure
- double irradiation
- double labelling
- double salt
- double-chain structure
- double-clad vessel
- double-electron decays
- double-hit (dose)
- double-hit event
- double-shoveling
- double-strand dna
- doublet
- doubling
- doubling dose
- doubling time
- doughnut (toroidal tube)
- doum, doum palm
- down
- down flow
- down syndrom
- down time (plant out of operation)
- down- conversion
- down-convertor
- down-spin neutron
- downcreep
- downy
- downy mildew
- dpm (decay per minute)
- dpm (dewy per minute)
- dradge
- draft tube
- draft-horse
- drag
- dragee
- dragon-fly
- drain
- drain pipe
- drain tank
- drainage
- drainage system
- drake
- dram
- draught=draft
- draw
- drawer
- drawing oil
- drawn
- dredging
- drench
- drenching valve
- dressing
- dressing
- dressing
- dribble
- dried
- drift
- drift motion
- drift point
- drift velocity (ions in field)
- drikold (=dry ice)
- drill
- drilling
- drink
- drink
- drinking water
- drip; to
- drive
- driver fuel
- driving
- driving
- driving force
- driving frequency
- dromedary
- drone
- drop
- drop analysis
- drop test
- droplet
- dropper
- dropping
- dropping point
- dropwise
- drosophila
- dross
- drossing
- drought
- drought
- drove
- drug
- drum
- drum separator
- drupe
- dry
- dry analysis
- dry assay
- dry cell
- dry criticality
- dry dock
- dry farming
- dry forage
- dry lattice
- dry matter
- dry suspension
- dryer;drier
- drying
- drying oven
- dryness
- dryway process
- dta (differential thermal analysis)
- dto
- dual
- dual control
- dual lattice
- dual purpose reactor
- dual-channel liquid scintillator
- dual-core reactor
- duality
- duck
- duckling
- duct
- ductile
- ductilimeter
- ductility
- duff
- dull
- dummy diffuser
- dummy fuel
- dumontite
- dump (mine dump)
- dump power
- dump tank
- dump valve
- dump-bell
- dune
- dung
- dunnite
- duodenum
- duodenum
- duplet
- duplex
- duplex compressor
- duplex filter
- duplex pump
- duplexer
- duplicate; to
- durability
- duralumin
- duration
- duration of excited state
- duration of irradiation
- durum wheat
- dust
- dust collection
- dust extractor
- duster
- dusting
- duty cycle
- dvd player
- dwarf
- dwarf star
- dwarfism: nanism
- dyad
- dyad atom
- dye
- dye bath
- dye bleaching
- dye laser
- dye mordanting (=dye toning)
- dye sensitization
- dyed
- dyeing
- dyer
- dyer’s oil
- dyestuff
- dynamic
- dynamic behavior
- dynamic form
- dynamic material accountancy
- dynamic phase factor
- dynamic resistance
- dynamic stability
- dynamical casimer effect (dce)
- dynamical characteristic
- dynamical method
- dynamics
- dynamics
- dynamite
- dynamo
- dynamo-
- dyne
- dynode
- dysentery
- dysprosium (dy)
- d’alembertian
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z