مسرد H
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
h bomb; see: hydrogen bomb قنبلة هدروجينية ، Teller–Ulam design -W ، -ع
- h-bomb قنبلة هدروجينية
- h-mode نمط كهربائي عرضي
- habit planes مستويات السحنة البلورية
- habitat مسكن؛ موطن؛ منبت
- habituation مسكن؛ موطن؛ منبت
- habitude
- hachure الرقْن
- hadron هَدْرون
- hadron electron ring حلقة الكترونات هدرونات
- hadronic atom ذرة هدرونية
- hadronic particle decay
- haem = hem
- haematocrit = hematocrit ..
- haematoma
- haemophilus influenza
- hafnium hf
- hahnium
- hail
- hair
- hair follicle
- hale-bopp comet
- half power frequency
- half reaction
- half-age period
- half-integral spin
- half-life
- half-life period
- half-thickness
- half-time of exchange
- half-value layer
- half-value period
- half-value thickness
- half-wave plate
- half-wave rectifier
- half-width (of spectral line)
- halide
- halite
- hall effect
- hall generator
- halloysite
- hallucination
- halo-acid
- haloalkane
- halocarbon
- haloform reaction
- halogen
- halogen acid
- halogen counter
- halogen-quench geiger tube
- halogenate; to
- halogenated
- halogenation
- halohydrin
- halophile
- halophyte
- halowax
- halt
- halter
- hamada
- hamiltonian operator
- hammer
- hammer mill
- hamstring
- hand and foot counter
- hand picking
- hand pollination
- hand rule
- hand sowing
- handedness
- handedness
- handling
- handling
- hang
- hangar
- hanging load
- haplite
- haploid
- harbolite
- harbor
- hard
- hard acid
- hard base
- hard component (of radiation)
- hard detergent
- hard ground
- hard radiation
- hard water
- hard x-rays
- hard-sphere model
- harden; to
- hardenability ; steel
- hardeners
- hardening
- hardiness
- hardness
- hardness test
- hardpan
- hardware
- hardwood
- harmful
- harmonic
- harmonic generation
- harmonic motion
- harmonic oscillator
- harmonic wave
- harmonicity
- harmonics
- harmonize
- harmotome
- harpoon
- harrow
- harrowing
- harsh
- hartley formula
- hartley oscillator
- hartree approximation
- hartree-fock method
- hartshorn oil
- harvesting
- hase
- hashish
- hassium
- hastate leaf
- hatchability rate
- hatchettolite
- hatching
- hawthorn
- hay
- hay baler
- hay making haying
- hay stacke
- hazard
- hazard control
- hazardous matarial
- hazel nut oil
- hazelnut
- head
- head of water
- head-on collision
- header
- heading
- heading
- headphone
- heads
- healing
- health effects
- health hazards
- health ics
- health insurance
- heap
- heap leaching
- heart
- heart attack
- heartbeats
- hearth
- hearth furnace
- hearth lining
- heat
- heat absorption
- heat balance
- heat capacity
- heat conductivity
- heat content
- heat convection
- heat dissipation
- heat efficiency
- heat energy
- heat engine
- heat exchanger
- heat exchanger circuit
- heat exchanger fluid
- heat flux
- heat of dissociation
- heat of hydration
- heat of reaction
- heat of combustion
- heat of condensation
- heat of decomposition
- heat of formation
- heat of fusion
- heat of radioactivity
- heat of vaporization
- heat production
- heat radiation
- heat release
- heat shield
- heat sink
- heat source
- heat stress
- heat stroke, heat prostration
- heat transfer
- heat treatment
- heat-conducting bond
- heat-removal
- heat-transfer cycle
- heat-transfer fluid (heat transfer liquid)
- heater
- heating
- heating cycle
- heating field
- heating mantel
- heating tube
- heavy
- heavy aggregate shield
- heavy atom
- heavy concrete
- heavy duty
- heavy element istry
- heavy ends
- heavy fermion compounds
- heavy high density packages
- heavy hydrogen;
- heavy ion
- heavy ion accelerator
- heavy ion fusion reaction
- heavy isotope
- heavy lepton
- heavy meson
- heavy metal (fuel)
- heavy metals
- heavy nuclei
- heavy nucleus
- heavy oil
- heavy oxygen
- heavy water
- heavy water cooled reactor
- heavy water moderated reactor
- heavy water pile (heavy water reactor)
- heel
- heifer
- height
- height dependence
- height of transfer unit (htu)
- heisenberg picture
- heisenberg principle
- heisenberg representation
- heitler-london theory
- heliac (helical accelerator)
- heliac stellarator
- helical
- helical motion
- helical orbit
- helical waveguide
- helicity
- helicoid
- helicoidal path
- helicon resonance
- helicon waves
- helicoverpa armigera
- helimagnetism
- heliocentric
- heliogram
- heliograph
- heliophile
- heliosismologie
- heliotron
- heliotropism
- helium (he)
- helium atom
- helium cooling
- helium nucleus
- helium-neon laser
- helium-xenon laser
- helmholtz free energy
- helmholtz theorem
- helophtes
- helper
- helvite
- hemagglutination
- hematine
- hematite
- hematoblast
- hematochrome
- hematogenous
- hematologist
- hematuria
- heme= hematin
- hemera
- hemi-
- hemin
- hemiparasite
- hemiptera
- hemisphere
- hemitropic
- hemocytoblast
- hemoglobin
- hemogram
- hemolytic anemia
- hemopathy
- hemorrhage
- hemorrhagic anemia
- hemorrhoid
- hemostatic
- hemp
- hemp seed oil
- hen
- hen-pheasant
- heparin
- hepatic
- hepatitis b
- hepatoctomy
- hepatocyte
- hepatoma
- hepatotoxicity
- hepta-
- heptane
- heptane number
- heptode
- heptose
- herb
- herbaceous
- herbage
- herbarium
- herbicidal oil
- herbicide
- herbivore
- herd
- hereditary
- hereditary disease
- hereditary effects
- heredity
- heresy
- hermaphrodite
- hermetic
- hermite polynomial
- hermitian conjugate
- hermitian matrix
- hermitian operator
- hernia
- heroin
- herring
- hertz
- hetero ion
- hetero polycompound
- hetero structure
- hetero-
- heteroatom
- heterocarpous
- heterocyclic
- heterodyne
- heterogamous
- heterogamy
- heterogeneous
- heterogeneous lattice
- heterogeneous mixture
- heterogeneous radiation
- heterogeneous reactor
- heterogenesis
- heterogenous
- heterogenyeity
- heterojunction
- heterolytic
- heteromorphic
- heterophyllous
- heteropolar bond
- heteropolyacids
- heteropolymer
- heterosis
- heterosporous
- heterotic hybrid
- heterotrphic
- heterozygosity
- heterozygote
- heterozygous
- heuristic method
- heuristics
- hexa-
- hexachlor
- hexagon
- hexagonal
- hexagonal array
- hexagonal close packed
- hexagonal lattice
- hexagonal packed structure
- hexagonal pattern
- hexahedron
- hexamer
- hexandrous
- hexane
- hexapoles
- hexavalent
- hexene
- hexidecimal
- hexode
- hexose
- hfs (hyper fine structure)
- hiatus
- hibernal
- hibernation
- hibernation
- hierachical
- hierarchical cluster analysis
- hiery
- higgs bosons
- higgs field
- higgs model
- high acid waste
- high capacity gamma irradiator
- high current discharge
- high current gas discharge
- high dose
- high dose rate (hdr)
- high electron mobility
- high energy electrons
- high energy particle accelerator
- high exposure
- high fast flux
- high flux
- high flux isotope reactor
- high frequency
- high heat
- high isotope
- high latitude
- high level
- high level language
- high level liquid wastes
- high level radiation
- high level radiation source
- high level waste
- high linear correlation
- high order
- high performance liquid chromatography
- high performance rese reactor
- high pressure lubricant
- high q
- high radiation flux
- high resolution
- high resolution method
- high resolving power
- high speed computer
- high tc super conductor
- high temperature ceramic superconductor
- high temperature plasma
- high temperature processing
- high temperature reactor
- high temperature superconductivity
- high tension
- high tension static machine
- high vacuum
- high voltage
- high voltage apparatus
- high voltage technique
- high water
- high – temperature superconductor (hts)
- high- voltage insulation
- high-brightness electron storage
- high-energy accelerator; high-energy machine
- high-energy alpha particle
- high-energy bond
- high-energy component
- high-energy deuteron
- high-energy fission
- high-energy gamma radiation
- high-energy level pile
- high-energy neutron
- high-energy particle
- high-energy physics
- high-energy quantum
- high-energy region
- high-energy yield
- high-enriched uranium
- high-flux reactor
- high-flux rese reactor
- high-frequency oscillator
- high-frequency propagation
- high-grade nuclear fuel
- high-grade uranium ore
- high-pass filter
- high-pass-mass filter
- high-power pile
- high-power pulsed discharge
- high-pressure cloud chamber
- high-pressure unit
- high-speed centrifuge
- high-speed charged particle
- high-speed electron
- high-speed fission neutron
- high-speed ion
- high-speed ionized helium atom; see also: alpha particle
- high-speed neutron
- high-speed neutron fission cross section
- high-speed particle
- high-tc superconductors
- higher critical point
- higher isotope
- highest energy cosmic rays
- highly (strongly) radiative material
- highly collimated beam (of neutrons)
- highly enriched uranium
- highly focused pulsed laser
- highly scattering media
- highway
- hilbert space
- hilbert transform
- hilbert-enstein equations
- hillock
- hind
- hind limb
- hindered
- hindrance
- hindrance factor
- hinge
- hinged
- hinged joint
- hinny
- hip
- hip extensor
- hip joint
- hip socket
- hippocampal region
- hippocampal system
- hippocampus
- hirsute
- hispid
- histamine
- histiminas
- histo-istry
- histocompatibility complex
- histogenése
- histogenesis
- histology
- histolysis
- histon
- historical seismicity
- history analysis
- hit
- hit theory
- hive
- hjelmite
- hlopinite; see: khlopinite
- hoary
- hock
- hock joint
- hodgkin’s lymphoma
- hodoscope
- hoe
- hoeing
- hoeing plough
- hog
- hoist
- hoist tower
- hold-back agent
- hold-back carrier
- hold-point
- hold-time
- hold-up
- hold-up of fuel
- hold-up time
- holder
- holder (test tube)
- holding vessel
- hole
- hole boring effect
- hole conduction
- hole injection
- hole mobility
- hole trap
- hole-type conductivity
- hollow
- hollow cathode
- hollow cathode lamp
- hollow cylinder
- hollow-slug lattice
- holmium (ho)
- holo-parasitic
- hologram
- holography
- holomorphic
- holonomic system
- holt
- holy
- homeomorphism
- homeostasis
- homing
- hominid
- hominid family
- hominoid
- hominoidea
- homo
- homochromatic
- homocyclic
- homodyne detector
- homogamy
- homogeneous
- homogeneous field
- homogeneous radiation
- homogeneous reactor
- homogenity
- homogenize; to
- homogenizing
- homogenous reactor
- homojunction
- homologous
- homologous chromrsome
- homologous genetic variation
- homologue
- homology
- homomorphism
- homopolar
- homopolar (unipolar) induction
- homopolar bond
- homopolar crystal
- homosphere
- homozygosity
- homozygote
- homozygous
- honey
- honey-bee
- honeydew
- honycomb
- hood
- hoof, ungula
- hoof-and-mouth disease
- hoove
- hop
- hopper
- horizontal
- horizontal resistance
- hormone
- hormone-releasing factor
- horn
- horn antenna
- horn silver
- horned
- hornless
- horst
- horticulture
- host
- host rock
- host-parasite relationship
- hot
- hot analytical labo
- hot atom
- hot atom reaction
- hot cell
- hot chamber
- hot channel factor
- hot dark matter
- hot filtration funnel
- hot lab
- hot laboratory
- hot loop
- hot molecule
- hot pepper
- hot plasma
- hot spot
- hot wire anemometer
- hot-pressing
- hot-rolled metal
- houdriforming
- hourly-monitoring assay
- hours living radioisotopes
- hubble
- hubble constant
- huble number = iodine number
- hull
- human
- human adenovirus
- human chorionic gonadotrophin
- human genome project
- human immuno-deficiency
- human immuno-deficiency virus
- human leucocy teantigens(hla)
- human leukocyte antigen
- human lymphocyte
- human lymphocytes
- human retrovirus
- human serum albumin
- humectant
- humid
- humidification
- humidity
- humite
- humor = humour
- humus
- hunting
- hunting circuit
- hurnus
- hurricane
- huygens principle
- hyalin
- hyaline
- hybrid
- hybrid bond
- hybrid computer
- hybrid orbital
- hybrid principle
- hybrid reactor
- hybrid resonance
- hybrid vigor
- hybridization
- hydatiform moles
- hydr-
- hydrase
- hydrate
- hydrated
- hydrated uranium tetra fluoride
- hydration
- hydration energy
- hydraulic
- hydraulic press
- hydraulic suspension
- hydraulicity
- hydraulics
- hydrazide
- hydric
- hydride
- hydride ion
- hydro-
- hydro-powered plant
- hydro-sulfide
- hydroboration
- hydrobromic acid
- hydrocarbon
- hydrocarbons
- hydrocephalie
- hydrocephalus
- hydrochloric acid
- hydrocracking
- hydrocyanic acid
- hydrocyelon
- hydrodealkylation
- hydrodesulfurization (or hydrodesulfuration)
- hydrodynamic equation (of motion)
- hydrodynamic model
- hydrodynamic motion
- hydrodynamics
- hydroelectric plant
- hydroelectricity
- hydrofluoric acid
- hydrofluorination
- hydroforming
- hydrofuge
- hydrogel
- hydrogen
- hydrogen (h)
- hydrogen bonding
- hydrogen burning
- hydrogen electrode
- hydrogen nucleus
- hydrogen recoil proportional counter
- hydrogen(ic) plasma
- hydrogen-bomb
- hydrogen-like atom
- hydrogen-water exchange reaction
- hydrogenate; to
- hydrogenated
- hydrogenated oil
- hydrogenation
- hydrogenisable
- hydrogenize; to
- hydrogenolysis
- hydrogenous moderator
- hydrogeoistry
- hydrography
- hydrohalic acid
- hydrolisable
- hydrology
- hydrolysability
- hydrolyse; to
- hydrolysed
- hydrolysis
- hydrolyte
- hydrolytic
- hydromagnesite
- hydromagnetic instability
- hydromagnetic oscillation
- hydromagnetic system
- hydromagnetic wave
- hydromagnetics
- hydrometallurgie
- hydrometer
- hydrometry
- hydronium
- hydroogy
- hydroperoxide
- hydrophile
- hydrophilic
- hydrophilic colloid
- hydrophobe
- hydrophobia
- hydroponics
- hydropsy
- hydroquinone
- hydroscopic
- hydrosol
- hydrosphere
- hydrostatic equilibrium
- hydrosulphuric acid
- hydrotation
- hydrothermal
- hydrothermal exchange
- hydrothermal vent
- hydrotreating
- hydrotropism
- hydrous; hydric
- hydroxide
- hydroxonium
- hydroxy-acid (oxy-acid)
- hydroxyl
- hydroxyl ion
- hydroxylamine
- hygiene
- hygienic
- hygrometer
- hygrometry; hygroscopy
- hygrophilous
- hygrophytes
- hygroscope
- hygroscopic
- hygroscopicity
- hyper -
- hyper conjugation
- hyper sensitivity
- hyper-pure
- hyperbola
- hyperbolic
- hyperboloid
- hyperfine
- hyperfine frequency
- hyperfine states
- hyperfine structure
- hyperglycemia
- hypernuclei
- hyperon
- hyperplasia
- hyperplastic
- hypersensitization
- hypertrophy
- hypha
- hyphae
- hypidiomorphic
- hypo -
- hypoborate
- hypoboric acid
- hypobromite
- hypobromous
- hypobromous acid
- hypochlorite
- hypochlorous
- hypochlorous acid
- hypogeal
- hypoglycemia
- hypogynous
- hypohalous acid
- hypoiodite
- hypoiodous
- hypoiodous acid
- hyponitrite
- hyponitrous acid
- hypophosphite
- hypophosphoric acid
- hypophosphorous acid
- hypophysis
- hypoplasia
- hyposulfite; hyposulphite
- hyposulphuric acid
- hypothalamus
- hypothesis
- hypothesize; to
- hypotonic
- hypoxia
- hypsochromic
- hysteresis
- hysteresis loop
- hysteretic
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z