مسرد N
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- n (normal) عياري ، لا توجد مقالة بهذا الاسم في ويكيبيديا ويوجد عدد من المقالات ذات الصلة [1] ، [2] ، [3] ، [4]
- n fixation تثبيت النتروجين الجوي ، -W ، -ع
- n-methyl-d-asparate receptor
- n. e ffeciency
- n.uptake
- naa (neutron activation analysis)
- nabla
- nacre
- nadir
- naegite
- nagana
- nail
- nailhead
- naked eye
- naked flame
- naked seed
- nand
- nand circuit
- nanism
- nano-
- nanoelectronics
- nanometer
- nanoscopic devices
- nanostructure
- nanotechnology
- nanotube
- nanotube
- nanowire
- napalm (naphthenic & palmitic acid) natrium plamitate
- nape
- naphta
- naphtha light
- naphtha; heavy
- naphthalene; naphtaline
- naphthenate
- naphthene
- naphtol; naphthol
- nappe
- narcosis
- narcosis therapy
- narcotic
- narrow beam attenuation
- narrow shower
- narrow-band amplifier
- narrow-spectrum antibiotic
- nasal
- nasal cavity
- nascent
- nasturan = pitchblende
- nasty
- national bridge inventory
- national radiological protection
- native
- native metal
- native ores
- native paraffin
- native rock
- native sulphur
- native uranium = natural u
- nativity
- natrium
- natrolite
- natron
- natural
- natural abundance
- natural convection
- natural convection loop
- natural decay series
- natural element
- natural fibre
- natural fuel cycle
- natural gamma rays anomaly
- natural gross count
- natural level width
- natural logarithm
- natural manure
- natural mutation
- natural neutron
- natural nuclear reactors
- natural numbers
- natural ores
- natural product
- natural radiation background
- natural radioactivity
- natural resin
- natural resonance
- natural rubber
- natural selection
- natural sience
- natural uranium
- natural uranium reactor
- natural water
- naturalisation
- naturalization
- naturally occurring radionuclide
- naturally radioactive atom
- naturally radioactive nucleus
- naturally-occuring isotope
- nature
- naustical mile
- nautical almanac
- nautical astronomy
- nautiloidea
- naval armement
- naval meteorology
- naval mine
- navar
- navel
- navel rupture
- navigable airspace
- navigation
- navigator
- neanderthal
- near-breeder
- near-infrared
- near-infrared radiation
- near-ultraviolet radiation
- nearest approach
- nearest neighbors
- nearest neighbour analysis
- nearly free electron model
- neat fluid
- nebula
- nebular lines
- nebulizer
- nebulose
- nebulosus
- necessity
- necking down
- necroplasm
- necroplast
- necrosis
- nectar
- nectariferous
- nectarine
- need
- needle
- needle nozzle
- needle valve
- neel temperature
- negation
- negative
- negative catalysis
- negative catalyst
- negative charge
- negative feedback
- negative gradient
- negative group
- negative index of refraction
- negative ion (=anion)
- negative mass effect
- negative mass instability
- negative muon
- negative pion
- negative pole
- negative refraction
- negative resistance
- negative valence
- negativity
- negatron = electron
- neglect
- negligence
- negotiation
- neighbor
- nekton
- nematic
- nematic
- nematic liquid crystal
- nematic phase
- nematic polymers
- nematocide
- nematocyste
- nematode
- nemoral
- neo-
- neodymium (nd)
- neodymium glass laser
- neogen
- neogenesis
- neohexane
- neolithic period
- neomycin
- neon (ne)
- neon tube
- neon-helium laser
- neonatal
- neonatal stages
- neophyte
- neoplasia
- neoplasm
- neoprene
- neotype
- neper
- nepheline (=nephelite)
- nephelometer
- nepholometry
- nephritic
- nephritis
- nephrology
- nephroma
- nephros
- neptunium (np)
- neritic
- nernst effect
- nernst heat theorem
- nervation
- nerve
- nerve cell=neuron
- nerve cord
- nerve fibers
- nerve gas
- nerve impulse
- nerve signal
- nervous system
- net
- net blotch
- net charge
- net current
- net electric capacity
- net energy gain
- net income
- net output
- net power balance
- net programme changes
- net transport
- net weight
- network
- network analysis
- network crystal
- network polymer
- neural network
- neuration
- neurite=axon
- neuroblastoma
- neurofibrillary tangle
- neuroglia
- neuroics
- neurokeratin
- neuroleptic
- neurologist
- neuron
- neuronal
- neuroogist
- neuroogy
- neuroscience
- neurosis
- neurotransmitter
- neurovascular system
- neutral
- neutral gas
- neutral meson
- neutral metastable atom
- neutral molecule
- neutral particle
- neutral reagent
- neutral solt
- neutral zone
- neutral-red uptake assay
- neutrality
- neutralization
- neutralize ;to
- neutralized
- neutralizer
- neutretto
- neutrino
- neutrino
- neutrino detection
- neutron
- neutron
- neutron absorber
- neutron absorbers
- neutron absorption
- neutron absorption cross section
- neutron activation
- neutron activation analysis
- neutron age
- neutron attenuation
- neutron balance
- neutron beam
- neutron beam attenuation
- neutron binding energy
- neutron bombardment
- neutron bombardment of uranium
- neutron burst
- neutron capture
- neutron capture cross section
- neutron capture therapy
- neutron chain reaction
- neutron chopper
- neutron collimator
- neutron collision radius
- neutron counter
- neutron cross section
- neutron current density
- neutron cycle
- neutron decay
- neutron degradation
- neutron density
- neutron detector
- neutron diffraction
- neutron diffusion equation
- neutron economy
- neutron energy
- neutron energy distribution
- neutron energy range
- neutron escape
- neutron excess
- neutron fission
- neutron flux
- neutron flux density
- neutron generator
- neutron guides
- neutron halos
- neutron hardening
- neutron interface study
- neutron irradiated material
- neutron irradiation
- neutron leakage
- neutron lifetime
- neutron moisture gauge
- neutron moisture meter
- neutron monitoring
- neutron multiplication
- neutron multiplication time
- neutron number
- neutron optics
- neutron period
- neutron powder diffraction
- neutron prob
- neutron prob calibration
- neutron probing
- neutron prote
- neutron pulse
- neutron radiation
- neutron radiography
- neutron rate
- neutron reaction
- neutron scattering
- neutron shutter
- neutron source
- neutron source strength
- neutron spectrometer
- neutron spectroscopy
- neutron specular reflectivity
- neutron speed
- neutron star
- neutron stars
- neutron surface study
- neutron therapy
- neutron thermalization
- neutron thermopile
- neutron transport
- neutron velocity selector
- neutron wave length
- neutron yield
- neutron-deficient isotopes
- neutron-deficient nuclei
- neutron-fission threshold
- neutron-induced process
- neutron-neutron coincidence
- neutron-rich isotopes
- neutron-spectrum
- neutron-tight
- neutronic logging
- neutronics
- neutronique
- neutrons attack cancer
- neutrophils
- new moon
- new standards
- newton
- newtonian mechanics
- newton’s laws of motion
- niacin
- niacin (=nicotinic acid)
- niccolite (=copper nickel)
- niche
- nickel (ni)
- nickel-cadmium battery
- nickelage (=nickeling)
- nicol prism
- nicolayite
- nicotine
- nicotinic acid (niacin)
- nictitating
- night vision device
- nile
- nilex(=nylon)
- nine-track tape
- niobium (nb)
- niral flora
- niter (or nitre)
- niton = radon
- nitrate
- nitration
- nitre (= salt petre)
- nitric acid
- nitric medium
- nitric oxide
- nitridation
- nitride
- nitrided steel
- nitrification
- nitrile
- nitrile rubber
- nitrite
- nitro compound
- nitro group
- nitro-cellulose
- nitro-cotton
- nitrogen (n)
- nitrogen cycle
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogen reserve
- nitrogen utilization
- nitrogenase
- nitrogenase enzyme
- nitrogenated
- nitrogenation
- nitrogenous
- nitrogenzie ; to
- nitroglycerine
- nitrohydrochloric acid
- nitrometer
- nitromethane
- nitron
- nitron transport theory
- nitrosation
- nitrose
- nitroso
- nitrosyl
- nitrous
- nitrous acid
- nitrous oxide
- nitryl
- nivenite
- no
- nobelium (no)
- noble gas
- noble metal
- nocturnal moths
- nodal
- nodal analysis
- nodal extrapolation
- nodal line
- nodal points
- node
- nodule
- nohlite
- noise
- noise analysis
- noise felter
- noise figure factor=noise figure
- noise generator
- noise killer
- noise level
- noise limiter
- noise pollution
- noise ratio
- noise supressor
- nomad
- nomadism
- nomenclature
- nominal
- nominal rated output (mw: thermal)
- nominid
- non -
- non absorbing medium
- non linear material
- non obligated
- non relativistic
- non- centrosymmetric
- non- destructive testing (ndt)
- non- proliferation system (nps)
- non-abelian gauge theories
- non-absorbent reflector
- non-active glucosides
- non-additive
- non-adiabatic process
- non-award bearing agreement
- non-boiling reactor
- non-bonding
- non-breeding material
- non-browning glass
- non-canonical dimension
- non-capture collision
- non-central force
- non-centro symmetric arrangement
- non-compliance
- non-conformity
- non-conservation of parity
- non-degenerate state
- non-destructive evaluation (nde)
- non-destructive-test
- non-equilibrium plasma distribution
- non-equilibrium state
- non-fission absorption
- non-fission capture
- non-fission neutron absorption
- non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
- non-invasive
- non-ionizing particle
- non-ionizing radiation
- non-isotopic
- non-isotopic carrier
- non-leakage probability
- non-linear
- non-linear circuit
- non-linear crystal
- non-linear crystal
- non-linear dependence
- non-linear equation
- non-linear optics
- non-linearity
- non-lonic surfactant
- non-magic nucleus
- non-metal
- non-nuclear weapon state (nnws)
- non-ohmic contact
- non-productive capture
- non-project assistance
- non-proliferation system (nps)
- non-prolifiration treaty (npt)
- non-radioactive marine pollution
- non-radiometric uranium
- non-reducing
- non-representative sample
- non-stationary
- non-stationary operation
- non-stochastic
- non-turbulent plasma
- noncoplanar
- nondestructive chemical analysis
- nondestructive testing
- nondeterminism
- nondeterministic
- nondispersive ion waves
- nondissipative
- none
- nonequilibrium condition
- nongerm
- noninvasive
- nonleptonic decay
- nonlinear atom optics
- nonlinear field theory
- nonlinear mixing
- nonlinear programming
- nonlinear systems
- nonlocal antibody
- nonlocal potential
- nonlocal quantum field theory
- nonlocality
- nonluminous matter
- nonmeasurable variables
- nonplanarity
- nonradioactive waste disposal
- nonright- handedness
- nonsingular
- nonumform
- nonuniform irradiation
- nonviscous flow
- nopal
- nophoton interference
- nor gate
- norm
- norm (naturally occurring radioactive materials)
- norm (nature occuring radioactive matels)
- norm of a matrix
- normal
- normal (fault)
- normal atmospheric pressure
- normal boiling point
- normal radiation exposure
- normal resistivity method
- normal solution
- normal space
- normal stress
- normal-mode analysis
- normality
- normalization
- normalize
- normalized
- normative
- normative activities
- normoblast
- normochromic
- normocyte
- north geographic pole
- norton equivalent
- norton's theorem
- nose
- nosean (=noselite)
- nostratic
- nostril
- not gate
- notation
- notch
- notch grafting
- notching
- note
- notebook computer
- notice
- notification
- notification إبلاغ
- notification procedures
- nought
- nourtherm hemisphere
- nova-
- noxious
- nozzle
- nra (neutron reaction analysis)
- nrc (nuclear regulatory commission)
- ntp 1.number of theoretical plates
- ntp= 1. number of theoretical plates 2. normal temperature and pressure
- ntu= (number of transfer units)
- nuclear
- nuclear angular momentum
- nuclear armament race
- nuclear arsenal
- nuclear assay
- nuclear attraction
- nuclear binding energy
- nuclear bombardment
- nuclear burst
- nuclear cascade process
- nuclear chain reaction
- nuclear charge
- nuclear charge yield
- nuclear constant
- nuclear control
- nuclear cross section
- nuclear data
- nuclear dating techniques
- nuclear deformation
- nuclear diameter
- nuclear disintegration
- nuclear emulsion
- nuclear emulsion technique
- nuclear energy
- nuclear energy
- nuclear energy level
- nuclear energy plant
- nuclear engineering
- nuclear evaporation
- nuclear explosion
- nuclear field
- nuclear fission
- nuclear fluid
- nuclear force
- nuclear fragment
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear fuel cycle
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear generating capacity
- nuclear grade uranium
- nuclear ics
- nuclear induction
- nuclear inflammability
- nuclear interaction
- nuclear isobar
- nuclear isomer
- nuclear istry
- nuclear magnetic resonance
- nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (nmri)
- nuclear magnetism
- nuclear magneton
- nuclear many-body
- nuclear mass
- nuclear materials diversion
- nuclear materials management
- nuclear medicine
- nuclear membrane
- nuclear models
- nuclear molecules
- nuclear moment
- nuclear neutron
- nuclear particle
- nuclear periodicity
- nuclear photoelective effect
- nuclear photoelectric effect
- nuclear plate
- nuclear poisons
- nuclear potential
- nuclear power
- nuclear power international
- nuclear power planning
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear power reactor
- nuclear power system (nps)
- nuclear process
- nuclear projectile
- nuclear property
- nuclear proton
- nuclear pumping
- nuclear radiation
- nuclear radius
- nuclear raw materials corporation
- nuclear reaction
- nuclear reaction equation
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear reactor ics
- nuclear rearrangement
- nuclear recoil (effect)
- nuclear recoil method
- nuclear regulatory commission
- nuclear repulsion
- nuclear rese
- nuclear rotational state
- nuclear runaway
- nuclear safeguards
- nuclear safety
- nuclear safety standards
- nuclear sap
- nuclear shell
- nuclear shell structure
- nuclear species
- nuclear spin
- nuclear spin alignment
- nuclear spin resonance
- nuclear stability
- nuclear star
- nuclear stock piles
- nuclear structure
- nuclear superheating
- nuclear technique
- nuclear temperature coefficient
- nuclear thermal propulsion (ntp)
- nuclear threshold country
- nuclear track
- nuclear track detector
- nuclear transformation
- nuclear transition
- nuclear transmutation
- nuclear transmutation
- nuclear wastes
- nuclear weapon free zone
- nuclear weapon states (nws)
- nuclear weapon-free zone (nwfz)
- nuclear winter
- nuclear-pumped lasers
- nuclear-weapons disarmanent efforts
- nucleate
- nucleated
- nucleation
- nuclei
- nucleic acid
- nucleogenesis
- nucleolus
- nucleon
- nucleon number;
- nucleon(ic) field
- nucleonic control systems
- nucleonics
- nucleophile
- nucleophilic
- nucleoprotein
- nucleoside
- nucleosome
- nucleosynthesis
- nucleosynthesis
- nucleotide
- nucleotide
- nucleus
- nucleus accumbens
- nuclide ; nucleide
- nuclidic mass ; see: atomic mass & isotopic mass
- nugget
- nujol)
- null
- number
- number density
- number octane
- number of target nuclei per cm2
- number of theoretical plates (ntp)
- number of transfer units (ntu)
- number saponification
- number-phase uncertainty principle
- numerical
- numerical computation
- numerical constant
- numerical data tagging
- numerical value
- nummulite
- nursery
- nut
- nutation
- nutrient
- nutrient interaction
- nutriment
- nutrition
- nutritional value
- nutritive ratio
- nutritive requirements
- nutritive value
- nyctalopia
- nycticeius humeralis
- nyctitropism
- nylon
- nymph
- nymphomaniac cow
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z