مسرد O
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- o antigen مستضد O ، -Lipopolysaccharide ، لا يوجد مقال بالعربية ن ويحوي المقال قالب: التوكسينات
- o attenuator
- o-ring
- oak
- oasis
- oat
- oatmeal
- obduction
- obelisk
- object
- objective
- objective function
- objective prism
- objectivism
- objectivity
- oblate
- oblate deformed
- oblate distortion
- obligate parasite
- obligation
- oblique
- oblique coordinates
- oblong leaf
- obmic contact
- obnoxious weed
- obovate (obovoid)
- obscurantism
- obscure
- observable
- observable
- observable quantity
- observation
- observatory
- observe; to
- obstacle
- obstruction
- obstruction to vision
- obstructive
- obturation
- obturator
- obturator membrane
- obvolute
- occasion
- occasional
- occasional emission
- occasionally
- occipital
- occlude; to
- occlusion
- occulation
- occult
- occult; to
- occulting
- occulting disk
- occulting light
- occupancy
- occupancy factor
- occupancy time
- occupant
- occupation
- occupation number
- occupational exposure
- occupational exposure
- occupational irradiation
- occupational radiation protection
- occupationally
- occupationally exposed person
- occurence
- ocean
- oceanography
- ocellus
- ochre (=ocher)
- oct (optical computerized tomography)
- octa-
- octagon
- octagonal
- octahedral
- octahedral plane
- octahedron
- octal digit
- octaltube =octode
- octamers
- octane
- octane number
- octangle
- octanol
- octant
- octavalent
- octave
- octet
- octet rule
- octupole moment
- ocular
- ocular-dominance columns
- ocular-irritation test
- ocular= eye piece
- oculist
- odd
- odd function
- odd number
- odd-even nucleus
- odd-odd nucleus
- odd-parity
- odd-parity angular flux
- odinary wave
- odograph
- odometer
- odontoblastes
- odor (=odour)
- odorant
- odoriferous
- odorimeter
- odoriphore
- odorize
- odorless; odourless
- odrization
- oersted
- oestriol
- oestrone
- oestrous cycle
- oestrus
- oestrus; oestrous
- of excited state
- of neutrons
- of nucleus
- of u-235
- off time
- off-axis profile
- off-gas
- off-line
- off-normal
- off-period
- off-state
- offals
- offlap
- offset
- offset press
- offspring
- oh
- ohm
- ohmic
- ohmic heating
- ohmic resistance
- ohmmeter
- ohm’s law
- oil
- oil bath
- oil field
- oil inde
- oil index
- oil shale
- oil switch
- oil well
- oil-cake
- oiling
- oilstone
- ointment
- okra
- old mine
- oleaginous
- oleate
- olefin
- olefinic
- oleic acid
- olein (=triolein)
- oleophil
- oleophobe
- olericulture
- olfactory organs
- oligemia
- oligo-
- oligo-élément
- oligo-nucleotide
- oligocene
- oligosaccharide
- olive
- olive oil
- olive-oil cake
- olivine
- omega baryons
- omiga particle
- omni purpose apparatus for lep
- omnidirectional
- omnifocal lens
- omnitron
- omnivores
- omnivorous
- on stream
- on-line access
- on-line computers
- on-line process
- on-line process control
- on-line processing
- on-line production
- on-load fuelled reactor
- on-load-refuelled reactors
- on-off
- on-off type of servo
- on-shelf life
- on-site inspection
- on-site power generation
- on-site training
- on-stream analysis
- once-through cooling
- onchocerciasis
- oncofoetal marker
- oncogene
- oncogenes
- oncology
- ondograph
- ondoscope
- ondulator radiation
- one dimensional
- one dimensional equation
- one dimentional gaz
- one dimentional lattice
- one group model
- one impurity anderson model
- one-shelf life
- one-velocity method
- one-velocity model
- oneogenesis
- onion
- ontogeny
- oocyst
- oogamate
- oogenesis
- oolithic
- oospore
- ooze
- opacifier
- opacity
- opal
- opalescence
- opalescent
- opaque
- open circuit
- open pool reactor
- open vegetation
- open-air ionization chamber
- open-chain
- open-cycle cooling system
- opened system
- opening angle
- openings
- operating at critphysical
- operating condition
- operating cost
- operating data
- operating license
- operating loop
- operating period
- operating power
- operating record
- operating temperature
- operation
- operational amplifier
- operational chemistry laboratory
- operational features
- operational occurance
- operational safety review team
- operator
- operculum
- ophiolitic
- ophiuchus
- ophthalmic nerve
- opiate
- opium
- oppenheimer- phillips reaction(d;p)
- opposite direction
- opposite leaves
- optic
- optic nerve
- optical activity
- optical antipodes
- optical cavity
- optical communications
- optical confinement
- optical coupling
- optical dipole trap
- optical lattice
- optical limiting
- optical parametric amplification(opa)
- optical parametric generation(opg)
- optical parametric oscillator(opo)
- optical pyrometer
- optical quenching
- optical radar
- optical scanner
- optical tomography imaging system
- optical toolkit
- optical trap cooling
- optical tweezers
- optical tweezing
- optical –storage technologies
- optically thick plasma
- optics
- optimal
- optimal control
- optimism
- optimist
- optimization
- optimizatprotection technique
- optimum
- optimum use
- option
- optoelectronic device
- optoelectronics
- optphysical
- optphysical activity
- optphysical antipodes
- optphysical axis
- optphysical bench
- optphysical breakdown
- optphysical coating
- optphysical computer
- optphysical computing
- optphysical coupling
- optphysical damage threshold
- optphysical data storage
- optphysical density
- optphysical density
- optphysical depth
- optphysical disk driver
- optphysical fibres
- optphysical maser =laser
- optphysical model of the nucleus
- optphysical molasse
- optphysical process
- optphysical properties
- optphysical pumping
- optphysical resonator
- optphysical spectrometer
- optphysical spectrum
- optphysical tweezer
- optphysical wave guide
- opulence
- opulent
- opuntia
- or gate
- oral
- oral cavity
- orange oxide
- orange-type spectrometer
- orangite
- orangutan
- orator
- orbit
- orbit shift coils (of betatron)
- orbital
- orbital angular momentum
- orbital capture
- orbital electron
- orbital electron capture
- orbital moment
- orbital plane
- orbital quantum number
- orbital solar power plant
- orbital velocity
- orbiting instruments
- orchard
- orcin
- order
- order parameter
- ordered motion
- ordinal number
- ordinary
- ordinary ray
- ordinary wave
- ordinate
- ore
- ore
- ore body
- ore concentrate
- ore concentration
- ore deposit
- ore dressing
- ore extraction
- ore processing
- ore refining
- ore-bearing solution
- ore-forming fluid
- organ
- organ dose
- organ regeneration
- organ visualization
- organelle
- organic
- organic chemistry
- organic cooled reactor
- organic cooled reactor
- organic matter
- organic matter
- organic metal
- organic metals
- organic moderated reactor
- organic quenching gas
- organic super conductor
- organic superconductors
- organic-moderated reactor
- organism
- organization
- organizational responsibilities
- organize; to
- organogenesis
- organogenic (=organogenous)
- organoleptic
- organometallic
- organosilicon
- organosol
- organotin
- organotrophic
- organs
- orientation
- orientational order
- orientational oscillation
- oriented nuclei
- orifice
- origanum syriacuml
- origin
- original fission
- original particle; see: initial particle
- orlon
- ornithine
- oro-
- orogenesis
- orography
- orthicon
- ortho-
- ortho-para hydrogen conversions
- orthogenesis
- orthogonal
- orthogonal matrix
- orthogonal projection
- orthogonal system
- orthogonality
- orthogonaliz ation
- orthogonalized plane waves
- orthohelium
- orthonormal
- orthonormal coordinates
- orthonormal functions
- orthopositronium
- orthorhombic
- orthorhombic
- orthoselection
- orthotropism
- osasone
- oscillate; to
- oscillating absorber
- oscillating dipole moment
- oscillating motion
- oscillating shock wave
- oscillation
- oscillator
- oscillator strength
- oscillatory circuit
- oscillograph
- oscilloscope
- osmic acid
- osmium (os)
- osmolarity
- osmometer
- osmophilic
- osmose; to
- osmosene
- osmosis
- osmotic
- osmotic pressure
- ossein
- ossification
- osteitis
- osteo-
- osteoblast
- osteocyte
- osteofibrosis
- osteogenesis
- osteogenic
- osteology
- osteomalacia
- osteopathy
- osteoporosis
- osteosarcoma
- osteosarcoma
- ostracoda
- otic
- otitis
- otology
- ounce
- out of scale
- out-of-pile testing
- outages
- outbreak
- outbreeding
- outcrop
- outer
- outer boundary of the reflector
- outer electron
- outer orbit
- outer projection
- outer space
- outermost electronic shell
- outgassing
- outgrowth
- outlet
- outlet filter
- outline
- outlook
- outlook
- outlying
- output
- output power
- output resistance
- output signal
- outside
- outside diameter
- oval
- ovariotomy
- ovary
- oven
- over
- over-all coefficient of heat transfer
- over-all efficiency
- over-all enrichment per stage
- over-voltage
- overacidity
- overaging
- overburden
- overdamped
- overdominace
- overdose
- overexpose
- overfault
- overfitting
- overflow
- overflux circuit
- overfold
- overgrazing
- overgrowth
- overhead
- overheating
- overlap
- overlap region
- overload
- overmoderated lattice
- overpower scram (of reactor)
- oversaturation
- overshooting
- overstocked
- overstory
- overthrust
- overtone
- overturned (fold)
- overview
- oviduct
- ovine
- oviparous
- ovoid
- ovoviviparous
- ovulation
- ovule
- ovum
- owl monkey
- ox
- oxalate
- oxbash
- oxidable (=oxidizable)
- oxidant
- oxidase
- oxidate(=oxidize;to)
- oxidation
- oxidation = oxydation
- oxidation number
- oxidation state
- oxidation-reduction cycle
- oxide
- oxide fuel reactor
- oxide nuclear fuel
- oxide skin
- oxidizable
- oxidization
- oxidize; to
- oxidized
- oxidizer
- oxidizing
- oxime
- oxonium
- oxy-
- oxychloride
- oxydo-reduction
- oxygen (o)
- oxygen-vacancy
- oxygenase
- oxygenated
- oxygenation
- oxygenous
- oxyhemoglobin
- oxyluciferin
- oxyntic cells
- oxyphite cells
- oxyphobe
- oxytocin; oxytocine
- oyster
- ozonation
- ozone
- ozone depleter
- ozone depletion
- ozone hole
- ozone loss
- ozonide
- ozonide; to
- ozonization
- ozonization
- ozonize; to
- ozonizer (ozone apparatus)
- ozonolysis
- ozonometer
- ozonometry (=ozonimetry)
- ozonosphere
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z