مسرد C
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقالة المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- cable كبل -W ، لا يوجد في ويكيبيديا ع
- cable delay تأخر كبلي
- cable drag جرّافة الكبل
- cable-laid كبْل مُضفّر
- cactus صبَّار
- cadastral مساحيّ
- cadmium (cd) كدميوم
- cadmium cell خلية كدميوم
- cadmium lamp مصباح الكدميوم
- cadmium ratio نسبة الكدميوم
- cadmium regulator
- cadmium strip
- cadmium telluride detector
- caecum
- caesium cell
- caesium;cesium (cs)
- caffeine
- caffeine
- cage
- cage antema
- cage-layer fatigue
- calacification
- calandria
- calcareous
- calcification
- calcifuge
- calcimeter
- calcinate; to
- calcination
- calcine
- calcined
- calcining furnace
- calcining plant
- calciphile
- calciphobe
- calcite
- calcium (ca)
- calcium fluoride
- calcium hardness
- calculated
- calculation
- calculator
- calculus
- calendar
- calendar day
- calendering
- calf
- calf crop
- calf pen
- calf starter
- caliber
- calibrate; to
- calibrated absorber
- calibration
- calibration curve
- calibration factors
- calibration number
- calibrator
- caliche
- californium (cf)
- caliper
- call
- call circuit
- calligraphy
- calloused
- callus
- calm
- calm belt
- calomel
- calomel electrode
- caloric unit
- caloric; calorific
- calorie; calory
- calorific efficiency
- calorific intensity
- calorific power
- calorific value
- calorimeter
- calorimeter differential
- calorimetric dosemeter
- calorimetry
- calorizing
- calotte
- calutron
- calving
- calyx
- cam
- camber angle
- cambium
- camel
- camera
- camouflage
- campanulate
- camphire, camphor
- camphor
- camphor tree
- can
- canal
- canal rays
- canaliculus
- canalization
- cancer
- cancer remission
- cancer risk gene
- canchy sequence
- candescence
- candling of eggs
- cane
- cane molasses
- cane sugar
- cane suger
- canine
- canker
- canned
- cannibalism
- canning
- cannlure
- cannon
- cannula
- canola meal
- canola oil
- canonical equation
- canonical quantum gravity
- canonical transformation
- canopy
- cant
- cantaloup
- cantilever
- capacitance
- capacitance box
- capacitance bridge
- capacitance meter
- capacitive coupling
- capacitive feedback
- capacitive tuning
- capacitor
- capacity
- capacity thermal
- capacity-water holding
- cape
- capillarimetry
- capillarity
- capillary tube
- capitate
- capsicum
- capsid
- capsomeres
- capsular
- capsule
- capture
- capture cross-section
- capture gamma radiation
- capture reaction
- caracul sheep
- caramel
- caraway
- carbide
- carbide lamp
- carbide nuclear fuel
- carbon (c)
- carbon arc
- carbon atom
- carbon black
- carbon brush
- carbon coated fuel
- carbon cycle
- carbon dioxide (co2)
- carbon dioxide gas laser
- carbon fibers
- carbon monoxide (co)
- carbon mouoxide laser
- carbon-isotope ratio
- carbon-nitrogen cycle
- carbon-steel vessel
- carbonate
- carbonate leaching
- carbonation
- carbonitrile
- carbonization
- carbonize; to
- carbonous
- carbonyl
- carbonylation
- carborundum
- carboxyl
- carboxymyo-
- carburetor
- carburization; carbonization
- carburized steel
- carcass
- carcinoembryonic antigene
- carcinogen
- carcinogenesis
- carcinogenic
- carcinogenic substance
- carcinoma
- carcinoma
- card
- cardiac arrest
- cardiac cycle
- cardiac hypertrophy
- cardiac imput
- cardiac output
- cardiac pacemaker
- cardiac valve
- cardinal number
- cardinal vein
- cardiography
- cardioscope
- cardiotomic drug
- caries
- carnivora
- carnivors
- carnivorus
- carnot cycle
- carnot engine
- carob
- carotene
- carpal
- carpel
- carpogonium
- carpoids
- carpospore
- carpus
- carrier
- carrier (ion carrier of current)
- carrier compound
- carrier mobility
- carrier noise
- carrier rocket
- carrier wave
- carrier-free
- carrier-free isotope
- carrot
- carry
- carry signal
- cartesian axis
- cartilage
- cartilaginous
- cartogram
- cartography
- cartograpler
- cartridge
- caruncle
- carving
- cascade
- cascade generator
- cascade hyperon
- cascade networks
- cascade of separating units
- cascade particle
- cascade shower
- case
- case-hardening
- casimir effect
- casing
- casing
- cassava (manihot)
- cassava flour
- cassegran telescope
- casserol
- cassette
- cast
- cast iron
- cast-steel
- cast; to
- castor oil
- castration
- catabiosis
- catabolism
- catabolism
- catadioptsric
- catalase
- catalyse; catalyze;to
- catalyser
- catalysis
- catalyst
- catalyst carrier
- catalyst chamber
- catalyst poisoning
- catalyst regeneration
- catalyst regenerator
- catalytic
- catalytic exchange reaction
- catalytic polymerization
- cataphoresis (electrophoresis)
- catapult
- cataract
- cataract
- catcher
- catchment basin
- category
- catenary curve
- catfish
- catheter
- cathode
- cathode eminion
- cathode point
- cathode ray
- cathodic arc deposition
- cathodic corrosion
- cathodic polarization
- cathodic protection
- cation
- cation exchange capacity
- cationic
- cationotrophy
- cattle
- cattle grub
- cattle-tick
- cauchy pormula
- cauchy product
- caudal
- cauliflower
- causal system
- causality
- caustic
- caustic lime
- caustic soda
- caustic solution
- cave
- cavernous
- cavitation
- cavity
- cavity cooling
- cavity ionization
- cavity mode
- cavity resonator
- cavity resoncmce
- cd burner
- cedar oil
- ceder-oil
- celery
- celestial body
- celestial coordinates
- celestial globe
- celestial horizon
- celestial mechanics
- cell
- cell cycle
- cell death
- cell division
- cell free
- cell fusion
- cell kinétics
- cell membrane
- cell phone
- cell reaction
- cell sap
- cell suspension
- cell wall
- cellular aging
- cellular genetics
- cellulose
- cellulose nitrate
- celsius (ْc)
- celsius scale
- cement
- cement
- cementation
- cementite
- cenozoic
- center of inversion
- center of mass
- center of symmetry
- center of twist
- centigrade heat unit (chu) (centigrade thermal unit)
- central
- central axis depth dose
- central field (spherical field)
- central force
- central gap
- central potential
- centralized
- centre (center)
- centre of gravity
- centre of mass (centre of inertia)
- centrifugal acceleration
- centrifugal effect
- centrifugal force
- centrifugal pump
- centrifugation
- centrifuge
- centrifuge method
- centrifuge method of enrichment
- centrifuge tube
- centrifuge tube
- centripetal acceleration
- centromere
- centrosome
- centrosphere
- cephalic
- ceramic
- cereal
- cerebellum
- cerebral dominance
- cerebrum
- cerenkov counter
- cerenkov radiation
- cerium (ce)
- cermet
- cern
- cerumen
- ceruse
- cervical
- cervical cancer
- cervix
- cervix uteri
- cesium
- cesium chloride
- cetrate dextrose
- chafe
- chain
- chain ; branched
- chain ; open
- chain ; side
- chain ; straight
- chain decay (series decay)
- chain reaction
- chain reactor
- chain structure
- chalcogen
- chalcography
- chalk
- chalky
- challenge inspection
- chamber
- chamber
- chamomile, camomile
- chance coincidence
- chance coincidence; see: accidental coincidence
- chancre
- change
- change of reactivity
- changer
- channel
- channel area
- channel spectrum
- channel spin
- channeling
- channeling effect
- channeling effect
- chaos
- chaotic
- chaparral
- char
- char; to
- character
- characterisation; characterization
- characteristic
- characteristic energy
- characteristic radiation
- characteristic radiation; see also: fluorescent radiation
- characterstic property
- charcoal
- charge
- charge carrier
- charge conjugation
- charge conservation
- charge coupled imaging sensor
- charge density
- charge density waves
- charge displacement
- charge equality
- charge exchange (in plasma)
- charge independence
- charge independent
- charge invariance
- charge parity
- charge separation (in plasma)
- charge space
- charge transfer
- charge-coupled device (ccd)
- charge-mass ratio
- charged
- charged carrier
- charged particle
- charged particle accelerator
- charger
- charm
- charm particles
- charmed baryon resonances
- charmed mesons
- charmonium
- charophyta
- charring
- chart
- chassie
- chatter
- check valve
- checkout
- checkpoint
- chelate
- chelate compound
- chelation
- chemical
- chemical
- chemical assay
- chemical atomic weight
- chemical beam epitaxy
- chemical beam epitaxy (cbe)
- chemical binding effect
- chemical bond
- chemical bond
- chemical bond breaking
- chemical combustion
- chemical compound
- chemical dynamics
- chemical effect
- chemical efficiency
- chemical energy
- chemical engineering
- chemical environment
- chemical exchange
- chemical formula
- chemical fusion
- chemical grouting
- chemical laser
- chemical luminessence
- chemical modification
- chemical plant
- chemical potential
- chemical process
- chemical processing
- chemical property
- chemical reaction
- chemical reactivity
- chemical recovery
- chemical retardation
- chemical separation
- chemical symbol
- chemical synthesis
- chemical tracer
- chemical vapor deposition (cvd)
- chemical vapor deposition (cvd)
- chemical vapor deposition (cvd)
- chemical waste
- chemically perturbed region
- chemicals
- chemist
- chemistry
- chemistry nuclear
- chemistry; analytical
- chemistry; applied
- chemistry; industrial
- chemistry; inorganic
- chemistry; physical
- chemonuclear reactor
- chemosphere
- chemosynthesis
- chemotherapy
- chemotherapy
- chert
- chick
- chickpea
- chicory
- chilling
- chilling
- chimaera
- chimerism
- chip
- chip resistor
- chiral
- chiral material
- chiral medium
- chiral molecule
- chiral target
- chirality
- chirp
- chirped pulse
- chirped pulse amplification (cpa)
- chitin
- chlamydospore
- chlolera
- chlor imation
- chlorate
- chlorenchyma
- chlorex process
- chloride
- chlorine (cl)
- chloroflorocarbon (cfc)
- chlorometer
- chlorophyil
- chlorophyll
- chloroplast
- chlorosis
- choke
- choke valve
- choking gas
- cholesteric material
- cholesterol
- cholestric blue phases
- chondriome
- chopper
- chopper amplifier
- chrom
- chromaffin tissue
- chromatic
- chromatic aberration
- chromatic dispersion
- chromatic reduction
- chromatic sensitivity
- chromaticity
- chromaticity diagram
- chromatid
- chromatid break
- chromatin
- chromatogram
- chromatograph- mass spectrometer
- chromatography
- chromatography
- chromatophore
- chromator
- chrome
- chromel
- chromium (cr)
- chromizing
- chromodynamics
- chromogene
- chromometer; colorimeter
- chromophore
- chromophore reorientation
- chromoplast
- chromosomal (dna)
- chromosomal complement
- chromosomal mutation
- chromosomal translocation
- chromosome
- chromosome aberration
- chromosome aberration counts
- chromosome break
- chromosome deletion
- chromosome exchange
- chromosome inversion
- chromosome map
- chromosome rejoining
- chromosome translocation
- chromosphere
- chronic
- chronic exposure
- chronograph
- chronologic
- chronology
- chronometer
- chronometric
- chronometry
- chugging
- churn
- churn
- churning
- chute
- cider
- cilia
- ciliam
- ciliary movement
- ciliated
- cinder
- cinnabar
- cinnamon
- cipher
- circadian rhythm
- circle
- circle of latitude
- circle of longitude
- circuit
- circuit loading
- circuit noise
- circuitry
- circular
- circular current
- circular dichroism ( cd)
- circular lines of force
- circular orbit
- circular polarisation
- circular vortex
- circular waveginde
- circulating
- circulating fuel system
- circulating reactor
- circulation
- circulation loop
- circulation pump
- circulatory
- circulus
- circumcenter
- circumferencep
- circumpolar
- cirrhosis
- cis
- cis-trans
- cistern
- citrate dextrose
- citrus
- citrus
- cladding
- clamp
- clamping
- clamping circuit
- clapper
- clarifier
- clarity
- class
- classical gravity
- classical scattering
- classical singularity theorem
- classification
- classifier
- clastic
- clastic rock
- clastic sediments
- clause
- clavate
- clavicle
- claw
- clay
- clayey
- clean-up
- clean-up operation
- cleaner
- cleaning agent
- clear
- clearance
- cleavage
- cleavage nucleus
- cleaved edge
- cleft
- cleft grafting
- cles
- click
- cliff
- cliff
- climate
- climate model
- climatic cycle
- climatic effect
- climatology
- climax
- climbing
- cline
- clinical
- clinical dosimetry
- clinical psychology
- clinograph
- clinometer
- clip
- clipper
- clipper circuit; clipping circuit
- clipping
- clipping time
- cloaca
- clock
- clock generator
- clock oscillator
- clockwise
- clogging
- clone
- cloning
- close collision
- close match
- close-packed
- close-packed
- close-packed crystals
- closed chain
- closed circuit; closed cycle
- closed nuclear fuel cycle
- closed shell
- closed system
- closely spaced lattice
- closure
- cloth
- clothe
- clothing
- clotting
- cloud
- cloud chamber
- cloud discharge
- cloud electron
- cloudy
- clubbed down embryo
- clump
- cluster
- cluster lattice
- cluster point
- clutch
- cmopanion
- co-ordinate bond
- co-ordination chemistry
- co-ordination compounds
- co-ordination number
- co-ordinator
- co-polymerization
- co-precipitation
- coagulant
- coagulate; to
- coagulation
- coagulin
- coal
- coal equivalent
- coal gas
- coal gasification
- coal tar
- coalesce; to
- coalescence
- coalescing photons
- coalification
- coalition
- coarse aggregate
- coarse rod
- coast
- coastline
- coat
- coated
- coating
- coax
- coaxial
- coaxial cable
- coaxial circles
- cobalt (co)
- cobalt therapy
- coca
- cocaine
- cocarcinogenesis
- cocci
- coccidian
- coccidiosis
- coccidiostats
- coccus
- cock
- cockerel
- cockraft -walton accelerator
- coconut oil
- cod-liver-oil
- code
- code of practice
- code signal
- code translation
- coded
- coded program
- codeine
- codex
- codex alimentarius
- coding
- coefficient
- coefficient of absorption
- coefficient of performance
- coefficient of reflection
- coefficient of variation
- coelenteron
- coelenterta
- coelom
- coelomata
- coenocyte
- coenocytic
- coensyme
- coercive
- coherence
- coherence length
- coherent
- coherent antistokes raman spectroscopy (ars)
- coherent light
- coherent oscillator
- coherent scattering
- coherent source
- cohesion
- cohesive force
- cohort
- coil
- coincidence
- coincidence
- coincidence circuit
- coincidence counter
- coincidence counting
- coincidence pulse
- coincidence spectrum
- coke
- coking
- colander
- colcothar
- cold (slow) neutron; see: slow neutron
- cold area
- cold cathode
- cold fusion (chem.)
- cold laboratory
- cold pressing
- cold test
- cold work
- cold" electron distribution
- coleoptera
- colic
- coliform
- collage
- collagen
- collapse
- collar
- collecting electrode
- collection
- collective dose
- collective effect
- collective electron states
- collective model
- collective nuclear model
- collector
- collector system
- collide; to
- colliding particle
- colligative
- colligative property
- collimated beam of neutrons
- collimation
- collimator
- collision
- collision cross section
- collision density
- collision diameter
- collision frequency
- collision induced desorption
- collision parameter
- collision process
- collision rate
- collisional
- collisional diffusion
- collisional diffusion velocity
- collisional energy transfer
- collisional ionization
- collisional relaxation time
- colloid
- colloidal
- colloidal chemistry
- colluvium
- colon
- colony forming ability
- color disk
- color filter
- color printing
- color= colour
- colorimeter
- colorimetry
- colossal magneto resistance (cmr)
- colostrums
- colt
- columbite
- columbium (cb)
- column
- columnar phase
- colza, rape
- coma
- comb
- combination
- combination band
- combinatorial geometry
- combine
- combine; to
- combined water; see: bound water
- combining ability
- combining capacity
- combustibility
- combustible
- combustion
- combustor
- comet
- command
- command pulses
- commensurable
- commensurable numbers
- comment
- commissar
- commissariat
- commissary
- commission
- commissioning
- commitment
- committed dose
- committed effective dose
- common ion
- common salt
- communication
- communications network
- communications satellite
- communidisease
- community
- commutation
- commutation relations
- commutative operator
- commutator
- commutator switch
- commutator [ab-ba]
- commute
- commuting operators
- compact
- compact disk
- compact laser
- compaction
- compactness
- compactor
- comparative lifetime
- comparator
- comparator circuit
- comparison
- compartment
- compass
- compatibility
- compatible
- compendium
- compensate
- compensated ion chamber
- compensating coil
- compensation
- compensation apparatus
- compensation chamber
- compensctor
- competence
- competent authority
- competing process
- competition
- competitive
- compile
- compiler
- compiler language
- complement
- complementarity
- complementary dna
- complementary structure
- complementary variables
- complementation
- complete
- completed shell; see: closed shell
- completely ionized gas
- complex
- complex functional gene
- complex number
- complex square well
- complexation
- complexing
- complexing agent
- complexity
- compliance
- compliance assurance
- complication
- complimented
- component
- composite
- composite leaf
- composite technology
- composition
- composition term
- compost
- compound
- compound cycle
- compound nucleus
- compressibility
- compressibility factor
- compressible flow
- compression
- compression (of plasma)
- compression wave
- compressor
- compromise
- compromise network
- compton effect
- compton electron
- compton scattering
- compton scattering
- computation
- computational
- computational analysis
- computer
- computer axial tomography scanning
- computer hardware
- computer simulation
- computer software
- computerization
- computerized
- computerized control systems
- computerized tomography
- concave
- concentrate
- concentrate; to
- concentrated
- concentrated acid
- concentration
- concentration process
- concentrator
- concentric
- concept
- conception
- conception
- conception rate
- concession
- conchology
- conclusion
- concordance
- concordant
- concrete
- concrete shield
- concretion
- concurrent
- condensable
- condensate
- condensation
- condensation tower
- condensed matter
- condensed nuclei
- condensed-matter physics
- condenser
- condition
- conditional
- conditioned
- conditioning
- condrites
- conduct electricity;to
- conduct; to
- conductance
- conductibility
- conductimetry
- conducting
- conducting column (in plasma)
- conducting gas
- conducting layer
- conducting medium
- conducting region
- conduction
- conduction band
- conductive
- conductivity
- conductor
- conduit
- cone
- confidence interval
- confidence level
- configurability
- configuration
- configuration
- configuration control
- confined plasma
- confined region
- confinement
- confinement time
- confining field
- confish
- conform
- conformal
- conformal fields
- conformal invariance
- conformation
- conformational
- conformity
- confusion
- congeal; to
- congealable
- congealing
- congealing point
- congelation
- congenital
- congenital immunity
- congestion
- conglomerate
- conglomerate; to
- conglomeration
- conglutinate; to
- conglutination
- congruent
- congruent melting point
- congruous
- congruous quantity
- conical
- conical configuration
- conidium
- conifers
- conjugate
- conjugate layer
- conjugate points
- conjugate; to
- conjugated base
- conjugation
- conjunctiva
- conjunctivitis
- connate
- connect; to
- connected
- connecting
- connection
- connection strength
- connective tissue
- consanguinity
- consecutive
- consecutive reaction
- consensus
- consequence
- conservation
- conservation of charge
- conservation of energy
- conservation of parity
- conservative element
- conservative force
- conservative grazing
- conservative tracer
- consignee
- consignment
- consignor
- consistensy
- console
- constant
- constant
- constant voltage generator
- constant yield
- constantan
- constipation
- constituent
- constituent particle
- constitute; to
- constitution
- constitutional
- constitutive
- constraint
- constriction
- constrigency
- construct interference
- construct; to
- construction
- constructive
- constructive interference
- constructive process
- consumed particle
- consumption
- contact
- contact action
- contact corrosion
- contact insecticides
- contact radiation therapy
- contact radiography
- contagion
- contagious
- container
- containment
- containment
- containment stability
- containment systems
- contaminant
- contaminating radioactive material
- contamination
- contamination monitor
- content
- continent
- continent formation
- continental
- continental crust
- continental mass
- continental plate
- continental rifting basin
- continous process
- continuity
- continuity equations
- continuous chemical analysis
- continuous laser
- continuous process
- continuous slowing down (of neutrons)
- continuous spectrum
- continuous velocity distribution
- continuous-wave (cw)
- continuous-wave laser
- continuum
- continuum energy region
- continuum region
- contour
- contour ploughing
- contract; to
- contractile vucuale
- contraction
- contraction of (the) plasma
- contrast
- contravariance
- contravariant
- control
- control board
- control desk
- control element
- control essay
- control measures
- control panel
- control plot
- control point
- control rod
- control system
- control test
- control valve
- controllable reaction
- controlled area
- controlled burning
- controlled fusion
- controlled fusion reaction
- controlled fusion reactor
- controlled grazing
- controlled nuclear fusion
- controlled nuclear reaction
- controlled reactor
- controlled release
- controlled variable
- controller
- convection
- convection cooling
- convection current
- convective flow
- convective zone
- convention
- conventional
- conventional fermi liquid (cfl)
- conventional fluorometry
- conventional superconductivity
- convergence
- convergence line
- convergent reactor
- convergent series
- converging lens
- conversational compiler
- conversational processing
- conversion
- conversion electron
- conversion factor
- conversion fraction
- conversion gain (cf.breeder gain)
- conversion line
- conversion of thermal energy
- conversion plant
- conversion ratio
- conversion time
- convert; to
- converter= convertor
- convex
- conveyer = conveyor
- convolution
- convolver
- convoy
- convulsion
- cool by expansion;to
- cool waste
- cool; to
- coolant
- coolant annulus
- coolant channel
- coolant circuit
- cooled
- cooler
- cooling
- cooling coil
- cooling rate
- cooling sodium
- cooling system
- cooling time
- cooling tower
- coollagenous protein
- cooper pairs
- coordinate
- coordinate system
- coordinated particles
- coordination
- coordination bond
- coordination sphere
- coordinence
- coplanar
- coplanarity
- copolymer
- copolymerization
- copper (cu)
- copper oxide
- copper plate
- copper plating
- copper strip
- copper sulfate
- copper sulfide
- copper wire
- coprolite
- copulation
- coracite
- coral
- coral skeleton
- coralline
- corallite
- cord
- cord
- cordate leaf
- core
- core assembly
- core boundary
- core channel
- core discharge
- core lattice design
- core material
- core tank
- core-blanket interface
- core-management
- coriander
- coriolis acceleration
- coriolis force
- corium
- cork
- corkscrew (helical) field
- corms
- corn
- corn cob
- corn meal
- corn-picker
- corolla
- corona
- coronal holes
- coronary
- corpora allata
- corpora cardiaca
- corpus callosum
- corpus luteum
- corpuscular
- corpuscular radiation
- corpuscule
- corrasion
- correction
- correction factor
- correction time
- corrector
- correlate
- correlated
- correlated pairs of reactants
- correlates
- correlation
- correlation coefficient
- correlation coefficient matrix
- correlation data
- correlation distance
- correlation function
- correlation index
- correspond; to
- correspondence
- correspondence principle
- corrode; to
- corroded
- corrosion
- corrosion denting
- corrosion fatigue
- corrosion fluid
- corrosion inhibition
- corrosion inhibitor
- corrosion inhibitors
- corrosion pickling
- corrosion preventive
- corrosion proof
- corrosion resistance
- corrosive
- corrosive effects
- corrosive fluid
- corruptive
- cortex
- cortical
- cortical cell
- cortical retina
- corticosterone
- cortisol
- cortisone
- corundum
- cosmetic
- cosmic
- cosmic - string
- cosmic abundance
- cosmic background explorer (cobe)
- cosmic censorship hypothesis
- cosmic dust
- cosmic expansion
- cosmic gamma bursts
- cosmic microwave background (cmb)
- cosmic noise
- cosmic radiation
- cosmic radio sources
- cosmic radio waves
- cosmic ray
- cosmic showers
- cosmochemistry
- cosmogenic
- cosmogony
- cosmological
- cosmological constant
- cosmologist
- cosmology
- cosmos
- cosmotron
- cotransporter
- cotyledon
- coulomb
- coulomb barrier
- coulomb barrier radius
- coulomb blocked
- coulomb field
- coulomb force
- coulomb interaction
- coulomb oblateness
- coulomb potential barrier
- coulomb potential energy
- coulomb repulsive force
- coulombic
- coulombic repulsion
- coulometer
- coulometry
- coulonb attraction
- coulonb potetntial
- coulter
- count
- count cycle
- count rate
- count rate dosimeter
- count- down
- counter
- counter (geiger)
- counter efficiency
- counter range (of
- counter staining
- counter tube
- counter-current
- counter-current flow
- counterflow; (counter-current flow)
- counterflow; see:
- counterion
- counting ionization-
- counting rate
- counting rate meter
- country rock; see: native rock
- counts per minute
- couple
- couple; to
- coupled effect
- coupling
- coupling condenser
- coupling constant
- coupling in the large
- coupling mechanism
- covalence; covalency
- covalent
- covalent band
- covalent bond
- covariance
- covariant
- cover
- covered
- covering
- covering power
- cow-milkers
- cp invariance
- cpt theorem
- crab
- crab nebula
- crack
- crack growth
- cracked gas
- cracking
- cracking catalytic
- cracking thermal
- crankshaft
- crater
- cre
- cream
- cream separator
- creaming
- crease
- creation operators
- creche
- credit
- credit
- credit balance
- credit facilities
- creep
- creeping
- creole
- creosol=cresol
- crescent-shaped
- cretaceous
- crevasse
- crevice (corrosion)
- crevice corrosion
- crinoids
- crispate leaf
- criterion (criteria)
- critical
- critical assembly
- critical buckling
- critical deformation
- critical deformation energy
- critical density
- critical energy
- critical experiment
- critical fission energy
- critical group
- critical height
- critical loading
- critical mass
- critical pathway
- critical pattern
- critical period
- critical point
- critical radius
- critical reactor
- critical shear stress
- critical size
- critical state
- critical temperature
- critical velocity
- criticality
- criticality factor
- cromatophore
- crooked or parrot beak
- crop
- crop rotation
- crop yield
- cross
- cross linking
- cross over
- cross ploughing
- cross pollination
- cross product
- cross reaction
- cross section
- cross section for nuclear fission
- cross section for scattering
- cross section for uranium fission
- cross section of a nuclear reaction
- cross term
- cross-
- cross-bedding
- cross-condensation
- cross-conjugation
- cross-correlation analysis
- cross-current
- cross-linked polymer
- cross-over point
- crossing over
- crosslink
- crous
- crown
- crown gall
- crown graft
- crucible
- crucible tong
- crud
- crude
- crude fibers
- crude ore
- crude protein
- crude treatment
- crumb
- crumbling
- crush; to
- crusher
- crushing
- crust
- cryoadsorption
- cryogen
- cryogenic
- cryogenic system
- cryogenics
- cryometer
- cryometry
- cryopumps
- cryoscopy
- cryoscopy constant
- cryostat
- cryptographic
- cryptography
- cryptozoic eon
- crypyoanalysis
- crystal
- crystal (symmetry of) (
- crystal (twin)
- crystal counter
- crystal detector
- crystal diffraction spectrometer
- crystal face
- crystal field
- crystal glass
- crystal grain
- crystal growth
- crystal imperfection
- crystal lattice
- crystal mono-
- crystal pattern
- crystal spectrometer
- crystal symmetry
- crystalline
- crystalline class
- crystalline material
- crystalline solid
- crystalline state
- crystallinity
- crystallise; to
- crystallised
- crystallite
- crystallizable
- crystallization
- crystallization; fractional
- crystallizer
- crystallogram
- crystallographic axis
- crystallographic notation
- crystallographic plane
- crystallography
- crystalloid
- ctbt
- cube
- cubic
- cubic crystal
- cubic lattice
- cubic system
- cues
- cuesta
- cull
- culling
- culm blight
- culm rot
- cultivar
- cultivation
- culture medium
- cumin
- cumulation
- cumulative
- cumulative action
- cumulative distribution function (cdf)
- cumulative dose
- cumulative effect
- cup-type centrifuge
- cupel
- cupprum;copper (cu) )
- cuprammonia
- cuprate
- cupreous; cuprous
- cupric
- cupriferous
- cuprite
- cupro-nickel
- cuproautunite
- cuprosklodowskite
- cuprouranite
- curdy
- cured
- curie
- curie point
- curie temperature
- curing
- curite
- curium (cm)
- curium 248
- curl =rot
- curled toe paralysis
- current
- current anthropology
- current constriction
- current density
- current distribution
- current mode
- curvature
- curve
- curvilinear coordinate
- curvilinear motion
- cusp
- cuspidate leaf
- cut (in distillation;etc.)
- cut-off (or screening) distance (collisions in plasma)
- cut-off filter
- cut-off frequency
- cut-off input
- cut-off level gauge
- cut-off point
- cut-off voltage
- cutaneous epithelioma (biol.phys.)
- cutback asphaltic bitumen (arch)
- cutback bitumen
- cutback bitumen product
- cuticle
- cuticular
- cybernetics
- cycle (arch)
- cyclic (arch)
- cyclic accelerator
- cyclic activation system (chem.)
- cyclic compound (arch)
- cyclic electrolysis (chem..phys.)
- cyclic hydrocarbon (arch)
- cycling
- cyclization (arch)
- cyclo (arch)
- cycloidal "walk" (of particles in plasma)
- cyclone (arch)
- cyclonite (arch)
- cyclooctadiene (arch)
- cyclotron
- cyclotron accelerator (phys.)
- cyclotron angular frequency (chem.phys.)
- cyclotron beam (chem.)(phys.)
- cyclotron equation (chem.)(phys.)
- cyclotron facility
- cyclotron frequency (chem.)(phys.)
- cyclotron radius (plasma) (chem.)(phys.)
- cyclotron resonance
- cylinder (arch)
- cylindrical field (axial field)(chem.phys.)
- cylindrical geometry (chem.)(phys.)
- cylindrical reactor (chem.)(phys.)
- cylindrical shell source (of neutrons)
- cylindrical shock wave (chem.)(phys.)
- cylindrical wave
- cyme
- cypress
- cyrtolite (geol.)(phys.)
- cyst
- cystic (agric.)(biol.)
- cystic calculi
- cystitis
- cytocell
- cytochemistry (arch)
- cytochromes
- cytochromogenic hormone
- cytodifferanciation
- cytogenetic effect
- cytological study
- cytology (arch)
- cytolysis
- cytoplasm
- cytoplasm
- cytoplasmatic inheritance
- cytoplasmic streaming
- cytosine-guanine doublets (scam)
- cytotoxic (scam)
- cytotoxicity (scam)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z