مسرد A
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقالة المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- Aْ رمز الأنغستروم
- abattoir مجزر، مسلخ -W ، Slaughterhouse -ع
- abbe number عدد أَبّي -W ، لا يوجد في ويكيبيديا ع
- abbe prism موشور أَبّي -W ، لا يوجد في ويكيبيديا ع
- abbe refractometre مقياس انكسار أَبّي -w ، لا يوجد في ويكيبيديا ع
- abbreviation اختصار ؛ مختصر -W ، -ع
- abdomen بطن؛ تجويف البطن
- abdominal بطني
- abdominal gestation حَمْلٌ بطني(حمْلٌ خارج الرحم)
- abduction تبعيد
- abductor مبعد
- abelian field حقل آبل
- abelian group زمرة آبل
- aberrance زوغان
- aberrant زائغ
- aberration زيغ
- ability قابلية. مقدرة
- abiogenic gas غاز ذو منشأ لاحيوي
- abiotic لاحيوي
- ablation انفصال - اجتثاث - اقتطاع
- ablution غسل، وضوء
- abnormal شاذ
- abnormal concentrations تراكيز شاذة
- abnormal molecular weight وزن جزيئي شاذ
- abnormal reflection انعكاس شاذ
- abnormality شذوذ، حالة شاذة
- abolish انعكاس شاذ
- abort يجهض
- abortion إجهاض
- abortive مُجْهِض
- above-threshold ionization (ati) تأين فوق الحرج
- abrasion سحج، بري، حت
- abrasion test
- abrasive ساحج، حاك
- abrasive paper
- abreaction تنفيس
- abrupt
- abrupt junction
- abscess خراج، خراجة
- abscissa
- abscission
- abscission layer
- abscission zone
- absolute
- absolute acceleration
- absolute alcohol كحول صرف
- absolute assay
- absolute atmosphere
- absolute boiling point
- absolute coefficient
- absolute density
- absolute entropy
- absolute fission yield
- absolute gravity
- absolute magnetometer
- absolute manometer
- absolute momentum
- absolute pressure
- absolute rate theory
- absolute reaction rate
- absolute scale مقياس مطلق (لدرجة الحرارة)
- absolute standard
- absolute temperature
- absolute unit
- absolute vacuum
- absolute value
- absolute velocity
- absolute viscosity
- absolute weight
- absolute zero
- absorb; to
- absorbability
- absorbable
- absorbany absorbance
- absorbed dose
- absorbed dose rate
- absorbed neutron
- absorbency
- absorbent clay
- absorbent material
- absorbents
- absorber
- absorbing material
- absorbing medium
- absorbing of water
- absorbing rod
- absorptiometer
- absorptiometry
- absorption مص، امتصاص
- absorption analysis
- absorption band
- absorption bases
- absorption coefficient
- absorption column
- absorption control
- absorption cross-
- absorption curve
- absorption density
- absorption discontinuity
- absorption edge
- absorption efficiency
- absorption extraction
- absorption factor
- absorption imaging
- absorption imaging
- absorption indicator
- absorption mass
- absorption mean free path
- absorption method
- absorption of energy
- absorption of gases
- absorption of neutron;
- absorption of radiation
- absorption of thermal neutrons
- absorption oil
- absorption power
- absorption process
- absorption ratio
- absorption refrigeration
- absorption refrigerator
- absorption spectroscopy
- absorption spectrum
- absorption test
- absorption tower
- absorption tube
- absorptive
- absorptive power
- absorptivity
- abstract
- abstraction
- abstriction
- abundance
- abundance curve
- abundance of elements
- abundance ratio
- abundant وافر، وفير
- abyss
- acacia
- acacia gum
- acariasis
- acaricide
- acaridae
- acarpous
- acarus حَلَم
- acathaphasia مُعاياة
- acaudal
- acanthosis شُواك
- acanthosomes حويصلات شوكية
- acapnia = hypocapnia نقص الكربَمية
- accelaration
- accelerant
- accelerate the reaction
- accelarate يسرع يعجل
- accelerate; to
- accelerated
- accelerated particle
- accelerati chamber
- accelerating electrode
- accelerating tube
- accelerating voltage
- acceleration
- acceleration gap
- acceleration mechanism
- acceleration method
- acceleration of gravity
- acceleration potential
- acceleration slit
- acceleration stress
- accelerator
- accelerometer
- accelofilter
- acceptor
- acceptor atom ذرة متقبلة (أو قابلة)
- acceptor circuit
- acceptor docking marker مستقبلات نقاط الربط
- acceration
- access
- access time
- accessory
- accessory
- accessory element
- accessory mineral
- accident
- accident condition
- accident management
- accidental
- acclimation
- acclimatization: acclimation
- accommodation تكيف، مطابقة
- accompaniment مرافقة
- accompany يرافق
- accord
- accordance
- accordant
- accouchement توليد - ولادة
- accoucheur مولِّد
- accoucheuse قابلة
- account
- accountability
- accounting
- accouplement
- accretion
- accretion disc
- accretion theory
- accumulate يركم، يكدس، يتراكم، يتجمع
- accumulation تراكم، ركم، تجمع
- accumulator
- accuracy دقة، ضبط، إحكام
- accuracy testing
- accurate دقيق، مضبوط
- accurate balance
- accurate contour
- acentric
- acephalous
- acerate
- acervate
- acetabulum
- acetal
- acetate
- acetic acide
- acetic fermentation
- acetin
- acetone
- acetyl
- acetylation
- acetylene أسيتيلين
- acetylenes أسيتلينات، ألكينات
- acetylide أستيليد
- acheulean
- achiral
- achiral molecule
- achromatic dispersion
- achromatic system
- achromatin
- achromatopsia
- achromic
- achromobacter
- acicular
- acid حامض، حمض
- acid anhydride انهيدريد حامضي
- acid cell
- acid dye
- acid etching
- acid fast
- acid rain
- acid-free oil
- acid-oil ratio
- acid-resistant
- acid-soluble
- acid-treated
- acide salt
- acide;acid
- acidic حامضي، حمضي
- acidic medium
- acidic oxide
- acidic rock
- acidic titrant
- acidifiable
- acidification
- acidified محمّض
- acidify يحمض
- acid radical شق حامضي
- acid salt ملح حامضي
- acidimeter
- acidimetry
- acidity
- acidization
- acidize
- acidizing
- acidoduric
- acidogenic
- acidolysis
- acidometer
- acidophil
- acidosis
- acidulated
- acidulation
- aciduria
- aciduric
- acoholysis
- acorn oil
- acoustic
- acoustic absorption
- acoustic analysis
- acoustic detector
- acoustic emission
- acoustic lens
- acoustic radiation
- acoustic resonance
- acoustic wave
- acoustical
- acoustical branch
- acoustics
- acoustooptics
- acquire
- acquired
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired radioresistance
- acquisition system
- acrid حاد، حريف، لاذع
- acridia
- acridicide
- acridotoxic
- acron
- acrylic
- act
- act on يفعل أو يؤثر في
- actin filaments خيوط الأكتين
- actinic
- actinic radiation
- actinic rays
- actinide series
- actinides
- actinism
- actinium
- actinium (ac)
- actinium series
- actino therapy
- actino-uranium (u235)
- actinodermatitis
- actinometer
- actinomycete
- actinon (an)
- actinon-uranium (u235)
- actinorhizae
- actinorhizal plant
- action فعل
- action at a distance
- action spectrum
- action-reaction law
- activate; to
- activated منشط
- activated adsorption
- activated alumina
- activated atom
- activated carbon
- activated charcoal
- activated clay
- activated complex
- activated isotope
- activated molecule
- activated state حالة نشطة
- activated water
- activating
- activating isotope
- activation
- activation analysis
- activation energy طاقة تنشيط
- activation cross section
- activation curve
- activation detector
- activation energy
- activation foil
- activation helix
- activation yield
- activator
- activator protein
- active فعال، نشط، ناشط
- active
- active by-products
- active carbon
- active center
- active concentration
- active core
- active electrode الكترود نشط،
- active hydrogen
- active lattice
- active length
- active mass
- active material
- active matrix displays
- active molecule
- active monitoring
- active point
- active product
- active region
- active security system
- active site
- active systeme
- active transport نقل نشيط أو فعال
- active volume
- active zone
- activity
- activity
- activity center
- activity coefficient
- activity curve
- activity dependence
- activity level
- activity of ions
- activity of molecule
- activity of radioactive source
- activity product
- activity series
- activity-mass formula
- actual yield
- actuate
- actuation device
- actuator
- acuity
- aculeate
- acumen-provided code
- acute
- acute exposure
- acute lymphoblastic
- acyclic
- acyl أسيل، حمضل
- acyl chloride كلوريد أسيلي أو حمضلي
- acylation
- acytolysis
- ad hoc inspection
- ad libitum
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adapter
- adaptive
- adaptive immune
- adaptive neuron
- adaptive optics
- adder
- adding circuit
- adding unit
- addition إضافة، جمع
- addition agent
- addition compound
- addition polymer
- addition polymerization بلمرة جمعية، بلمرة إضافة
- addition reaction
- additional
- additive
- additives
- additivity of exposure effect
- additivity of irradiation effect
- address
- address conversion
- address generation
- addressing system
- adduct جزئي، جمعي
- adenitis
- adenocarcinoma
- adenoma
- adenosine
- adenosine deaminase
- adenovirus
- adequacy كفاية، وفاء بالغرض
- adequate كاف، واف بالغرض
- adequate model نموذج ملائم
- adherence
- adherend
- adhesion الالتصاق
- adhesion molecule
- adhesion molecules جزيئات التصاقية
- adhesive
- adhesive bond
- adiabatic condition
- adiabatic demagnetization
- adiabatic expansion
- adiabatic invariance
- adiabatic invariant
- adiabatic law
- adiabatic process
- adiathermic
- adipo-
- adipocyte خلايا شحمية
- adjoint of a matrix
- adjoint operator
- adjoint variable
- adjugate
- adjusted
- adjusted value
- adjustment
- admittance
- admixture
- adnation
- adrenal كظري
- adrenal gland
- adrenalin
- adrenoceptor
- adrenocortical hormone
- adsorb
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorbent powder
- adsorber
- adsorption capacity
- adsorption chromatography
- adsorption column
- adsorption heat
- adsorption indicator
- adsorption method
- adsorption phenomenon
- adsorption power
- adsorption process
- adsorption treating
- adsorptive
- adulterant
- adulteration
- advance
- advance signal
- advance wave
- advanced gas reactor(agr)
- advanced potential
- advanced reactor
- advantage
- advection
- adverse
- advise
- adviser
- advisory
- aenosine triphophate atp
- aerate; aerate to
- aerated water
- aeration
- aeration porosity
- aerator
- aerial
- aerial survey (air-borne survey)
- aero-
- aerobic
- aerobic bacteria
- aerobic process
- aerobiosis
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamic force
- aerofilter
- aeronaut
- aeronautical engineering
- aeronautics
- aerophysics
- aerophyte
- aerosol ‘يروسول، محلول سائلي هوائي
- aerosol wastes
- aerospace
- aerospace engineer
- afeterbirth
- affinity (chemical) الألفة الكيميائية
- afforestation
- afm (atomic force microscope)
- afoliate
- afterburner
- aftercooling
- afterglow
- afterloading
- aftermath
- afterripennig
- agar
- agaric
- agate
- agate glass
- age
- age dependence
- age of solar system
- age of the earth
- age structure
- age-hardening
- agedetermination
- ageing reactor
- agent عامل
- agglomeration
- agglomerator
- agglutination تجلط
- agglutination
- aggregate
- aggregation
- aggregometer
- aggressive lymphoma
- aging (= ageing)
- agitation
- agitator
- agitator
- agitator
- agranulocytosis
- agrarian reform
- agricultural chemistry
- agricultural credit
- agricultural credit fund
- agricultural holding
- agriculture
- agrobacterium
- agronomy
- ليزر حلقي
- air هواء
- air bleed valve
- air blowing
- air capacity
- air cell
- air cleaning
- air composition
- air compression
- air compressor
- air conditionning
- air coolant
- air cooled graphite reactor
- air cooled reactor
- air kerma
- air lift pump
- air liquefaction
- air liquid
- air lock
- air pollution
- air sweetening
- air tight
- air-borne radioactivity
- air-intake manifold
- airblast
- airborn
- airborne contamination
- airborne terrain – mapping
- airbrake
- airburst
- aircraft
- alabaster
- alara (as low as reasonably acheavable)
- alarm circuit
- alarm dosimeter
- alate
- albedo dosimetry for neutrons
- albumen
- albumin
- alcaloid (=alkaloid)
- alcohol كحول، غول
- alcohol fuel
- alcoholic fermentation
- alcoholometer
- aldehyde ألديهيد
- aldohexose هكسوز ألدوزي
- aldol addition إضافة ألدولية
- aldose سكر أحادي ألديهيدي، ألدوز
- alembic
- alert
- alerting signal
- alfalfa
- alfalfa
- alfven number
- alfven wave
- alga (ae)
- algae
- algebraic language
- algebraic number
- algebraic sum
- algology
- algorithm
- alicyclic حلقي دهني، دهني حلقي
- alignment
- aliphatic دهني، ألفاتي
- alkali قلي، قلو، قالي
- alkali metal فلز قلوي
- alkalic
- alkaline قلوي، قلوي، قاعدي
- alkaline earth metal فلز أتربة قلوية، فلز من معادن الأتربة القلوية
- alkaline leaching
- alkalinity قلوية
- alkalogenic
- alkaloid
- alkalosis
- alkanes ألكانات
- alkene ألكين
- alkyhalide هاليد ألكيلي
- alkyl ألكيل
- alkylation ألكلة
- alkynes ألكاينات
- allele
- allergy
- allomorphism
- allosteric تغير فراغي
- allotrope شكل متأصل
- allotropic تآصلي
- allotropy تآصل
- allowance
- alloy سبيكة، إشابة، يشيب، يمزج السبيكة
- alloy junction diode
- alloy junction transistor
- alloying element
- alluvial
- alluvial soil
- alluvium
- alnico
- alnico magnet
- alpha
- alpha bearing waste
- alpha contamination indicator
- alpha counter
- alpha cross section
- alpha decay
- alpha decay
- alpha emission ابتعاث ألفي، ابتعاث جسيمات ألفا
- alpha emitter
- alpha irradiation
- alpha measurement
- alpha particle جُسيم ألفا، دقيقة ألفية
- alpha particle scattirng
- alpha ray شعاع ألفا، شعاع ألفي
- alpha radiator;
- alpha uranium
- alpha-particle bombardment
- alpha-particle disintegration
- alpha-particle emission
- alpha-particle model
- alpha-ray spectrometer
- alpha-rays
- alphatron
- alter يغير
- alteration تغيير
- alternate current
- alternating still
- alternation
- alternation of generation
- alternative
- alternator
- alternator
- altimeter
- altimeter
- altitude
- altitude effect
- alumel
- alumina
- alumina refractories
- aluminium (al)
- aluminization
- aluminous
- aluminous cement
- alvein number
- alvein wave
- am
- amalgam مَلغم، مُلغم، مزيج فلز بالزئبق
- amalgmate يملغم
- amber
- ambient محيط، مكتنٍف
- ambient dose equivalent h*(d)
- ambient noise
- ambient pressure
- ambient temperature
- ambiguity
- ambipolar
- ambipolar
- ambivalence
- ameboide movement حركات تحولية
- amelioration
- ameloblast
- americium (am)
- amide أميد
- amido group مجموعة أميدية
- amination
- amine أمين
- amino acid حامض أميني، حمض أميني
- amine group; amino group مجموعة أمينية
- amitosis
- ammeter أمِّيتر
- ammonia
- ammoniation
- ammonification
- ammonium
- ammonium phosphate
- ammonolysis
- amoeba
- amoebic
- amoebocyte
- amonification
- amorphism
- amorphous غير متبلور، لا بلوري
- amorphous mineral
- amorphous semconductor
- amorphous; amorphus
- amount كمية
- ampere
- ampere law
- ampere rule
- amperometer
- amperometry
- amphibia
- amphibiotic
- amphinbian
- amphiphilic molecule
- ampholyte
- amphoteric أمفوتيري، جمض قلوي
- amphoteric ion
- amphoterism
- amplification
- amplifier
- amplify
- amplitude
- amplitude gate
- amplitude modulation
- amplitude modulator
- amplitude noise
- amplitude resonance
- amplitude response
- amplitude splitting
- amputation
- amylum
- anabolic
- anabolic steroid
- anabolism
- anaemia
- anaerobe
- anaerobic process
- anaerobiosis
- anal
- analog computer
- analog data
- analog network
- analog simulation
- analog= analogue
- analogue model نموذج مقارنة
- analogic (al)
- analogous
- analogue computer
- analogy
- analyse; analyze يحلل
- analysis تحليل
- analyst
- analytical تحليلي
- analytical assay
- analytical balance
- analytical chemistry
- analytical radiochemistry
- analytical; analytic
- analyzer; analyser
- anaphoresis
- anastigmatic lens
- anatomo- pathologie
- anby deous
- and circuit
- and gate
- and not gate
- and-or gate
- anderson model
- androgen
- andromeda
- anemia
- anemic
- anemograph
- anemology
- anemometer
- anesthetic
- angina
- angina pectoris
- angiogram
- angiography
- angiology
- angle
- angle noise
- angle of action
- angle of approach
- angle of arrival
- angle of cant
- angle of climb
- angle of contact
- angle of current
- angle of cut
- angle of deflection
- angle of entry
- angle of fall
- angle of impact
- angle of incidence
- angle of radiation
- angle of reflection
- angle of refraction
- angle of repose
- angle of rotation
- angle of safety
- angle of slide
- angle of torsion
- angle of view
- angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (arpes)
- angstrom (إ)
- angular
- angular acceleration
- angular aperture
- angular correlation
- angular diameter
- angular displacement
- angular distance
- angular distribution
- angular divergence; see: divergence
- angular frequency
- angular impulse
- angular momentum
- angular motion
- angular position
- angular resolution
- angular resolved photoemission
- angular velocity
- anharmonic
- anharmonic oscillator
- anhydride انهيدريد، أندريد
- anhydrite
- anhydrous لا مائي، عديم ماء التبلور
- aniline
- animal husbandry
- animation
- anion أنيون، أيون سالب التكهرب
- anion exchange resin
- anion exchanger
- anionic
- anisogamy
- anisogoamy
- anisogonous
- anisomeric
- anisotropic
- anisotropic emission
- anisotropic scatte
- anisotropy
- anisotropy energy
- anitibiosis
- anneal
- annealing
- annealing
- annex
- annihilation
- annihilation
- annihilation operator
- annihilation photon
- annihilation radiation
- annual
- annual limit of intake (ali)
- annual parallax
- annular conductor
- annular eclipse
- annular mozzle
- annular phase plate
- annular section
- annular transistor
- annulated lamellae صفائح حلقية
- annulus الحلقة
- anode أنود، مصعد
- anode circuit
- anode current
- anode detector
- anode rays
- anode region
- anode spots
- anodic أنودي، مصعدي
- anodic oxidation أكسدة أنودية،
- anodic polarisation
- anodic reaction
- anodize يُؤَنود
- anodization
- anodizing أنودة
- anomalous
- anomalous dispersion
- anomalous magnetic moment
- anomaly
- anovulation
- ansolvo
- antacid
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antarctic circle
- antarctic ocean
- antarctic zone
- antarctica
- antares
- antenna
- antenna amplifier
- antenna detector
- antenna effect
- antenna power
- antgonism
- anther
- anther lolers
- antheridium
- antherlober
- anthracene
- anthracite
- anthrax
- anthropology
- anthropomorphic phantom
- anti
- anti electron (=positron)
- antiaircraft
- antiaircraft gun
- antiatom
- antibaryon
- antibiotic
- antibody - AB ضادات ، أضداد
- antibody-antimembranous ضادات مضادة للأغشية
- antibonding
- antibunching effect
- anticatalist
- anticathode
- anticline
- anticoagulate
- anticoincidence
- anticommutation
- anticommutator (âb+bâ)
- anticommute
- anticompton scattering shield
- anticyclone
- antideuteron
- antidote
- antienzime
- antiferroelectric
- antiferromagnetic magnetic
- antiferromagnetic ordering
- antiferromagnetism
- antifreeze
- antifriction
- antigen-AG مستضدات
- antigen
- antigenicity الاستضداد
- antigen-presenting cell
- antihydrogen
- antihyperon
- antimagnetic
- antimagnetism
- antimatter
- antimeson
- antimony (sb)
- antineutrino
- antineutrinos
- antineutron
- antinucleon
- antioxidant
- antioxidation
- antiparallel
- antiparticle
- antipathetic
- antipodal
- antipode
- antiports مسامات تضادية
- antiproton
- antiputrefactive
- antiquark
- antireflection coating
- antiresonance
- antisepsis
- antisepsis
- antiseptic
- antiserum
- antistakes frequency
- antistatic blends
- antisymmetric
- antisymmetric state
- antiviral
- anural
- anyon
- مُسيّر
- aorta
- apathy
- apatite
- aperiodic
- aperiodic variation
- aperiodic wave
- aperture
- aperture illumination
- apex
- aphid, aphis
- apiary
- apical growth
- aplanatic lens
- aplanogametes
- aplasia
- aplasnatic
- aplastic anemia
- aplite; haplite
- apochromatic lens
- apochromatic system
- apoda
- apoenzyme مجموعة غير بروتينية مرتبطة بالأنزيم
- apogamy
- apogamy
- apogee
- apogeny
- apogomy
- apophysis
- aposteriori
- apothecium
- apparatus جهاز
- apparent ظاهري
- apparent density
- apparent referent
- apparent specific wt.
- apparition
- appearance
- appendin
- appendix
- appendix
- appliance
- appliances
- application تسليط، تطبيق
- applied research
- apply يسلط - يطبق
- appreciable محسوس، ممكن تقديره أو إدراكه
- approach
- approximate تقريبي
- approximation تقدير تقريبي، تقريب
- apriculture
- apriori
- apron
- aqua ion أيون مائي
- aqua regia
- aquamarine
- aquanarine
- aquarium
- aquarium
- aqueduct
- aqueous مائي
- aqueous phase
- aqueous slurry
- aqueous solution
- aquiculture
- aquifer
- aquiferous
- arabian platform
- arable
- aragonite
- arbitrary كيفين اعتباطي
- arbitration
- arbor vitae
- arboreous
- arboriculture
- arborization
- arc
- arc current
- arc cutt
- arc discharge
- arc heating
- arc lamp
- arc of visibility
- arch
- archegonium
- archegonium
- archeology
- archespore
- archimedean principle
- architecture
- arctic circle
- area
- area monitor
- area of activity
- areal density
- areal element
- areal velocity
- argent
- argentic
- argillaceous rocks
- argon (a)
- arid
- arithmetic
- arithmetic mean
- arithmetic progression
- arithmetical
- armament
- armature
- armor
- armor plat
- armored
- aromatic أروماتي، عطري
- aromatic
- aromatic content determination
- aromaticity أروماتية، عطرية
- aromatization
- arrangement
- array
- arrhenius equation
- arrival
- arrythmia
- arsenal
- arsenate
- arsenic (as)
- arsenicals
- arsenide
- arsenite
- artery
- artesian basin
- artesian well
- arthritis
- arthropoda
- arthrosis
- articular
- articulation
- artifact
- artifacts بنى اصطناعية محدثة
- artificial
- artificial immunity
- artificial died
- artificial insemination
- artificial intelligence
- artificial irradiation
- artificial meadow
- artificial nuclear disintegration
- artificial nuclear transformation
- artificial radioactive disintegration
- artificial radioactivity نشاط إشعاعي اصطناعي، فاعلية إشعاعية اصطناعية
- artificial radioactivity;
- artificial swarming
- artificially radioacive nucleus
- artificially radioactive element
- artillery
- artwork
- arviculture
- aryl أريل
- arylation أريلة
- asbestos
- ascent
- ascites
- ascitic fluid
- ascocarp
- ascomycetes
- ascorbic acid
- aseptate
- ash رماد
- ash coal
- ash free
- ash test
- ashen رمادي، مؤلف من رماد
- ashing
- ashing temperature
- asparagine
- asparagus
- asparate receptor
- aspect
- aspect ratio
- asphalt أسفلت، زفت، قار
- asphyxia
- asphyxiating gas
- aspiration
- aspirator سفاط
- assay يُعاير (النقاوة)، يحلل لتقدير النقاوة، مقايسة
- assay balance
- assay; to
- assembly
- assessment
- assignment
- assimilation
- associate
- associated
- associated agency
- associated corpuscular emission
- associated wave
- association
- associative
- associative event
- associator
- assume يفترض
- assumption افتراض
- astatine (at)
- asteroide
- astigmatic lens
- astigmatism
- astro-
- astrodome
- astrodynamics
- astrolabe
- astronautics
- astronomical
- astronomical clock
- astronomical day
- astronomical distance
- astronomical observatory
- astronomical telescope
- astronomical unit(au)
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- astrophysics
- astrophysics
- asymmetric
- asymmetric atom
- asymmetric carbon ذرة كربون لا تماثلية
- asymmetric type ii supernova explosions
- asymmetrical لا تماثلي
- asymmetry
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- asymptotic curve
- asymptotic formula
- asymptotic freedom
- asymptotic solution
- asynchronism
- asynchronous
- atavism
- ataxia
- athermic
- atheroma
- atherosclerosis
- atmosphere
- atmosphere
- atmospheric pollutant
- atmospheric pressure ضغط جوي
- atoll
- atom ذرة
- atom (gram)
- atom bouncer
- atom interferometer
- atom laser
- atom manipulation
- atom optics
- atom probe
- atom probe field ion microscope
- atom smasher
- atomic ذري
- atomic accelerator
- atomic battery
- atomic beam
- atomic beam
- atomic beam epitaxy
- atomic beam laser spectroscopy
- atomic beam splitter
- atomic boiler
- atomic bomb
- atomic bombardment
- atomic bond
- atomic center-of-mass
- atomic center-of-mass wave function
- atomic centre
- atomic charge
- atomic clock
- atomic cloud
- atomic constants
- atomic core
- atomic crystal
- atomic diameter
- atomic disintegration
- atomic energy
- atomic energy plant
- atomic energy plant
- atomic energy; see also: nuclear energy
- atomic explosion
- atomic field
- atomic fission
- atomic force microscope (afm)
- atomic fountain
- atomic fuel;
- atomic furnace
- atomic fusion
- atomic heat
- atomic heating
- atomic hydrogen
- atomic hydrogen-electric plant
- atomic laser
- atomic mass (a)
- atomic mass unit (a.m.u.) وحدة الكتلة الذرية
- atomic nucleus
- atomic number (z) العدد الذري
- atomic orbital
- atomic physics
- atomic pile
- atomic power
- atomic power;see also: atomic energy
- atomic projectile
- atomic radiation
- atomic radius
- atomic ratio
- atomic refraction
- atomic resolution microscopy
- atomic structure التركيب الذري، بنية الذرة
- atomic theory النظرية الذرية
- atomic transition line
- atomic trap
- atomic volume
- atomic weapon
- atomic weight الوزن الذري
- atomic weight unit
- atomic-layer epitaxy
- atomic-layer epitaxy
- atomicity ذرّية
- atominterferometry
- atomiser; atomizer
- atomization
- atomize يذرّي، يُرذّذ
- atomized
- atomizer مِرذاذ، مذرة
- atraumatic
- atrophic
- atrophy
- attack
- attenuation
- attenuation coefficient
- attenuation constant
- attenuation distance
- attenuation factor
- attenuation ratio
- attenuator
- attitude
- atto
- atto-
- attract يجذ، يجتذب
- attraction جذب، اجتذاب
- attractive جاذب، جذاب
- attraction force
- attractive energy
- attractive force
- attractor
- attribute
- atypical
- audibility
- audibility
- audio
- audio frequeny
- audio respouse
- audio signal
- audiogram
- audiometer
- audiometry
- audiphone
- audit; to
- audition
- auditor
- auditory nerve
- audits
- auger effect
- auger electron
- auger electron spectroscopy
- augmentation
- auoral storm
- aureole
- aurora
- aurora australis
- aurora borealis
- aurora polaris
- auroral
- auroral
- auroral line
- auroral poles
- auroral storm
- austral
- authentic
- authenticity
- authority
- authorization
- authorization
- authorize
- auto oxidation
- auto-analyser
- auto-collimation
- auto-ionization
- auto-phasing
- auto catalysis حفز ذاتي
- autocatalytic
- autoclave
- autocomande
- autoconvection
- autocorrelation
- autocrini إشارة ذاتية
- autoecology
- autogamy
- autoicous
- autoignition
- autoimmune
- autoimmune response
- autoimmunity
- autoinfection
- autolysis
- autolysosomes جسيمات حالة ذاتية
- automatic
- automatic control
- automaticity
- automation
- automatized
- automaton
- automotive
- autonomic nervous system
- autophage
- autopolymerisation
- autoprotolysis
- autopsy
- autoradio
- autoradiogram
- autoradiograph
- autoradiography تصوير شعاعي ذاتي
- autorefining
- autoscaler
- autosomal dominant
- autosomal recessive
- autosome
- autotransformer
- autotroph
- autotrophic
- autoxidation أكسدة ذاتية، تأكسد ذاتي
- autunite
- auxiliary
- auxiliary operation
- auxiliary processor
- auxiliaryswitch
- auxin
- auxochrom
- auxochrome معمق لوني
- auxochromic مجموعة معمقة للون، ذو مجموعة معمقة للون، خاص بتعميق اللون
- available متاح، متيسر
- availability
- availability factor
- availablchlorine
- avalanche
- avalanche breakdown
- average متوسط، معدّل
- average behavior
- average energy
- average kinetic energy
- average life
- average rating
- average scattering
- average speed
- avlis (atomic vapor laser isotope separation)
- avogadro number ثابت أفوجادرو
- avogadro hypothesis فرض أفوجادرو
- avogadro's constant
- avogadro's principle مبدا أقوجادرون قاعدة أفوجادرو
- awasse ewes
- awassi sheep
- axial محوري
- axial adjustment
- axial bond
- axial field; cylindrical field
- axial magnetic field
- axial magnetic field stabilization
- axial motion
- axial overlap
- axial peak flux
- axial plane
- axial region
- axial symmetry
- axial vector
- axiom
- axiom
- axiom
- axiomatic
- axions
- axis محور
- axis of abscissas
- axis of crystal
- axis of ordinates
- axis of revolution
- axis of rotation
- axis of symmetry
- azeotrope
- azimuth
- azimuth angle
- azimuth circle
- azimuth line
- azimuthal
- azimuthal phase modulations
- azo
- azo dye
- azo group مجموعة آزوية
- azotobacter
- مكشاف وميضي
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z