الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «مسرد G»
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
(إنشاء جديد) |
(رابط) |
سطر 887: | سطر 887: | ||
* glycoprotein | * glycoprotein | ||
* glycoside | * [[glycoside]] | ||
* glycosylation | * glycosylation |
المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 16:07، 26 أبريل 2016
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- g-parity invariance صمود الندّية G ، لايوجد مقال ويكيبيديا إنكليزي مستقل بل ورد لمال فيزيائي عام
- g.m.counter; see: geiger-muller counter عداد غايغر -w
- gadolinium (gd) غادولينيوم
- gage = gsauge مقياس. معيار؛ عيار
- gain ربح
- gain bandwidth العرض العصابي للربح
- gain checker ضابط الكسب
- gait, pace مِشْية
- galactagogue مُدِرّ اللبن
- galactase غالكتاز
- galactic center
- galactic disk
- galactic nebula
- galactic nucleus
- galactic radiation
- galactorrhea
- galactose
- galaxy
- galena oil
- galilean transformation
- galilei transformations
- galina
- gall
- gall stone
- gall-stone
- gallbladder
- gallic acid
- gallium (ga)
- gallium arsenide
- gallium indium phosphide
- galvanic
- galvanic cell
- galvanic corrosion
- galvanization
- galvanize; to
- galvanometer
- galvanoplasty
- game theory
- gametangium
- gamete
- gametocyte
- gametogenesis
- gametophyte
- gamma
- gamma attenuation
- gamma background
- gamma camera
- gamma cross section
- gamma decay
- gamma emission
- gamma iron
- gamma irradiation
- gamma logging unit
- gamma quantum
- gamma radiation
- gamma radiography
- gamma ray absorption
- gamma ray activation
- gamma ray burst
- gamma ray imaging
- gamma ray irradiation
- gamma ray logging
- gamma ray photon
- gamma ray source
- gamma ray spectrometer
- gamma ray spectrum
- gamma rays
- gamma scanning
- gamma scintillation counting
- gamma spectrometry
- gamma spectrometry
- gamma spectroscopy
- gamma uranium
- gamma yield
- gamma-ray astronomy
- gamma-ray emition tomography
- gammagraphy
- gamopetalous
- gamosepalous
- gander
- ganglial
- ganglion cells
- gangrene
- gangue
- gap (of the magnet)
- gapeworm
- garden fennel-flower
- gare
- garget, mastitis
- garlic
- garming
- garnet
- garnet paper
- garnierite
- gas
- gas (eous) centrifuge
- gas absorption
- gas adsorption
- gas analyser
- gas analysis
- gas bubble
- gas burner
- gas cell
- gas chromatography
- gas circulation
- gas cleaning.
- gas condensat
- gas constant
- gas cooling
- gas counter
- gas current
- gas density
- gas discharge plasma
- gas discharge tube
- gas dynamics
- gas engine
- gas evolution
- gas flame
- gas flow
- gas flow counter
- gas furnace
- gas ionization
- gas kinetic degrees of freedom
- gas kinetic pressure
- gas marsh
- gas mask
- gas mixture
- gas multiplacation
- gas multiplication
- gas oil
- gas phase
- gas pressure .
- gas recombiner
- gas scrubbing
- gas separator
- gas trap
- gas-cooled reactor
- gas-filled
- gas-filter radiometry
- gas-graphite power reactor
- gas-graphite reactor
- gas-tight casing
- gas-tight housing
- gaseous
- gaseous compound
- gaseous conduction
- gaseous diffusion
- gaseous discharge
- gaseous dissociation
- gaseous fission product
- gaseous fuel
- gaseous hydrogen
- gaseous ion
- gaseous medium
- gaseous mixture
- gaseous phase
- gaser
- gasfilled counter
- gasification
- gasoline
- gasoline clone
- gasometer
- gastric acid
- gastric gland
- gastric juice
- gastric ulcer
- gastrin
- gastritis
- gastroenemius
- gastrointestinal
- gastrointestinal nematode
- gastropoda
- gate
- gate circuit; see: coincidence circuit
- gate pulse
- gate turnoff
- gather
- gathering area
- gathering conveyor
- gathering ring
- gauche
- gauge =gage
- gauge invariance
- gauge symmetry
- gauss distribution
- gauze
- gear drive
- gear pump
- gearmotor
- gearshift
- gel
- gel-like
- gelatin
- gelatinization
- gelatinize; to
- gelatinous
- gelation
- gelding
- gelignite
- gelling
- gelling point
- gem = geminus
- geminal
- gene
- gene activator
- gene change
- gene expression
- gene manipulation
- gene marker
- gene mutation
- gene pool
- gene regenerative process
- gene structure
- genera
- general (as a title)
- general formula
- general istry
- general linear model
- general model
- general population
- general purpose manipulator
- general relativily theory
- general relativity
- generalization
- generalized coordinates
- generation
- generation time
- generational
- generations of nuclei
- generative nucleus
- generator
- generator breaker
- generic
- generic name
- genesis
- genetic
- genetic algorithms
- genetic alternation
- genetic code
- genetic data base
- genetic drift
- genetic effects of radiation
- genetic engineering
- genetic entity
- genetic linkage
- genetic material
- genetic message
- genetic recombination
- genetic sequences
- genetic targeting
- genetics
- geniculocortical
- genital
- genitalia
- genome
- genomic-tag
- genotoxicity
- genotype
- genovariation
- genus
- geo
- geocentric
- geocentric coordinates
- geochronology
- geochronometry
- geodesic
- geodesic curves
- geodesy
- geodynamic
- geodynamo
- geogeny
- geoical
- geoical prospecting
- geoics
- geoistry
- geologic map
- geologic time
- geological ground survey
- geologist
- geology
- geology
- geomagnetic
- geomagnetic dipole
- geomagnetic field
- geomagnetic field reversal
- geomagnetism
- geometric
- geometric buckling
- geometrical
- geometrical symmetry
- geometrically
- geometry
- geometry factor
- geomorphology
- geophone
- geosphere
- geothermal
- geothermal systems
- germ
- germ cell
- germ line
- germ plasma
- germ-line mutations
- german silver
- germanic
- germanium (ge)
- germanium detector
- germicide
- germinal tissue
- germination
- germination layer
- germioide
- gestation
- getter
- geyser
- giant impact theory
- giantism
- gibbs paradox
- gild; to
- gilpinite
- gin
- ginger
- ginger oil
- gingioitis
- gingiva
- ginning
- girdle
- girth
- gisment
- gizzard
- glabrous
- glacial
- glacial acetic acid
- glacial drift
- glacial erosion
- glaciation
- glacier
- gladiolus
- glancing angle
- gland
- glandiform
- glandular disc
- glass
- glass beads
- glass blower
- glass blowing
- glass ceramic
- glass cover
- glass electrode
- glass fibre
- glass house
- glass rod
- glass tube
- glass wool
- glassification
- glassy metals
- glauconite
- glaucous
- glaze; to
- glazing
- glazing materials
- gleaning
- gleanings
- glial
- glial cell
- glioma
- global climatic change
- global observing system
- global positioning system (gps)
- global warming
- globalization
- globin
- globin
- globular clusters
- globules examinations
- globulin
- glomerulus
- gloom
- glory
- gloss
- gloss oil
- glossitis
- glossy
- glottis
- glove-box
- glover tower
- gloves
- glow
- glow discharge
- glowing
- glucagon
- glucine
- glucinium; see: beryllium
- glucocorticoids
- gluconic acid
- glucose
- glue
- gluino
- glume
- gluon
- gluon condensation
- gluonium
- glutamine
- glutaric acid
- glutelin
- gluten
- gluten strength
- gluteus maximus
- gluteus medius
- glyceric acid
- glyceride
- glycerin= glycerol
- glycerol
- glycine
- glycocoll (glycine)
- glycogen
- glycogen phosphorylase
- glycogenesis
- glycogenolysis
- glycol
- glycollic acid
- glycolysis
- glycoprotein
- glycosylation
- glyoxal
- glysine
- go-between
- goat
- goggles
- goiter
- gold (au)
- golden
- gombo, gumbo, okra
- gonad
- gonad cell
- gonad dose
- gonad irradiation
- gonadotropin
- gonads
- gonial cell
- goniometer
- gonorrhea
- good manufacturing practices
- gordon
- goslarite
- gosling
- goudron
- gourd
- gout
- grab sampling
- grabed bedding
- graben
- grace particles
- gradation
- grade
- graded junction
- gradient
- gradient (radial)
- gradient of the density
- grading; see also: sorting
- graduated cylinder
- graduated pipette
- graduated reciprocation in tension (grit)
- graduation
- graft
- grafting
- grafting technique
- grain
- grain alcohol
- grain boundaries
- grain moth
- grain thresher
- grain weevil
- grain yield
- grained
- grainer salt
- grainferous
- grainivores
- grainsilos
- grainsmut
- gram (or gramme ) (gm)
- gram atom
- gram atomic weight
- gram element specific activity
- gram equivalent
- gram mol
- gram molecular
- gram negative
- gram positive
- gram-force
- gram-rad
- gram-roentgen
- gramme =gram
- grand unification
- grand unified theory
- granite
- granite pegmatite
- granolit
- granular
- granular materials
- granular powder
- granulite xenolith
- granulocyte
- granulometry
- granulopenia
- grape
- grapefruit
- grapevine
- graph-
- graphic (al)
- graphite
- graphite exchanges
- graphite grease
- graphite oil
- graphite reactor
- graphite resistor
- graphite uranium lattice
- graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy
- graphite-moderated lattice
- graphite-moderated nuclear power plant
- graphite-moderated reactor; graphite-moderated pile
- graphited
- graphitization
- graptolite
- grass
- grasshopper
- grassland
- grastro-enteritis
- grates
- gratification
- grating
- grating prism
- gravel
- gravimeter
- gravimetric
- gravimetric analysis
- gravimetry
- gravitation
- gravitational
- gravitational attraction
- gravitational collapse
- gravitational drift
- gravitational energy
- gravitational escape velocity
- gravitational field
- gravitational lense
- gravitational lensing
- gravitational potential
- gravitational stress
- gravitino
- graviton
- gravity
- gravity field
- gravity segregation
- gravity separation
- gravity waves
- gray
- gray iron
- gray matter
- gray whale
- graywacke
- grazing
- grease
- greasing
- great
- great circle
- great depression
- greatest common divisor
- greatest elongation
- green acid
- green function
- green laser
- green manure
- green peace
- green pepper
- greenhouse
- greenhouse effect
- greenware
- gref
- gregarious
- grenz ray (soft)
- grey
- grid
- grid assembly
- grid current
- grid cut-off voltage
- grid spacer
- grille
- grind; to
- grinder
- grinding
- gripper
- grits
- groove
- gross
- gross defect test
- gross heat rate
- gross structural changes
- gross structure
- ground
- ground desposal
- ground glass
- ground potential
- ground state
- ground state disintegration energy
- ground survey
- ground zero
- grounded glass
- grounding
- groundnut
- groundwater
- groundwater age
- groundwater basin
- groundwater equifer
- groundwater table
- group
- group diffusion theory
- grouting;
- growgh time
- grown
- grown junction
- grown junction transistor
- grown-up
- growndwater radon rariations
- growth
- growth curve
- growth inhibition
- growth rate
- growth regulator
- grub hoe
- grubber
- grubbing
- gua
- guanosine
- guanylic acid
- guard
- guard ring
- guard wire
- guava
- guidance
- guidance system
- guide
- guide field
- guidelines
- guiding centre
- gully
- gully erosion
- gum
- gum acacia
- gum arabic
- gummite
- gun
- gun reaction
- guncotton
- gunn effect
- gunpowder
- gut cavity
- gutter
- gymnosperms
- gymnospore
- gypsum
- gypsum plaque
- gyrate
- gyroelectric ratio
- gyrofrequency
- gyromagnetic
- gyromagnetic ratio
- gyroscope
- gyroscopic precession
- gyrotron
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z