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settlement agent perth - Life settlements also known as life insurance settlements, senior settlements, or senior life settlements have quickly become an important tool for insurance agents, financial planners, estate planners, elder law attorneys, as well as other financial related professionals.

An existence settlement is a financial transaction where a senior citizen policy owner of an unneeded, underperforming, or unwanted life insurance coverage sells the policy to a third party, as opposed to surrendering or lapsing it returning to the life insurance company. The senior citizen policy seller receives immediate cash for your policy from the purchaser.

settlements perth - Agents and financial planners are beginning to market life settlements to their current client base also to potential clients. The most current effective types of marketing life settlements are one-on-one presentations, seminars, and client newsletters. We are seeing success with direct mailing either a client base or demographic base fitting the life span settlement parameters.

A life settlement broker can assist life settlement agents with marketing material, educational material, and evaluation material. Getting the correct knowledge about the life span settlement product and material is very important for any financial planner or agent choosing a client or potential client. Each life settlement case is looked over differently, the biggest factors would be the age of the insured, health of insured, policy size, premium amount, and current cash value (if any). Most life settlement brokers can offer simple qualification or evaluation forms that will quickly determine if funds would be available for that specific individual.

settlement agency perth - Life settlements are still a new concept for many agents and financial professionals. Many still don't understand the concept or have the right education about life settlements. It is important for these professionals to accept time to learn about life settlements so that in return they can relay these details to their clients. Many policy owners do not understand that there could be a cash settlement readily available for a life insurance policy that they are going to surrender or lapse. Insurance agents and financial professionals must take the correct marketing and education steps to succeed in those clients in need. A life settlement can cause added financial benefits for both the client and the financial professional.