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قالب:Interwiki class-sisterproject

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Version at a glance for M:TSP [ Template:Interwiki class-sisterproject ]
Version Origin Change Description datestamp and programmer
Ver: E2 Commons
Export to all
(b) Update this table... found '(a)' need when disseminating the new, so now being thourough. (a) Fixed typo in 'ifexists test' for IWTG width template... fixed previously on commons 'D2' local update. (a + b) FrankB 18:38, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

Ver: E/D2 various
all local
(c) Finally found and Fixed typo (badly nested comment) causing double div style inclusion when used on 2 March. Tested on locally, same minor fix applied haphazardly (oops!) some sites locally, others not.
(b) [m]Then remove: div class="noprint
(a)Iterim (debugging): restore '<div class="sister-project">' leading header, Had changed solely to div style= but that is failing... template Commonscat1A and others refusing to terminate, and fouling other page materials.
(c) FrankB various local fix dates on various sisters, dropped ball.

(b) FrankB 20:32, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

(a) FrankB 20:43, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Ver: D Meta Interwiki category linking templates for template tagging templates.
Need a parameter, or figure out some auto sensing scheme.
FrankB 00:05, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
Ver: C Meta (++{{subst:WPTSP version}) FrankB 23:38, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Ver: B Meta (Update from en.wp and fluff (version table in, but not subst'd) FrankB 23:37, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Ver: A Wikipedia Five medium changes:
12:51, 28 February 2007 (mn formatting and comments)
04:56, 12 February 2007 (Export usage to /doc style page Template:IWTG tagging templates usage)
03:39, 6 February 2007 (restore original coloration, update IWTG to new call V=0 form)
05:15, 2 January 2007 (++Category:Wikipedia templates used on category pages and -{ Interwikitmp-grps see also })
00:39, 10 September 2006 (Update for Template:IWTG with variation per Pass-2c plan)
FrankB 12:51, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Ver: _ Wikipedia Origin--(Import from en.wp to Meta) FrankB 17:04, 02 September 2006 (UTC)

قالب:IWTG tagging templates usage

The below individual Sister-project template-tagging-templates may be ported from en.wp or Meta:

  1. قالب:Metatmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  2. قالب:WikiBookstmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  3. قالب:Wikisourcetmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  4. قالب:WikiPtmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  5. قالب:Commonstmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  6. قالب:WikiQuotetmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  7. قالب:Wiktionarytmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  8. قالب:WikiNewstmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  9. قالب:WikiVersitytmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)
  10. قالب:WikiSpeciestmp (تحرير نقاش ارتباطات تاريخ)