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قالب:Development of nervous system

من موسوعة العلوم العربية
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

Note to editors on how to manage collapsibility:

  • Use {{Development of nervous system|state=collapsed}} to show this template in its collapsed (hidden) state.
  • Use {{Development of nervous system|state=expanded}} to show this template in its expanded (fully visible) state.
  • Use {{Development of nervous system|state=autocollapse}} to show this template in its collapsed (hidden) state only if there is another template of the same type on the page. (This is usually the default.)


 خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "Namespace detect".

| type = | image = | imageright = | style = | textstyle = | text = This template is part of the Medical series of navigation boxes. Refer to Template:Medicine and its talk page for suggestions on style and editing. | small = | smallimage = | smallimageright = | smalltext = }}