نتائج البحث

اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
  • * radiation loss * rapid analysis
    29 كيلوبايت (2٬754 كلمة) - 17:43، 12 يوليو 2011
  • ...o a new structure that has the ability to expand. It is used in the weight loss industry as an [[appetite suppressant]]. ...et by immersing the olive in a solution of a [[calcium salt]] which causes rapid gelation by electrostatic cross-linking.{{Citation needed|date=April 2010|r
    16 كيلوبايت (1٬272 كلمة) - 19:19، 9 أغسطس 2013
  • ...ontainer determined by deducting the weight of the contents from the total weight of the full load. * ton A unit of weight equal to 2000 pounds or 907.2 kilograms. Also called “short ton.”
    40 كيلوبايت (4٬963 كلمة) - 10:39، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...e size is equal to the sieve size, in millimeters, which will pass 10%, by weight of the sand. ...n in an evaporator vapor body to thicken the solids slurry to minimize the loss of liquor.
    39 كيلوبايت (4٬803 كلمات) - 10:15، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...mbined processes of glacial melting and evaporation which results in a net loss of ice. * ablation zone The lower part of a glacier where the net loss of ice exceeds the net gain.
    72 كيلوبايت (9٬322 كلمة) - 10:52، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...to calcium carbonate which has a molecular weight of 100 and an equivalent weight of 50; signi.es that the concentration of a dissolved mineral is chemically ...m the collapse of air or vapor bubbles with suf.cient force to cause metal loss or pitting. (2) The action of a pump attempting to discharge more water tha
    74 كيلوبايت (10٬631 كلمة) - 10:11، 22 أكتوبر 2011
  • ...لجسم.<ref>{{cite journal |author=Gray DS, Fujioka K |title=Use of relative weight and Body Mass Index for the determination of adiposity |journal=J Clin Epid ...hildrens_BMI/about_childrens_BMI.htm |title=Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: BMI: About BMI for Children and Teens|publisher=[[Center for disease contr
    180 كيلوبايت (10٬102 كلمة) - 07:31، 13 مارس 2013