
من موسوعة العلوم العربية
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
لم تعد النسخة القابلة للطباعة مدعومة وقد تحتوي على أخطاء في العرض. يرجى تحديث علامات متصفحك المرجعية واستخدام وظيفة الطباعة الافتراضية في متصفحك بدلا منها.

يمكن إنشاء صفحة توثيق الوحدة في وحدة:Citation/CS1/Whitelist/شرح

--[[--------------------------< P A R A M E T E R S   N O T   S U P P O R T E D >------------------------------

This is a list of parameters that once were but now are no longer supported:

	['albumlink'] = nil,			-- unique alias of titlelink used by old cite AV media notes
	['albumtype'] = nil,			-- controled inappropriate functionality in the old cite AV media notes
	['artist'] = nil,				-- unique alias of others used by old cite AV media notes
	['Author'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['authorformat'] = nil,			-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-format'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-name-separator'] = nil,-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['author-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['began'] = nil,				-- module handles date ranges; cite episode and cite series
	['chapterlink'] = nil,			-- if ever necessary to link to a chapter article, |chapter= can be wikilinked 
	['chapter-link'] = nil,			-- 
	['cointerviewers'] = nil,		-- unique alias of others used by old cite interview
	['day'] = nil,					-- deprecated in {{citation/core}} and somehow undeprecated in Module:Citation/CS1 and now finally removed
	['director'] = nil,				-- unique alias of author used by old cite DVD-notes
	['DoiBroken'] = nil,			-- not used, non-standard captialization
	['Editor'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['editorformat'] = nil,			-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['EditorSurname'] = nil,		-- non-standard capitalization
	['editor-format'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['EditorGiven'] = nil,			-- non-standard capitalization
	['editor-name-separator'] = nil,-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['editor-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['Embargo'] = nil,				-- not used, non-standard capitalization
	['ended'] = nil,				-- module handles date ranges; cite episode and cite series
	['month'] = nil,				-- functionality supported by |date=
	['name-separator'] = nil,		-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
	['notestitle'] = nil,			-- unique alias of chapter used by old cite AV media notes
	['PPrefix'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['PPPrefix'] = nil,				-- not used, non-standard capitalization
	['pp-prefix'] = nil,			-- not used, not documented
	['p-prefix'] = nil,				-- not used, not documented
	['publisherid'] = nil,			-- unique alias of id used by old cite AV media notes and old cite DVD-notes
	['Ref'] = nil,					-- non-standard capitalization
	['separator'] = nil,			-- this functionality now provided by |mode=
	['titleyear'] = nil,			-- unique alias of origyear used by old cite DVD-notes

	['Author#'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['authors#'] = nil,				-- no need for multiple lists of author names
	['Editor#'] = nil,				-- non-standard capitalization
	['editors#'] = nil,				-- no need for multiple lists of editor names
	['EditorGiven#'] = nil,			-- non-standard capitalization
	['EditorSurname#'] = nil,		-- non-standard capitalization


--[[--------------------------< S U P P O R T E D   P A R A M E T E R S >--------------------------------------

Because a steady-state signal conveys no useful information, whitelist.basic_arguments[] list items can have three values:
	true - these parameters are valid and supported parameters
	false - these parameters are deprecated but still supported
	nil - these parameters are no longer supported (when setting a parameter to nil, leave a comment stating the reasons for invalidating the parameter)

local whitelist = {}

local basic_arguments = {
	['accessdate'] = true,
	['access-date'] = true,
	['agency'] = true,
	['airdate'] = true,
	['air-date'] = true,
	['archivedate'] = true,
	['archive-date'] = true,
	['archive-format'] = true,
	['archiveurl'] = true,
	['archive-url'] = true,
	['article'] = true,
	['arxiv'] = true,
	['ARXIV'] = false,
	['asin'] = true,
	['ASIN'] = true,
	['asin-tld'] = true,
	['ASIN-TLD'] = true,
	['at'] = true,
	['author'] = true,
	['author-first'] = true,
	['author-last'] = true,
	['authorlink'] = true,
	['author-link'] = true,
	['authormask'] = true,
	['author-mask'] = true,
	['authors'] = true,
	['bibcode'] = true,
	['BIBCODE'] = false,
	['bibcode-access'] = true,
	['biorxiv'] = true,
	['booktitle'] = true,
	['book-title'] = true,
	['callsign'] = false,			-- cite interview
	['call-sign'] = false,			-- cite interview
	['cartography'] = true,
	['chapter'] = true,
	['chapter-format'] = true,
	['chapterurl'] = true,
	['chapter-url'] = true,
	['citeseerx'] = true,
	['city'] = false,				-- cite interview
	['class'] = true,				-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['coauthor'] = false,			-- deprecated
	['coauthors'] = false,			-- deprecated
	['collaboration'] = true,
	['conference'] = true,
	['conference-format'] = true,
	['conferenceurl'] = true,
	['conference-url'] = true,
	['contribution'] = true,
	['contribution-format'] = true,
	['contributionurl'] = true,
	['contribution-url'] = true,
	['contributor'] = true,
	['contributor-first'] = true,
	['contributor-last'] = true,
	['contributor-given'] = true,
	['contributor-surname'] = true,
	['contributor-link'] = true,
	['contributor-mask'] = true,
	['credits'] = true,				-- cite episode, cite serial
	['date'] = true,
	['deadurl'] = true,
	['dead-url'] = true,
	['degree'] = true,
	['department'] = true,
	['df'] = true,
	['dictionary'] = true,
	['displayauthors'] = true,
	['display-authors'] = true,
	['displayeditors'] = true,
	['display-editors'] = true,
	['docket'] = true,
	['doi'] = true,
	['DOI'] = true,
	['doi-access'] = true,
	['doi-broken'] = true,
	['doi_brokendate'] = true,					-- @TODO deprecate underscore version?
	['doi-broken-date'] = true,
	['doi_inactivedate'] = true,				-- @TODO deprecate underscore version?
	['doi-inactive-date'] = true,
	['edition'] = true,
	['editor'] = true,
	['editor-first'] = true,
	['editor-given'] = true,
	['editor-last'] = true,
	['editorlink'] = true,
	['editor-link'] = true,
	['editormask'] = true,
	['editor-mask'] = true,
	['editors'] = true,
	['editor-surname'] = true,
	['eissn'] = true,
	['EISSN'] = true,
	['embargo'] = true,
	['encyclopaedia'] = true,
	['encyclopedia'] = true,
	['entry'] = true,
	['episode'] = true,															-- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
	['episodelink'] = true,														-- cite episode and cite serial
	['episode-link'] = true,													-- cite episode and cite serial
	['eprint'] = true,															-- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
	['event'] = true,
	['event-format'] = true,
	['eventurl'] = true,
	['event-url'] = true,
	['first'] = true,
	['format'] = true,
	['given'] = true,
	['hdl'] = true,
	['HDL'] = true,
	['hdl-access'] = true,
	['host'] = true,
	['id'] = true,
	['ID'] = true,
	['ignoreisbnerror'] = true,
	['ignore-isbn-error'] = true,
	['in'] = true,
	['inset'] = true,
	['institution'] = true,
	['interviewer'] = true,				--cite interview
	['interviewers'] = true,			--cite interview
	['isbn'] = true,
	['ISBN'] = true,
	['isbn13'] = true,
	['ISBN13'] = true,
	['ismn'] = true,
	['ISMN'] = true,
	['issn'] = true,
	['ISSN'] = true,
	['issue'] = true,
	['jfm'] = true,
	['JFM'] = true,
	['journal'] = true,
	['jstor'] = true,
	['JSTOR'] = true,
	['jstor-access'] = true,
	['language'] = true,
	['last'] = true,
	['lastauthoramp'] = true,
	['last-author-amp'] = true,
	['laydate'] = true,
	['lay-date'] = true,
	['laysource'] = true,
	['lay-source'] = true,
	['laysummary'] = true,
	['lay-summary'] = true,
	['lay-format'] = true,
	['layurl'] = true,
	['lay-url'] = true,
	['lccn'] = true,
	['LCCN'] = true,
	['location'] = true,
	['magazine'] = true,
	['mailinglist'] = true,				-- cite mailing list only
	['mailing-list'] = true,			-- cite mailing list only
	['map'] = true,						-- cite map only
	['map-format'] = true,				-- cite map only
	['mapurl'] = true,					-- cite map only
	['map-url'] = true,					-- cite map only
	['medium'] = true,
	['message-id'] = true,			-- cite newsgroup
	['minutes'] = true,
	['mode'] = true,
	['mr'] = true,
	['MR'] = true,
	['name-list-format'] = true,
	['network'] = true,
	['newsgroup'] = true,
	['newspaper'] = true,
	['nocat'] = true,
	['no-cat'] = true,
	['nopp'] = true,
	['no-pp'] = true,
	['notracking'] = true,
	['no-tracking'] = true,
	['number'] = true,
	['oclc'] = true,
	['OCLC'] = true,
	['ol'] = true,
	['OL'] = true,
	['ol-access'] = true,
	['origyear'] = true,
	['orig-year'] = true,
	['osti'] = true,
	['OSTI'] = true,
	['osti-access'] = true,
	['others'] = true,
	['p'] = true,
	['page'] = true,
	['pages'] = true,
	['people'] = true,
	['periodical'] = true,
	['place'] = true,
	['pmc'] = true,
	['PMC'] = true,
	['pmid'] = true,
	['PMID'] = true,
	['postscript'] = true,
	['pp'] = true,
	['program'] = false,				-- cite interview
	['publicationdate'] = true,
	['publication-date'] = true,
	['publicationplace'] = true,
	['publication-place'] = true,
	['publisher'] = true,
	['quotation'] = true,
	['quote'] = true,
	['ref'] = true,
	['registration'] = true,
	['rfc'] = true,
	['RFC'] = true,
	['scale'] = true,
	['script-chapter'] = true,
	['script-title'] = true,
	['season'] = true,
	['section'] = true,
	['section-format'] = true,
	['sections'] = true,					-- cite map only
	['sectionurl'] = true,
	['section-url'] = true,
	['series'] = true,
	['serieslink'] = true,
	['series-link'] = true,
	['seriesno'] = true,
	['series-no'] = true,
	['seriesnumber'] = true,
	['series-number'] = true,
	['series-separator'] = true,
	['sheet'] = true,															-- cite map only
	['sheets'] = true,															-- cite map only
	['ssrn'] = true,
	['SSRN'] = true,
	['station'] = true,
	['subject'] = true,
	['subjectlink'] = true,
	['subject-link'] = true,
	['subscription'] = true,
	['surname'] = true,
	['template doc demo'] = true,
	['template-doc-demo'] = true,
	['time'] = true,
	['timecaption'] = true,
	['time-caption'] = true,
	['title'] = true,
	['titlelink'] = true,
	['title-link'] = true,
	['trans_chapter'] = true,
	['trans-chapter'] = true,
	['trans-map'] = true,
	['transcript'] = true,
	['transcript-format'] = true,
	['transcripturl'] = true,
	['transcript-url'] = true,
	['trans_title'] = true,
	['trans-title'] = true,
	['translator'] = true,
	['translator-first'] = true,
	['translator-last'] = true,
	['translator-given'] = true,
	['translator-surname'] = true,
	['translator-link'] = true,
	['translator-mask'] = true,
	['type'] = true,
	['url'] = true,
	['URL'] = true,
	['url-access'] = true,
	['vauthors'] = true,
	['veditors'] = true,
	['version'] = true,
	['via'] = true,
	['volume'] = true,
	['website'] = true,
	['work'] = true,
	['year'] = true,
	['zbl'] = true,
	['ZBL'] = true,

local numbered_arguments = {
	['author#'] = true,
	['author-first#'] = true,
	['author#-first'] = true,
	['author-last#'] = true,
	['author#-last'] = true,
	['author-link#'] = true,
	['author#link'] = true,
	['author#-link'] = true,
	['authorlink#'] = true,
	['author-mask#'] = true,
	['author#mask'] = true,
	['author#-mask'] = true,
	['authormask#'] = true,
	['contributor#'] = true,
	['contributor-first#'] = true,
	['contributor#-first'] = true,
	['contributor-last#'] = true,
	['contributor#-last'] = true,
	['contributor-given#'] = true,
	['contributor#-given'] = true,
	['contributor-surname#'] = true,
	['contributor#-surname'] = true,
	['contributor-link#'] = true,
	['contributor#-link'] = true,
	['contributor-mask#'] = true,
	['contributor#-mask'] = true,
	['editor#'] = true,
	['editor-first#'] = true,
	['editor#-first'] = true,
	['editor#-given'] = true,
	['editor-given#'] = true,
	['editor-last#'] = true,
	['editor#-last'] = true,
	['editor-link#'] = true,
	['editor#link'] = true,
	['editor#-link'] = true,
	['editorlink#'] = true,
	['editor-mask#'] = true,
	['editor#mask'] = true,
	['editor#-mask'] = true,
	['editormask#'] = true,
	['editor#-surname'] = true,
	['editor-surname#'] = true,
	['first#'] = true,
	['given#'] = true,
	['last#'] = true,
	['subject#'] = true,
	['subject-link#'] = true,
	['subject#link'] = true,
	['subject#-link'] = true,
	['subjectlink#'] = true,
	['surname#'] = true,
	['translator#'] = true,
	['translator-first#'] = true,
	['translator#-first'] = true,
	['translator-last#'] = true,
	['translator#-last'] = true,
	['translator-given#'] = true,
	['translator#-given'] = true,
	['translator-surname#'] = true,
	['translator#-surname'] = true,
	['translator-link#'] = true,
	['translator#-link'] = true,
	['translator-mask#'] = true,
	['translator#-mask'] = true,

return {basic_arguments = basic_arguments, numbered_arguments = numbered_arguments};