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XBox 360 Slim Power Supply - Has your xbox 360 console power supply suddenly gone from your solid green colour with a flashing orange? Obviously you will no doubt want to know just what this means right, well the official line from Microsoft is the xbox 360 is overheating and may even need to be sent to an xbox repair centre. Microsoft denies there are any “systemic issues” with console units.

Power Supply Brick for XBox Slim - Even though the xbox 360 power supply has its own dedicated internal cooling fans it seems this isn’t efficiently attracting enough cool air to do the job it was intended for. When you think about the noise the xbox 360 console power supply generates in the internal fans you would think the chances of it overheating would be quit slim. Don’t Panic should you choose get the flashing orange light though, there are some steps you can take to avoid this from happening in the first place.

Make sure to leave plenty room round the Xbox 360 Power Supply when setting up your system. If the external air vents are not blocked the power supplys two internal fans can attract the maximuim air flow. If you can put the Power Supply in a place away from other sources of heat. Do not be lured to stack other electrical devices on top of the power supply unit, this may defenitly raise the tempiture of the unit. Avoid placing the machine on thick carpet, try keeping it on the solid surface.

Xbox Slim Power brick - Don’t get the Xbox 360 Power Supply problem confusing with another problem related to the Xbox which is called the “red ring of death”. This fault involves the console unit itself and never the power supply unit. The “red ring of death” can be referred to as the ” xbox 360 three red lights” fault and “the red ring of fire”. Should you continue to have problems with your Xbox freezing and crashing after ensuring the PSU is well ventilated, at least you have now ruled out PSU as the cause of your problems.