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I have been told that mainly because that I do not have enough bone I will be therefore not a good candidate for dental implants. Is that true?

24 Hr Dentist in Phoenix - The vast majority of the time this is in fact not the case. Most anyone can be considered a candidate for dental implants. In the event the patient does not have enough bone for an implant directly, more often than not bone grafting can be performed to make it possible. A dentist who has a CT scanner at the office can evaluate simply how much bone is present.

The course notes said I need a bone graft for my dental implant. What exactly is that?

Using a bone graft means placing a synthetic material in to the area that is deficient in bone to market bone growth and stability for my dental implant. There are a number of biologic materials used as bone graft. This could include cadaveric bone, synthetic collagen material, or potentially a mixture of a hydroxyapatite substance included with other materials like for example ceramic.

Will I need general anesthesia for my dental implant procedure?

The answer then is it is not an absolute necessity but a lot of patients appreciate being out for his or her procedure. If there implants are being placed on both sides from the mouth, for instance, sedation or sleep dentistry will allow the dentist to accomplish just that. Otherwise, taking care of both sides of the mouth under local anesthesia can result in a situation where the patient bites his / her tongue. Additionally, a lot of patients, while over 50%, maintain anxiety about having dental procedures performed. Sedation dentistry can therefore help substantially with this.

This how quickly can i be able to go back to work following your procedure?

24 Hr Dentist in Phoenix - Most of the time, patients are able to go back to work the very next day after their dental implant. If you do have IV sedation for that procedure, you may need to rest up following the procedure and in order to keep a clear mind it might be best to go to work the next day and not the same day.

The length of time does it take to place a verbal implant?

Typically an oral implant can be placed within 10 mins. This depends on whether that implant is a temporary one or a final placement. In the most modern dental offices, implants are fabricated immediately within an hour. Regardless of where the implant is fabricated within an off-site laboratory or in-house, after the sedation is in invest the preparation placing the implant itself usually takes less than ten minutes.

Can one resume a normal diet after my procedure?

The reply is that with the more modern implants patients are usually able to resume an ordinary diet within Twenty four hours after the procedure. However, not every dentists use the modern techniques, so please be sure to check with your individual dentist to ensure this is the case.

Should i have a temporary implant or can I have the final implant put into the initial setting?

24 Hr Dentist in Phoenix - Dental implants in many cases can now be made directly in the dentist office. This depends on whether not the dentist maintains the CAD/CAM technology that exists to make these implants. As an example, the CEREC porcelain crown technology allows for porcelain crowns to be manufactured in the dentist office milled, glazed, all-in-one and then implanted procedure. This really is extremely convenient for patients who did not want to miss further days from work.