مسرد T
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- table
- table salt
- table top short pulse laser
- tablet
- tableting
- tabletop laser
- tabling
- tabular
- tabular crystal
- tabular interpolation
- tabulate
- tabulated
- tabulating systems
- tabulation
- tabulator
- tachometer
- tachycardia episode
- tachyon
- tackiness
- tadarida mexicana
- tadpole
- taenia
- taeniodea
- tag
- tagged atom
- tagging
- tail
- tailings
- tailings
- take-off chamber
- tal
- tal-palm
- talc
- tall oil
- tallow
- tallow oil
- tamarind
- tamarisk
- tame
- taming
- taming
- tamper
- tamper material
- tandem
- tandem accelerator
- tandem compressor
- tandem disc harrow
- tandem system
- tangent
- tangent beam hole
- tangential
- tangerine, mandarin
- tangled
- tank
- tank calibration
- tank reactor
- tank-type reactor
- tanker
- tannage
- tannate
- tannery
- tannic acid
- tannin
- tanning
- tannins
- tantalum (ta)
- tantiron
- tap water
- tape recorder
- tape recording
- tape speed
- tapered
- tapering
- tapeworm
- taphonomy
- taphrogeny
- tapping
- tapping-mode afm images
- taproot
- tar
- tar base
- tardive dyskinesia
- tare
- target
- target assembly
- target cell
- target deuteron
- target language
- target nucleus
- target particle
- target signal
- target theory
- targeting
- targeting compound
- targeting of the tumour
- tarnish
- tarragon, estragon
- tarsus
- tartar
- tartar emetic
- tartaric acid
- tartrate
- task
- tassel
- taste
- tasteless
- tattoo
- tautomer
- tautomeric trans-formation
- tautomerie
- tautomerism
- tautomery
- taxonomy
- taylor series
- te mode
- tea
- tea co2 laser (transverse-excited atmospheric)
- teakwood
- tear gas
- teat cups
- technetium (tc)
- technetron
- technical
- technical staff
- technician
- technique (s)
- technologist
- technology
- tectogene
- tectonic activity
- tectonic dewatering
- tectonics
- tee joint
- teething
- teflon
- tegmentum ventral
- tegument
- tele-
- telecast
- teleceptor
- telecommunications
- telegram
- telegraph
- telegraphy
- telepathic
- teleportation
- teleportation
- teleprinter
- telescope
- telescope counter
- teletherapy
- teletherapy shield
- television
- television scanning
- television signal
- television transmitter
- telex
- teliospore
- telloric-telloric method
- telluric
- telluric acid
- telluride
- tellurite
- tellurium (te)
- tellurous
- tellurous acid
- telo-
- teloblast
- telomere
- telophase
- telophase
- tem mode
- temper
- temperament
- temperate
- temperature
- temperature coefficient
- temperature difference
- temperature equilibrium
- temperature gradient
- temperature scanner
- temperature- dependence of reactivity
- tempered
- tempered glass
- tempering
- template
- templated-directed
- temple
- temporal lobe
- temporal-temporally
- temporary
- temporary hardness
- tenacious
- tenacity
- tenant farming
- tendency
- tenderness
- tending
- tendon
- tendron
- tenebrescence
- tenorm (technologically enhanced naturally occuring radioactive materials
- tenorm (technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials)
- tensile elasticity
- tensile strain
- tensile strength
- tensile stress
- tensility
- tensiometer
- tension
- tensor
- tensor field
- tensor force
- tensor interaction
- tenta
- tenth value layer (tvl)
- tephra
- ter-
- tera
- teratogenicity
- teratomic
- terbium (tb)
- terephtalate
- terephthalic acid
- term
- term displacement
- terminal
- terminal buds
- terminal phase
- terminal velocity
- termination
- termination of de-commissioning
- termination of safeguards
- terminology
- termite
- termochemical (ar)
- termolecular
- ternary
- ternary fission
- terpene
- terpenoids
- terpolymer
- terra
- terra rossa
- terrace
- terrace cultivation
- terrain mapping
- terramycin
- terrestrial mammal
- terrestrial nucleus
- terrestrial planet
- terrestrial radiation
- terrigene
- territorial water
- tert
- tertiary
- tervalent
- tesla
- tessellate
- test
- test hole
- test of allelism
- test particle (in ionized gas)
- test reactor
- test- ban treaty
- tester
- testes
- testicle, testis
- testing
- testosterone
- tetanus
- tetany
- tetra-
- tetrabasic
- tetracycline
- tetrad
- tetragonal
- tetrahedral
- tetrahedrane
- tetrahedron
- tetrakis
- tetralin
- tetramer
- tetramerisation
- tetranucleotide
- tetraspore
- tetravalent
- tetrode
- tetrodotoxin
- tetrograde-rotating planet
- tetrose
- tetryl
- tetter
- tevatron
- tevatron
- textile
- textile chemistry
- texture
- tft display
- tft panels: (tft)
- thalamus
- thalassemia
- thallium (tl)
- thallus
- thawing
- the reference dose rate
- the structure of matter
- theca
- thematic mapper
- theobroma
- theobromine
- theorem
- theorem of noether
- theoretical
- theoretical chemistry
- theoretical stage
- theoretical yield
- theory
- theory of mind
- theory of quantum gravity
- theory of surfaces
- theory of valence
- therapeutic radionuclide
- therapy
- therm
- therm-
- thermal
- thermal analysis
- thermal barrier
- thermal black
- thermal bond
- thermal breeder
- thermal breeding
- thermal coefficiency
- thermal collision
- thermal column
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductor
- thermal constriction
- thermal convection
- thermal cracking
- thermal cross section
- thermal cycle
- thermal cycling
- thermal cycling test
- thermal decomposi-tion
- thermal diffusion
- thermal diffusion column
- thermal diffusion plant
- thermal efficiency
- thermal electric nuclear battery
- thermal energy
- thermal energy analyser (tea)
- thermal energy neutron
- thermal energy region
- thermal equilibrium
- thermal excitation
- thermal expansion
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermal fission
- thermal fission cross section
- thermal inertia
- thermal insulation
- thermal leakage
- thermal loss
- thermal motion
- thermal neutron
- thermal neutron chain-reaction
- thermal neutron cross section
- thermal neutron fission
- thermal neutron fission cross section
- thermal neutron flux
- thermal neutron shield
- thermal noise
- thermal oxide reprocessing plant
- thermal pit
- thermal power
- thermal power plant
- thermal radiation
- thermal reactor
- thermal region
- thermal response
- thermal shock
- thermal siphon
- thermal smearing
- thermal spike
- thermal stability
- thermal strain
- thermal stress
- thermal utilization
- thermal utilization factor
- thermal velocity
- thermal-neutron reactor
- thermalization process
- thermalized neutron
- thermally stimulated
- thermion (thermo-electron)
- thermionic amplifier
- thermionic cells
- thermionic conversion
- thermionic converter (tic)
- thermionic current
- thermionic diode
- thermionic emission
- thermionic emitter
- thermionic fuel element(tfe)
- thermionic reactor
- thermionic tube
- thermionics
- thermit
- thermo gravimetric anlysis
- thermo-
- thermo-couples
- thermobalance
- thermochemistry
- thermodynamic
- thermodynamic efficiency
- thermodynamic equilibrium
- thermodynamic yield
- thermoelectric conversion system
- thermoelectric cooler
- thermoelectric effect
- thermoelectric heat pump
- thermoelectric reactor
- thermoelectricity
- thermoelectron
- thermofission
- thermoforming
- thermofusion
- thermogen
- thermography
- thermogravimetry
- thermoionic gauge
- thermolabile
- thermoluminescence
- thermoluminescence effect
- thermomagnetic effect
- thermomagnetism
- thermomechanical treatment
- thermometer
- thermometry
- thermoneutral zone
- thermoneutron
- thermonuclear
- thermonuclear cycle
- thermonuclear fuel
- thermonuclear fusion
- thermonuclear implosion (laser)
- thermonuclear power plant
- thermonuclear reaction
- thermonuclear reactor (fusion reactor)
- thermonuclear temperature
- thermonuclear transformation
- thermophoresis
- thermophotovoltaic conversion
- thermophysical property
- thermoplastic
- thermos
- thermos bottle
- thermosetting
- thermostable
- thermostat
- thermosyphon effect
- thermotropic
- thermotropic gay-bern potential
- thermotropsim
- thernistor
- therophyte
- thesis
- thevenin's theorem
- thick-film circuit
- thickener
- thickening
- thickness
- thickness gauge
- thigh
- thin film
- thin foil
- thin layer
- thin layer chromatography
- thin oil
- thin window counter tube
- thin-film transistor(tft)
- thinner
- thinning
- thio acid
- thio-
- thiocyanate
- thionyl
- thiophen
- thioster
- thiosulphate
- thiosulphuric acid
- thiosulphurous acid
- third harmonic
- third order process
- thisle funnel
- thistle
- thixotropy
- thomas-fermi equation
- thomson effect
- thomson’n apparatus
- thoracic
- thorax
- thoria
- thorianite
- thoride
- thorite
- thorium (th)
- thorium dioxide
- thorium emanation
- thorium fission
- thorium nitrate
- thorium ore
- thorium reactor
- thorn
- thorny
- thorogummite (nicolayite)
- thoron (tn)
- thorotungstite
- thoroughbred
- thrashing
- thread
- thread cutter
- thread gage
- threading machine
- three level laser
- three-address code
- three-body prablem
- three-dimensional gas
- three-phase circuit
- three-phase current
- threo
- threonine
- thresher
- threshold
- threshold amount
- threshold detector
- threshold dose
- threshold energy
- threshold energy of fission
- threshold kinetic energy
- threshold potential
- threshold treatment
- threshold value
- thrips
- throat
- throat-latch
- thrombosis
- throttle pressure
- throttling valve
- throughputs
- throw
- thrush
- thrust
- thrust fault ,thruster
- thrustor
- thucholite
- thulium (tm)
- thyme
- thymidine
- thymol
- thymol blue
- thymus
- thymus gland
- thyratron
- thyristor
- thyrocalcitonine
- thyroid
- thyroid cancer
- thyroid drugs
- thyroid gland
- thyronine
- thyroxine
- thyrus
- tibia patella
- tick
- tick fever
- tidal current
- tidal energy
- tidal interaction
- tidal pool
- tidal power plant
- tidal wave
- tide
- tie
- tight
- tight binding approximation
- tight junctions
- tightening
- tiling
- tillable, arable
- tillage
- tiller
- tillering
- tilling
- tillite
- timber
- timber line
- timber rot
- timbre
- time
- time analyser
- time channel
- time constant
- time derivative
- time dilation
- time distribution
- time domain
- time evolvtion
- time expired reactor
- time integral
- time lag
- time of equipartition
- time of flight method
- time of flight-mass spectrometer
- time of growth
- time of response
- time reflection
- time resolution
- time reversal
- time scale
- time sharing
- time signal
- time varying field
- time-dependence
- time-dependent behaviour
- time-domain reflectometer
- time-of-flight
- time-of-flight photomultiplayer detector
- time-of-flight scintillator detector
- time-period counter
- time-reflection symmetry
- time-resolved
- time-resolved radiographic measurements
- time-reversal invariance
- time-reversed symmetry
- time-reversed world
- timebase
- timely
- timepiece
- timer
- timer clock
- timing (phasing)
- timing pulses
- timing system
- tin (sn); stannum
- tin pest
- tinctorial
- tincture
- tinning
- tint
- tintometer
- tiny
- tip
- tip side
- tissue
- tissue banking
- tissue culture
- tissue dose
- tissue equivalent ionization chamber
- tissue equivalent material
- tissue graft
- tissue weighting factor (wt)
- titanic spasms
- titaniferous
- titanite (=sphene)
- titanium (ti)
- titer (or titre)
- titer test
- titrable
- titrant
- titrate
- titrate; to
- titration
- titration curve
- titrator
- titrimetric analysis
- titrimetry
- tobacco
- tobacco ringspot virus
- tocopherol
- toddite
- tokamak
- tolerance
- tolerance dose
- tolerance standard
- toluene
- toluic acid
- toluidine
- tomato
- tomato bushy stunt virus
- tomograph
- tomography
- tongs
- tool
- top
- top condenser
- top pressure
- top quark
- top quark
- topaz
- topography
- topological
- topology
- topping
- torbernite
- toroidal induced discharge
- toroidal pinch type reactor
- toroidal trap
- torque
- torr
- torsion
- torsional wave
- torus (toroid)
- toruslike
- total
- total absorption of neutrons
- total binding energy
- total charge number
- total cross section
- total degraded electron spectrum
- total dissolved solids
- total energy
- total input
- total internal reflection
- total ionization
- total kinetic energy
- total mass
- total mass number
- total momentum change
- total particle energy
- total reaction power density
- total reaction rate
- total solar irradiance
- total soluble protein
- total white count
- totally ionized gas
- toughness
- tower
- tower focus power plant
- tower scrubber
- townsend discharge
- toxic
- toxicity
- toxicodynamics
- toxicokinetics
- toxicology
- toxin
- trabeculae
- trace
- trace analysis
- trace element
- tracer
- tracer atom
- tracer chemistry
- tracer study
- tracer technique
- trachea
- tracheal
- trachoma
- tracing
- track
- track detector
- tracking
- tract
- traction
- tractor
- trade name
- trademark
- trailer
- trailing
- train
- training
- trajectory
- trampling
- trampoline
- tran seduction
- tranitional period
- tranquilizer
- trans-
- transadmittance
- transamination
- transconductance
- transcription
- transcription factor
- transducer
- transduction
- transect
- transected folds
- transesterification
- transfer
- transfer effect
- transfer function
- transfer matrix
- transfer model
- transfer route
- transfer unit
- transference
- transferrin
- transform fault
- transformation
- transformation constant
- transformation formula
- transformation of coordinates
- transformation property
- transformation temperature
- transformer
- transformer equation
- transformer oil
- transfuse; to
- transfusion
- transgenic
- transgression
- transient
- transient behaviour
- transient effect
- transient electric field
- transient equilibrium
- transient generation (of heat)
- transient ischaemia attacks
- transient load
- transient operation
- transient period
- transient pinch effect
- transient poison effect
- transient process
- transient state
- transistor
- transistor amplifier
- transistor characteristics
- transistor chip
- transistor circuit
- transistor gain
- transit matching
- transit time
- transition
- transition curve
- transition effect
- transition element
- transition matrix
- transition probability
- transition temperature
- transition temperature
- transitory thermo-nuclear reaction
- translation
- translation symmetry
- translational energy
- translational motion
- translational order
- translator
- translocation
- translucent
- transmission
- transmission coefficient
- transmission electron microscope
- transmission electron microscopy (tem)
- transmission electron radiography
- transmission gauge
- transmission line
- transmission speed
- transmission time
- transmissivity
- transmit; to
- transmittance
- transmitted
- transmitter
- transmutation
- transmutation constant
- transmutation of elements
- transmutation of nuclei
- transparency
- transparent
- transparent medium
- transpiration
- transplant
- transplantation
- transponder
- transport
- transport cross section
- transport equation
- transport index
- transport kernel (mathematics)
- transport mean free path
- transport measure-ment
- transport theory
- transport velocity
- transportation
- transporter recruitment
- transposition
- transuranian elements
- transuranic elements
- transuranic nuclides
- transuranium elements
- transversal
- transverse
- transverse drift
- transverse field
- transverse focusing electric field
- transverse oscillation
- transverse phase space
- transverse vibrational wave
- transverse wave
- transverse-excited-atmospheric laser
- trap
- trapezoid
- trapped particle
- trapping
- trapping devices
- trash
- trauma
- traumatic
- travelling wave
- travelling wave linear accelerator
- travers, travis
- travertine
- tray
- treated
- treating
- treatment
- treatment planning systems(tld)
- tree shrew
- trefoil, clover
- trellis
- tremolite
- tremors
- trenbolone acetate
- trenching
- trend curves
- tri-
- triad
- triad rule
- trial
- trial approximation
- trial run
- triangle
- triangulation
- triassic
- triatomic molecule
- triazo
- trichinoisis
- trichroism
- triclinic
- triclinic crystal
- trienes
- trifid
- trifluoro acetic
- trifoliate
- trifoliolate
- trifolium
- trigger (trigger circuit)
- trigger action
- trigger circuit
- trigger item
- trigger level
- trigger mechanism
- trigger tube
- trigger-list
- trigger; to
- triggering
- triglycerid
- trigonal
- trigonometry
- trihedral
- trilling
- trilobita
- trilon
- trim (v)
- trimer
- trimmer capacitance
- trimming
- trimorphous
- triode
- triose
- trioxane
- triozonide
- trip
- trip point
- trip valve
- tripalmitine
- triphosphate
- triple
- triple bond
- triple point
- triple spontaneous fission
- triple-axis crystal spectrometer
- triplet
- triploidy
- tripod
- triptane
- trisomy
- tritium (triterium)
- triton
- triturate
- trituration
- triturator
- trivalent
- trivial name
- trivial solution
- trochoidal mass analyser
- trochotron
- troegerite
- trogonella
- troluoil
- trona
- trophic
- trophic factor
- trophic level
- trophoblast
- tropic
- tropical rain forest
- tropical year
- tropism
- tropopause
- troposphere
- trotyl (=trinitrotoluene)
- troubled
- trough
- true
- true horison
- true north
- true nuclear mass
- trunk
- truss
- trussing
- trypanosome
- trypanosomiasis
- trypsin
- tryptophane
- tse tse fly
- tsunami
- tt bond
- tube
- tube circuit
- tube holder
- tube of flux (flux tube)
- tuber
- tuberculin
- tuberculosis
- tuberous
- tubing
- tubular
- tubule
- tulip
- tumor marker
- tumor marking
- tumor necro
- tumor-rejection
- tumor=tumour
- tumoral marker
- tumorigenic
- tunability
- tunable
- tunable laser
- tundra
- tune
- tune in math & science
- tung oil
- tungsten (w) (=wolfram)
- tuning
- tunnel
- tunnel diode
- tunnel effect ; see: quantum leakage
- tunneling current
- tunneling effect
- turbid
- turbidimeter
- turbidimetry
- turbidity (current)
- turbidity point
- turbine
- turbine generator
- turbine propultion
- turboblower
- turbocharged
- turbofan
- turbogenerator
- turbojet
- turbopump
- turbulence
- turbulent
- turbulent flow
- turbulent mixing chamber
- turbulent plasma oscillation
- turbulent region
- turf
- turfy
- turgid
- turgor
- turkey
- turmeric paper
- turmerol
- turn-off
- turn-off time
- turn-on
- turn-on time
- turn-on voltage
- turnip
- turnout
- turnover
- turpentine
- turquiose (turquiose blue)
- turquoise
- twig
- twilight
- twilight phenomena
- twin
- twin photo units
- twin photons
- twinning
- twist
- twist
- twisted nematic (tn) display
- twisted nematic display(tn display)
- twisting vibration
- twistor theory
- two position action
- two-beam trap
- two-body collision
- two-dimensional gas
- two-dimensional vector
- two-end members
- two-group theory
- two-loops reactor
- two-pass core
- two-phase system
- two-photon absorber
- two-terminal network
- tympanic membrane
- type
- type 1 super-conductors
- typhimurium
- typhoid fever
- typhus fever
- typical
- tyrite
- tyrosine
- tysonite
- tyuyamunite
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z