مسرد F
اذهب إلى التنقل
اذهب إلى البحث
تتمة المصطلحات في مقال المعجم العلمي
A - I |
J - R |
S - Z |
- fabric نسيح. تركيب
- fabricateto يصنع
- fabrication تصنيع
- face وجه
- face cells
خلايا سيماء (ملامح) الوجه
- face centered مركزي الوجوه
- face centered cube
- face-centered cubic lattice
- facet
- facial
- facies
- facilities other than reactors
- facility
- facility attachment
- facility practices
- facsimile (fax)
- factor
- factor analysis
- factor comparison
- factor model
- factor of proportionality
- factor of safety
- factor-label
- factorial
- factoring
- factorization
- factory
- factual information
- facula
- facultative
- facultative parasite
- faculty
- fade;to
- faded colour
- fading
- fadiometer
- faeces: feces
- fahrenheit scale
- fahrenheit temperature
- faience
- fail-safe
- fail-safe design
- failed fuel
- failure of ascertainment
- fainting
- falciform
- falcon
- fall line
- fall of ground
- fall-out
- fallout
- fallout radioactivity
- fallow
- false
- false colour
- familial
- family
- famine
- fan
- fan beam
- fan palm
- fan-in
- fan-out
- fanatic
- far-infrared
- farad
- faraday
- faraday cage
- faraday-maxwell electrodynamics
- farina
- farinaceous
- farm
- farmer
- fasciation
- fascicle
- fascicular cambium
- fasciculus
- fast
- fast breeder reactor (fbr)
- fast chemical reaction
- fast chopper
- fast effect
- fast exponential experiment
- fast filtering
- fast fission effect
- fast fission effect factor
- fast flux test
- fast fragment
- fast ignitor concept (fic)
- fast leakage
- fast multiplication effect
- fast multiplication factor
- fast neutron
- fast neutron breeder reactor
- fast neutron breeding
- fast neutron detector
- fast neutron fission
- fast neutron fission cross section
- fast neutron induced fission chain reaction
- fast neutron reaction
- fast neutron reactor
- fast neutron region
- fast neutron source reactor
- fast power reactor
- fast reaction
- fast reactor
- fast-slow coincedence
- fast-switching shutter
- fastness
- fat
- fat cell
- fat coal
- fat content
- fat hardening
- fat oil
- fat solvent
- fat vegetable
- fatal
- fatigue
- fatigue damage
- fatigue limit
- fattening
- fatty
- fatty acid
- fault
- fault plane
- fault transform
- fault wall
- faultcontrolled drainage
- faulting
- fauna
- feasibility study
- feasibility test
- feather
- feature
- feculent
- fecundity
- feeble
- feed
- feed point
- feed pump
- feed stock
- feed stocks
- feed stream
- feed water
- feedback
- feedback circuit
- feedback loop
- feedback signal
- feeder
- feeding
- feedwater
- fehling test
- fehling’s solution
- feldspar
- fellowships
- felt
- female
- femto
- femtosecond
- femur
- fennel
- fergusonite
- fericulture
- fermat's principle
- ferment; to
- fermentation
- fermentation alcohol
- fermentor
- fermi
- fermi age
- fermi gas model
- fermi level
- fermi plot
- fermi radiation
- fermi surface
- fermi theory of beta decay
- fermi-dirac statistics
- fermion
- fermium fm
- fern
- ferrate
- ferredoxin
- ferreous =ferrous
- ferret
- ferric
- ferric alum
- ferric hydroxide
- ferriferous
- ferrimagnet
- ferrimagnetic resonance
- ferrite
- ferritin
- ferro-
- ferrocene
- ferroelectric
- ferroelectricity
- ferrofluid
- ferromagnetic
- ferromagnetic noise
- ferromagnetic resonance
- ferromagnetics
- ferromagnetism
- ferros slag
- ferrous
- ferruginous
- ferrum
- fertile
- fertile element
- fertility
- fertility rate
- fertilization
- fertilize; to
- fertilizer
- fertilizer efficiency
- fertilizer use efficiency
- feshbach resonance
- fetal
- fetid
- fetus
- fetus: foetus
- fever
- feynman diagram
- fiasco
- fiber
- fiber grease
- fiber optics
- fiber-glass
- fibre=fiber
- fibriform
- fibril
- fibrillation
- fibrin
- fibrinogen
- fibroblast
- fibroin
- fibrosis
- fibrous astrocytes
- fibrous structure
- fiche
- fictitious
- fictive
- ficusing
- fidelity
- field
- field algebra
- field direction
- field emission
- field emmission display
- field gradient
- field line
- field of force
- field of gravitation
- field ogy
- field operator
- field quantum
- field strength
- field theory of nuclear forces
- field-aided emission
- field-effect transistor (fet)
- field-ion microscope (fim)
- field-reversed mirrors
- fig
- figure
- figure of merit
- filament
- filament of cytoplasm
- file
- filings
- fill
- fill factor
- filler
- filling
- filling defect
- film
- film badge
- film coefficient ( of heat transfer)
- film condensation
- film dosimeter
- film dosimetry service
- filter
- filter bed
- filter cake
- filter medium
- filter paper
- filter plant
- filter press
- filter pump
- filtered
- filtering
- filtering flask
- filtering funnel
- filtering system
- filterto
- filtrate
- filtration
- filtration rate
- filtration vacuum
- fin
- final
- final control element
- final product
- fine
- fine (regulating) rod
- fine control rod
- fine metal
- fine powder
- fine structure
- fine structure constant
- fine tuning
- finely ground concentrates
- fineness
- finesse
- finishing
- finishing material
- finite cylindrical reactor
- finite difference approximations
- finite difference formula
- finite difference method
- finite square well
- finite-range interactions
- fire
- fire bomb
- fire damp
- fire extinguisher
- fire foam
- fire point
- fire polishing
- fire proof
- fire resistant
- fire, to
- fire-clay
- fireball
- fireball model
- fireboat
- firebrick
- firing
- firing rate
- first
- first cleavage
- first cycle of extraction
- first order equation
- first order theory
- first overtone
- first overtone
- first-generation
- fish
- fish oil
- fisheries
- fishing
- fissile
- fissile core
- fissile fuel
- fissile material
- fissile materials
- fissiochemistry
- fission
- fission (nuclear)
- fission atomic
- fission barrier
- fission bomb
- fission branching
- fission calorimeter
- fission capture
- fission chain reaction
- fission chamber
- fission channel
- fission counter monitor
- fission cross-section
- fission energy
- fission energy spectrum
- fission fragment
- fission fragment of u-235
- fission fragments
- fission fuel
- fission heat
- fission induced by neutron
- fission mode
- fission neutron
- fission of atomic nucleus
- fission of plutonium
- fission of uranium
- fission poison
- fission power (fission energy)
- fission power reactor
- fission probability
- fission process
- fission producing force; see:disruptive force
- fission product
- fission product disposal
- fission product poisoning
- fission production
- fission pulse counter
- fission rate
- fission reaction
- fission reactor
- fission recoil particle
- fission species
- fission spectrum
- fission threshold
- fission track
- fission track registration
- fission yield
- fission yield curve
- fission-isomeric state
- fission-like reactions
- fissionable
- fissionable atom
- fissionable derivative
- fissionable material
- fissionable materials
- fissionable nucleus
- fissium
- fissure
- fistula
- fit
- fitness
- fitting
- fixation
- fixative
- fixed
- fixed contamination
- fixed memory
- fixing crop
- fixity
- fixto
- fixture
- fizeau fringes
- flake
- flaketo
- flamability
- flamable
- flame
- flame cell
- flame laser
- flame photometer
- flame photometric analysis
- flame photometry
- flame point
- flame spectrophotometry
- flame spectrum
- flame-proof monitor
- flameless
- flammable gase
- flange
- flange joint (flange coupling)
- flap attenuator
- flap gate
- flapper
- flare angle
- flare spot
- flares
- flash
- flash cooling
- flash evaporator
- flash flooding
- flash lamp
- flash memory
- flash point
- flash spectroscopy
- flash spectrum
- flash tubes
- flash welding
- flashback
- flashed heater
- flashing light
- flask
- flask distilling
- flask volumetric
- flat
- flat mirror
- flat plate counter
- flat universe
- flat-pack superconductor
- flat-panel display
- flattening
- flattening of the flux
- flatulence
- flatworm
- flavescence
- flavor
- flavor model
- flavordynamics
- flavour
- flaw detector
- flaws
- flax
- flax seed oil
- flea-beetle
- fleck
- flesh
- flesh-fly
- flexibility
- flexible
- flexible shaft grapple
- flexible shield
- flexion
- flexometer
- flexure
- flicker
- flicker noise
- flicker photometer
- flight
- flight dynamics
- flight path
- flight rules
- flint
- flint glass
- flip coil
- flip-flop circuit (bistable multivibrator)
- float check valve
- float; to
- floating
- floating zone techniques
- flocculant
- flocculating
- flocculation
- flocculent
- flock
- flockpoint
- flood
- flood irrigation
- flood recession
- flooding point
- floppy atoms
- floppy disk
- flora
- floral
- floret
- floriculture
- floridin
- flotation
- flour
- flour beetle
- flourimeter
- flourophotometer
- flow
- flow baffle
- flow chart
- flow cytometry
- flow point
- flow rate
- flow regulator
- flow sheet
- flow-through centrifuge
- flower
- flower of sulphur
- flowering plants
- flowmeter
- fluctuation
- fludrescein
- flue dust
- flue gas
- fluence
- fluence
- fluence-to-kerma factor
- fluid
- fluid borne particle
- fluid catalyst
- fluid dynamics
- fluid flow
- fluid friction
- fluid mechanics
- fluidification
- fluidity
- fluidization
- fluidize, to
- fluidized
- fluidized bed
- fluidized reactor
- fluidized solid fueled reactor
- fluorene
- fluorescein
- fluorescein paper
- fluorescence
- fluorescence analysis
- fluorescence spectroscopy
- fluorescent
- fluorescent material
- fluorescent radiation
- fluorescent screen
- fluoride
- fluorimetric equipment
- fluorimetry
- fluorinate
- fluorinating agent
- fluorination
- fluorine (f)
- fluorite
- fluoro aluminate
- fluoro carbon
- fluoroboric acid
- fluorography
- fluorometer
- fluorometry
- fluoroscope
- fluoroscopic
- fluoroscopy
- flurry
- flushing
- flushing line
- flutherite
- fluvial
- flux
- flux (metallurgy;etc)
- flux converter
- flux creep
- flux density
- flux distribution
- flux gradient
- flux lines
- flux path
- flux pinning
- flux quantization
- flux quantum
- flux tube
- flux-weighted cross section
- fluxed
- fluxing
- fluxmeter
- fluxoid
- fluxon
- fly
- fly ash
- fly-back
- fly-wheel
- fo (freezing point)
- foam
- foam breaker
- foam separation
- foaming
- foamless
- foamy
- foatal calf serum
- focal
- focal spot
- focus
- focused
- focusing
- focusing collimator
- focusing force
- focusing magnet
- focusing tube
- fodder
- foetus
- fog
- foil
- foil counter
- foil detector
- fold
- folding
- folding model
- foliation
- foliole
- follicle
- follicle-stimulating hormone
- food
- food additives
- food and drug administration
- food processing
- food supplement
- foodstuff
- foot
- foot and mouth disease
- foot-rot
- for rese and test reactor (rertr)
- forage, fodder
- foraminifera
- foratom
- forbidden band
- forbidden transition
- force
- force constant
- force-carrying particle
- forced
- forced oscillatory motion
- forceps
- fore
- fore-
- fore-scattering
- forecast, forecasting
- foreland
- forest
- forestry
- forge
- forge welding
- forging
- fork
- form
- form class
- form factor
- form factor
- form order
- formal genetics
- formaldehyde
- formalin
- formalism
- formality
- format
- formate
- formation
- formation heat
- formation of the earth
- formatter
- formatting
- former
- formic acid
- forming
- formol
- formula
- formulation
- formyl
- forspore
- fort
- forth floatation
- fortification
- fortran programming
- forward bias
- forward reaction
- forward scattering
- fossil fuel
- fossile
- fossilization
- foucault current
- foucault pendulum
- foul gas
- fouling
- fouling factor
- foundation
- founding
- foundry furnace
- four wave mixing
- four-dimensional vector
- four-fermion interaction
- four-level laser
- four-pi counter
- four-vector
- fourier transform
- fourier transform spectrometer
- fouriertransforma tions
- fourmarierite
- fovea
- fowl
- fox
- fractal
- fraction
- fraction exchange
- fractional analysis
- fractional change
- fractional charge
- fractional column
- fractional crystalization
- fractional distillation
- fractional ionization (degree of ionization)
- fractional quantum hall effect
- fractional yield
- fractionate; to
- fractionated treatment
- fractionating
- fractionating tower
- fractionation
- fractionation
- fractionation column (or tower)
- fractionator
- fractionator column
- fractography
- fracture; diaelase
- fractures
- fracturing
- fragile
- fragile
- fragility
- fragment
- fragment deformation
- fragment mass asymmetry
- fragmentation
- fragmentation of nucleus
- fragrance
- frame
- frame of reference (reference frame)
- frame trial function
- framework convention
- francium (fr)
- frankia
- frankia strains
- fraternal twins
- fraxinus excesior
- free
- free carriers
- free convection
- free electron
- free electron laser
- free electron photoconductor
- free electron theory
- free energy
- free field
- free molecular diffusion
- free molecule diffusion
- free neutron
- free radical
- free-air dose
- free-air ionization chamber
- freedom
- freeze
- freeze dryer
- freeze drying
- freezer
- freezing
- freezing point
- frenkel defects
- frenkel pair
- freon
- frequency
- frequency band
- frequency bin
- frequency channel
- frequency condition
- frequency dependence
- frequency devider
- frequency domain
- frequency doubler
- frequency gap
- frequency modulation (fm)
- frequency of revolution
- frequency offset
- frequency threshold
- frequency–dispersive properties
- fresh
- fresh mutation
- fresnel
- fresnel coefficient
- fresnel diffraction
- fresnel lens
- fresnel zones
- fretting corrosion
- freyalite
- friability
- friable
- friction
- friction coefficient
- frictional force
- frigorific
- fringe
- frit
- fritt
- fritzscheite
- frog
- frogrye spot
- frond
- frondlet
- front
- front-end
- front-end-device
- front-endof the fue lcycle
- frontal
- frontal wave
- frost
- frosted glass
- frosting
- froth
- frother
- frothing
- frothy
- frozen
- frozen light
- fructification
- fructose
- fruit
- fruit fly
- fruit ripening
- fruit sugar
- fruit-fly
- fruiting body
- frustum of cone
- frutescent
- fuchsine
- fucus
- fuel
- fuel assembly
- fuel breeding cycle
- fuel bundle
- fuel burn-up
- fuel cell
- fuel channel
- fuel charge
- fuel cooling
- fuel costs
- fuel cycle
- fuel depletion
- fuel element
- fuel exchange tube
- fuel fabrication plant
- fuel follower control rod
- fuel injector
- fuel ion (fusion)
- fuel loading test
- fuel management
- fuel nuclei
- fuel performance
- fuel pin
- fuel plasma
- fuel plate warpage
- fuel regeneration
- fuel regeneration factor
- fuel reprocessing
- fuel reprocessing plant
- fuel rod
- fuel slug
- fuel solution
- fuel tape
- fuel unit
- fugacity
- fugitive dye
- fulcrum
- full
- full scale
- full-scale system
- full-scope safeguard agreement
- full-scope simulator
- full-wave rectifier
- fullerene
- fullerene cage
- fullwidth at half maximum (fwhm)
- fully inoized plasma
- fully operational unit
- fume
- fume hood
- fumigants
- fumigation
- fuming acid
- function
- functional
- functional analysis
- functional dependence
- functional group
- fundamental
- fundamental physics
- fundamental frequency
- fundamental harmonic
- fundamental particle (elementary particle)
- fundamental research
- fundamental unit of mass
- fungal
- fungicidal
- fungicide
- fungus
- funnel
- funnel support (holder)
- fur
- furmarole
- furnace
- furnace fluxing
- furred
- furring
- fuse
- fused salt
- fused salt mixture
- fuseto
- fusibility
- fusible
- fusiform
- fusiform gyrus
- fusing
- fusing point
- fusion (melting)
- fusion (nuclear)
- fusion (of light nuclei)
- fusion benchmark measurements
- fusion bomb
- fusion by ionic beam
- fusion by laser
- fusion by striction
- fusion energy
- fusion fuel
- fusion nucleus
- fusion power
- fusion power density
- fusion product
- fusion reaction
- fusion reactor
- fusion temperature
- fusion thesaurus
- fusion vocabulary control project
- fusionable material
- fuzziness
- fuzzy logic
- fwhm (full width at half maximum)
- face centered cube
- face-centered cubic lattice
- facet
- facial
- facies
- facilities other than reactors
- facility
- facility attachment
- facility practices
- facsimile (fax)
- factor
- factor analysis
- factor comparison
- factor model
- factor of proportionality
- factor of safety
- factor-label
- factorial
- factoring
- factorization
- factory
- factual information
- facula
- facultative
- facultative parasite
- faculty
- fade;to
- faded colour
- fading
- fadiometer
- faeces: feces
- fahrenheit scale
- fahrenheit temperature
- faience
- fail-safe
- fail-safe design
- failed fuel
- failure of ascertainment
- fainting
- falciform
- falcon
- fall line
- fall of ground
- fall-out
- fallout
- fallout radioactivity
- fallow
- false
- false colour
- familial
- family
- famine
- fan
- fan beam
- fan palm
- fan-in
- fan-out
- fanatic
- far-infrared
- farad
- faraday
- faraday cage
- faraday-maxwell electrodynamics
- farina
- farinaceous
- farm
- farmer
- fasciation
- fascicle
- fascicular cambium
- fasciculus
- fast
- fast breeder reactor (fbr)
- fast chemical reaction
- fast chopper
- fast effect
- fast exponential experiment
- fast filtering
- fast fission effect
- fast fission effect factor
- fast flux test
- fast fragment
- fast ignitor concept (fic)
- fast leakage
- fast multiplication effect
- fast multiplication factor
- fast neutron
- fast neutron breeder reactor
- fast neutron breeding
- fast neutron detector
- fast neutron fission
- fast neutron fission cross section
- fast neutron induced fission chain reaction
- fast neutron reaction
- fast neutron reactor
- fast neutron region
- fast neutron source reactor
- fast power reactor
- fast reaction
- fast reactor
- fast-slow coincedence
- fast-switching shutter
- fastness
- fat
- fat cell
- fat coal
- fat content
- fat hardening
- fat oil
- fat solvent
- fat vegetable
- fatal
- fatigue
- fatigue damage
- fatigue limit
- fattening
- fatty
- fatty acid
- fault
- fault plane
- fault transform
- fault wall
- faultcontrolled drainage
- faulting
- fauna
- feasibility study
- feasibility test
- feather
- feature
- feculent
- fecundity
- feeble
- feed
- feed point
- feed pump
- feed stock
- feed stocks
- feed stream
- feed water
- feedback
- feedback circuit
- feedback loop
- feedback signal
- feeder
- feeding
- feedwater
- fehling test
- fehling’s solution
- feldspar
- fellowships
- felt
- female
- femto
- femtosecond
- femur
- fennel
- fergusonite
- fericulture
- fermat's principle
- ferment; to
- fermentation
- fermentation alcohol
- fermentor
- fermi
- fermi age
- fermi gas model
- fermi level
- fermi plot
- fermi radiation
- fermi surface
- fermi theory of beta decay
- fermi-dirac statistics
- fermion
- fermium fm
- fern
- ferrate
- ferredoxin
- ferreous =ferrous
- ferret
- ferric
- ferric alum
- ferric hydroxide
- ferriferous
- ferrimagnet
- ferrimagnetic resonance
- ferrite
- ferritin
- ferro-
- ferrocene
- ferroelectric
- ferroelectricity
- ferrofluid
- ferromagnetic
- ferromagnetic noise
- ferromagnetic resonance
- ferromagnetics
- ferromagnetism
- ferros slag
- ferrous
- ferruginous
- ferrum
- fertile
- fertile element
- fertility
- fertility rate
- fertilization
- fertilize; to
- fertilizer
- fertilizer efficiency
- fertilizer use efficiency
- feshbach resonance
- fetal
- fetid
- fetus
- fetus: foetus
- fever
- feynman diagram
- fiasco
- fiber
- fiber grease
- fiber optics
- fiber-glass
- fibre=fiber
- fibriform
- fibril
- fibrillation
- fibrin
- fibrinogen
- fibroblast
- fibroin
- fibrosis
- fibrous astrocytes
- fibrous structure
- fiche
- fictitious
- fictive
- ficusing
- fidelity
- field
- field algebra
- field direction
- field emission
- field emmission display
- field gradient
- field line
- field of force
- field of gravitation
- field ogy
- field operator
- field quantum
- field strength
- field theory of nuclear forces
- field-aided emission
- field-effect transistor (fet)
- field-ion microscope (fim)
- field-reversed mirrors
- fig
- figure
- figure of merit
- filament
- filament of cytoplasm
- file
- filings
- fill
- fill factor
- filler
- filling
- filling defect
- film
- film badge
- film coefficient ( of heat transfer)
- film condensation
- film dosimeter
- film dosimetry service
- filter
- filter bed
- filter cake
- filter medium
- filter paper
- filter plant
- filter press
- filter pump
- filtered
- filtering
- filtering flask
- filtering funnel
- filtering system
- filterto
- filtrate
- filtration
- filtration rate
- filtration vacuum
- fin
- final
- final control element
- final product
- fine
- fine (regulating) rod
- fine control rod
- fine metal
- fine powder
- fine structure
- fine structure constant
- fine tuning
- finely ground concentrates
- fineness
- finesse
- finishing
- finishing material
- finite cylindrical reactor
- finite difference approximations
- finite difference formula
- finite difference method
- finite square well
- finite-range interactions
- fire
- fire bomb
- fire damp
- fire extinguisher
- fire foam
- fire point
- fire polishing
- fire proof
- fire resistant
- fire, to
- fire-clay
- fireball
- fireball model
- fireboat
- firebrick
- firing
- firing rate
- first
- first cleavage
- first cycle of extraction
- first order equation
- first order theory
- first overtone
- first overtone
- first-generation
- fish
- fish oil
- fisheries
- fishing
- fissile
- fissile core
- fissile fuel
- fissile material
- fissile materials
- fissiochemistry
- fission
- fission (nuclear)
- fission atomic
- fission barrier
- fission bomb
- fission branching
- fission calorimeter
- fission capture
- fission chain reaction
- fission chamber
- fission channel
- fission counter monitor
- fission cross-section
- fission energy
- fission energy spectrum
- fission fragment
- fission fragment of u-235
- fission fragments
- fission fuel
- fission heat
- fission induced by neutron
- fission mode
- fission neutron
- fission of atomic nucleus
- fission of plutonium
- fission of uranium
- fission poison
- fission power (fission energy)
- fission power reactor
- fission probability
- fission process
- fission producing force; see:disruptive force
- fission product
- fission product disposal
- fission product poisoning
- fission production
- fission pulse counter
- fission rate
- fission reaction
- fission reactor
- fission recoil particle
- fission species
- fission spectrum
- fission threshold
- fission track
- fission track registration
- fission yield
- fission yield curve
- fission-isomeric state
- fission-like reactions
- fissionable
- fissionable atom
- fissionable derivative
- fissionable material
- fissionable materials
- fissionable nucleus
- fissium
- fissure
- fistula
- fit
- fitness
- fitting
- fixation
- fixative
- fixed
- fixed contamination
- fixed memory
- fixing crop
- fixity
- fixto
- fixture
- fizeau fringes
- flake
- flaketo
- flamability
- flamable
- flame
- flame cell
- flame laser
- flame photometer
- flame photometric analysis
- flame photometry
- flame point
- flame spectrophotometry
- flame spectrum
- flame-proof monitor
- flameless
- flammable gase
- flange
- flange joint (flange coupling)
- flap attenuator
- flap gate
- flapper
- flare angle
- flare spot
- flares
- flash
- flash cooling
- flash evaporator
- flash flooding
- flash lamp
- flash memory
- flash point
- flash spectroscopy
- flash spectrum
- flash tubes
- flash welding
- flashback
- flashed heater
- flashing light
- flask
- flask distilling
- flask volumetric
- flat
- flat mirror
- flat plate counter
- flat universe
- flat-pack superconductor
- flat-panel display
- flattening
- flattening of the flux
- flatulence
- flatworm
- flavescence
- flavor
- flavor model
- flavordynamics
- flavour
- flaw detector
- flaws
- flax
- flax seed oil
- flea-beetle
- fleck
- flesh
- flesh-fly
- flexibility
- flexible
- flexible shaft grapple
- flexible shield
- flexion
- flexometer
- flexure
- flicker
- flicker noise
- flicker photometer
- flight
- flight dynamics
- flight path
- flight rules
- flint
- flint glass
- flip coil
- flip-flop circuit (bistable multivibrator)
- float check valve
- float; to
- floating
- floating zone techniques
- flocculant
- flocculating
- flocculation
- flocculent
- flock
- flockpoint
- flood
- flood irrigation
- flood recession
- flooding point
- floppy atoms
- floppy disk
- flora
- floral
- floret
- floriculture
- floridin
- flotation
- flour
- flour beetle
- flourimeter
- flourophotometer
- flow
- flow baffle
- flow chart
- flow cytometry
- flow point
- flow rate
- flow regulator
- flow sheet
- flow-through centrifuge
- flower
- flower of sulphur
- flowering plants
- flowmeter
- fluctuation
- fludrescein
- flue dust
- flue gas
- fluence
- fluence
- fluence-to-kerma factor
- fluid
- fluid borne particle
- fluid catalyst
- fluid dynamics
- fluid flow
- fluid friction
- fluid mechanics
- fluidification
- fluidity
- fluidization
- fluidize, to
- fluidized
- fluidized bed
- fluidized reactor
- fluidized solid fueled reactor
- fluorene
- fluorescein
- fluorescein paper
- fluorescence
- fluorescence analysis
- fluorescence spectroscopy
- fluorescent
- fluorescent material
- fluorescent radiation
- fluorescent screen
- fluoride
- fluorimetric equipment
- fluorimetry
- fluorinate
- fluorinating agent
- fluorination
- fluorine (f)
- fluorite
- fluoro aluminate
- fluoro carbon
- fluoroboric acid
- fluorography
- fluorometer
- fluorometry
- fluoroscope
- fluoroscopic
- fluoroscopy
- flurry
- flushing
- flushing line
- flutherite
- fluvial
- flux
- flux (metallurgy;etc)
- flux converter
- flux creep
- flux density
- flux distribution
- flux gradient
- flux lines
- flux path
- flux pinning
- flux quantization
- flux quantum
- flux tube
- flux-weighted cross section
- fluxed
- fluxing
- fluxmeter
- fluxoid
- fluxon
- fly
- fly ash
- fly-back
- fly-wheel
- fo (freezing point)
- foam
- foam breaker
- foam separation
- foaming
- foamless
- foamy
- foatal calf serum
- focal
- focal spot
- focus
- focused
- focusing
- focusing collimator
- focusing force
- focusing magnet
- focusing tube
- fodder
- foetus
- fog
- foil
- foil counter
- foil detector
- fold
- folding
- folding model
- foliation
- foliole
- follicle
- follicle-stimulating hormone
- food
- food additives
- food and drug administration
- food processing
- food supplement
- foodstuff
- foot
- foot and mouth disease
- foot-rot
- for rese and test reactor (rertr)
- forage, fodder
- foraminifera
- foratom
- forbidden band
- forbidden transition
- force
- force constant
- force-carrying particle
- forced
- forced oscillatory motion
- forceps
- fore
- fore-
- fore-scattering
- forecast, forecasting
- foreland
- forest
- forestry
- forge
- forge welding
- forging
- fork
- form
- form class
- form factor
- form factor
- form order
- formal genetics
- formaldehyde
- formalin
- formalism
- formality
- format
- formate
- formation
- formation heat
- formation of the earth
- formatter
- formatting
- former
- formic acid
- forming
- formol
- formula
- formulation
- formyl
- forspore
- fort
- forth floatation
- fortification
- fortran programming
- forward bias
- forward reaction
- forward scattering
- fossil fuel
- fossile
- fossilization
- foucault current
- foucault pendulum
- foul gas
- fouling
- fouling factor
- foundation
- founding
- foundry furnace
- four wave mixing
- four-dimensional vector
- four-fermion interaction
- four-level laser
- four-pi counter
- four-vector
- fourier transform
- fourier transform spectrometer
- fouriertransforma tions
- fourmarierite
- fovea
- fowl
- fox
- fractal
- fraction
- fraction exchange
- fractional analysis
- fractional change
- fractional charge
- fractional column
- fractional crystalization
- fractional distillation
- fractional ionization (degree of ionization)
- fractional quantum hall effect
- fractional yield
- fractionate; to
- fractionated treatment
- fractionating
- fractionating tower
- fractionation
- fractionation
- fractionation column (or tower)
- fractionator
- fractionator column
- fractography
- fracture; diaelase
- fractures
- fracturing
- fragile
- fragile
- fragility
- fragment
- fragment deformation
- fragment mass asymmetry
- fragmentation
- fragmentation of nucleus
- fragrance
- frame
- frame of reference (reference frame)
- frame trial function
- framework convention
- francium (fr)
- frankia
- frankia strains
- fraternal twins
- fraxinus excesior
- free
- free carriers
- free convection
- free electron
- free electron laser
- free electron photoconductor
- free electron theory
- free energy
- free field
- free molecular diffusion
- free molecule diffusion
- free neutron
- free radical
- free-air dose
- free-air ionization chamber
- freedom
- freeze
- freeze dryer
- freeze drying
- freezer
- freezing
- freezing point
- frenkel defects
- frenkel pair
- freon
- frequency
- frequency band
- frequency bin
- frequency channel
- frequency condition
- frequency dependence
- frequency devider
- frequency domain
- frequency doubler
- frequency gap
- frequency modulation (fm)
- frequency of revolution
- frequency offset
- frequency threshold
- frequency–dispersive properties
- fresh
- fresh mutation
- fresnel
- fresnel coefficient
- fresnel diffraction
- fresnel lens
- fresnel zones
- fretting corrosion
- freyalite
- friability
- friable
- friction
- friction coefficient
- frictional force
- frigorific
- fringe
- frit
- fritt
- fritzscheite
- frog
- frogrye spot
- frond
- frondlet
- front
- front-end
- front-end-device
- front-endof the fue lcycle
- frontal
- frontal wave
- frost
- frosted glass
- frosting
- froth
- frother
- frothing
- frothy
- frozen
- frozen light
- fructification
- fructose
- fruit
- fruit fly
- fruit ripening
- fruit sugar
- fruit-fly
- fruiting body
- frustum of cone
- frutescent
- fuchsine
- fucus
- fuel
- fuel assembly
- fuel breeding cycle
- fuel bundle
- fuel burn-up
- fuel cell
- fuel channel
- fuel charge
- fuel cooling
- fuel costs
- fuel cycle
- fuel depletion
- fuel element
- fuel exchange tube
- fuel fabrication plant
- fuel follower control rod
- fuel injector
- fuel ion (fusion)
- fuel loading test
- fuel management
- fuel nuclei
- fuel performance
- fuel pin
- fuel plasma
- fuel plate warpage
- fuel regeneration
- fuel regeneration factor
- fuel reprocessing
- fuel reprocessing plant
- fuel rod
- fuel slug
- fuel solution
- fuel tape
- fuel unit
- fugacity
- fugitive dye
- fulcrum
- full
- full scale
- full-scale system
- full-scope safeguard agreement
- full-scope simulator
- full-wave rectifier
- fullerene
- fullerene cage
- fullwidth at half maximum (fwhm)
- fully inoized plasma
- fully operational unit
- fume
- fume hood
- fumigants
- fumigation
- fuming acid
- function
- functional
- functional analysis
- functional dependence
- functional group
- fundamental
- fundamental physics
- fundamental frequency
- fundamental harmonic
- fundamental particle (elementary particle)
- fundamental research
- fundamental unit of mass
- fungal
- fungicidal
- fungicide
- fungus
- funnel
- funnel support (holder)
- fur
- furmarole
- furnace
- furnace fluxing
- furred
- furring
- fuse
- fused salt
- fused salt mixture
- fuseto
- fusibility
- fusible
- fusiform
- fusiform gyrus
- fusing
- fusing point
- fusion (melting)
- fusion (nuclear)
- fusion (of light nuclei)
- fusion benchmark measurements
- fusion bomb
- fusion by ionic beam
- fusion by laser
- fusion by striction
- fusion energy
- fusion fuel
- fusion nucleus
- fusion power
- fusion power density
- fusion product
- fusion reaction
- fusion reactor
- fusion temperature
- fusion thesaurus
- fusion vocabulary control project
- fusionable material
- fuzziness
- fuzzy logic
- fwhm (full width at half maximum)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z